mugsandpugs: roguewarboy: mugsandpugs: roguewarboy: a-study…

Friday, April 27th, 2018







Love how these repair boys in the background all have this ’????’ look

Did that one war boy use that flip so he could safely land right side up or to look cool? He’s now my favourite. 

OMG I AM SO GLAD THIS IS GIFFED. i just watched this again, and noticed the same damned thing tonight. 
also the Boy doing the somersault over the car. *swooooooon*

Specifically to look cool.

….i can’t stop watching this. 


GUYS I think we found Death Death

It has come to my attention that I haven’t posted Fury Road content in forever. Reblogging myself because someone liked this and reminded me that it existed.

Please note that in this clip all of the following happens:

  • Max vaults over the car and barely escapes being caught by War Boy #1 (Death Death).
  • Death Death reaches for Max, misses, and falls as a result. He does not get up. Presumably he gets trampled by all subsequent warboys. Small piece of throwaway visual storytelling as to the “live fast/die young/anything for the glory of the Immortan” war boy culture.
  • War Boy #2 appears to reach for Death Death but ends up slapping the roof of the car instead, maintaining his balance and propelling him forward.
  • War Boy #3 does an artful somersault over the car.
  • War Boy #4 does an artful slide across the car.
  • War Boy #5 does a clever vault with his legs going over the hood, saving time and energy.
  • War Boy #6 is just coming into view; we’ll never know what he did but I bet it was cool.
  • War Boy #7 watches from the left.
  • War Boy #8 watches from the right, and looks at War Boy #7: “Should we do something?” He appears to be installing a new engine in…
  • …the Interceptor, Max’s car, showing how nothing goes to waste in the Wasteland.

Note also how the sense of frenetic energy is enhanced by the camera pushing in and out. All this in a three-second shot. And it’s crystal clear what’s happening thanks to George Miller’s and John Seale’s center-target framing and Margret Sixel’s editing.

Fury Road was nominated for ten Oscars. It won six. It should have won the other four.


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quinacridonecrow: lies: quinacridonecrow: flamethrowing-hurdy-…

Friday, September 11th, 2015






m o r s o v + e l v i s

Yah! :D

love that car.  did elvis survive that btw?

Informed fan speculation is that yeah, he totally survived it. Because Elvis is actually Morsov. He:

  • starts the run as the Elvis car’s lancer,
  • flips off as seen here,
  • is picked up (off-camera) by that warboy on the motorcycle,
  • lances the Buzzard vehicle,
  • is plucked off and saved by the warboy swinging on the crane thingy,
  • takes over the fuel pod turret,
  • harpoons the pursuing Buzzard vehicle,
  • gets crossbowed in the face and torso, 
  • chromes himself, and
  • dies in a blaze of witnessed glory by leaping onto the buzzard vehicle with a thunderstick in each hand.

So, on balance, a fairly eventful day.

ETA: Oh, but if you meant, did the car survive, not sure. Someone could check to see if it’s on the car carrier in later scenes. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is, though I guess it’s also possible that the Citadel war party didn’t pass that point, having instead cut off the war rig by coming in from the side, as you see in the aerial shots when they’re closing in. But someone someone surely picked it up eventually. You’re not going to leave a sweet vehicle like that just lying around the Wasteland.

no i meant, isn’t Elvis the driver of the car?  i think i missed something along the way.

Oh, sorry. I’d seen some people refer to the lancer as Elvis in the past, so I assumed that’s who you meant. But yeah, it makes sense that “Elvis” would more properly speaking be the driver.

The clearest shot of him, I think, is when Furiosa walks past just after the title screen. Here’s that shot, cropped and over-exposed to try to get a better look at him:

It would be interesting to go carefully through the later scenes to see if anyone who looks like him is present.

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quinacridonecrow: flamethrowing-hurdy-gurdy: lies: m o r s o…

Friday, September 11th, 2015




m o r s o v + e l v i s

Yah! :D

love that car.  did elvis survive that btw?

Informed fan speculation is that yeah, he totally survived it. Because Elvis is actually Morsov. He:

  • starts the run as the Elvis car’s lancer,
  • flips off as seen here,
  • is picked up (off-camera) by that warboy on the motorcycle,
  • lances the Buzzard vehicle,
  • is plucked off and saved by the warboy swinging on the crane thingy,
  • takes over the fuel pod turret,
  • harpoons the pursuing Buzzard vehicle,
  • gets crossbowed in the face and torso, 
  • chromes himself, and
  • dies in a blaze of witnessed glory by leaping onto the buzzard vehicle with a thunderstick in each hand.

So, on balance, a fairly eventful day.

ETA: Oh, but if you meant, did the car survive, not sure. Someone could check to see if it’s on the car carrier in later scenes. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is, though I guess it’s also possible that the Citadel war party didn’t pass that point, having instead cut off the war rig by coming in from the side, as you see in the aerial shots when they’re closing in. But someone surely picked it up eventually. You don’t leave a sweet vehicle like that just lying around the Wasteland.

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bonehandledknife: headcanon for what all war boys think…

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015


headcanon for what all war boys think valhalla is like

(especially, secretly, the last one)

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askslit: asknux: askimperatorfuriosa: askslit: I’ve never…

Monday, August 17th, 2015





I’ve never seen a horse, dead or alive, but if I saw one I’d kick it’s ass.

Dag, get off my Instagram.

Though this is pretty funny, heh.

And I think the Dag found your drawing, askslit



Lesson learned.

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redshoesnblueskies: primarybufferpanel: sickmonkeyiswarboytrash…

Friday, August 7th, 2015






Welp, recent evidence says Morsov is Elvis Car Lancer/Gunner

Morsov is Bogan War Boy.

Not so Mediocre

(Possibly a Buzzard child…)

oh my god, I never realised it’s him (he looks so different when he’s not yelling???), but now it all makes sense, because at first the biker on the right rides alone

but after the Elvis Car crashes, the biker has Morsov on the bike

so he stopped and picked Morsov up real quick after the crash, how have I never noticed this before, I feel so ashamed

Because this movie zips everything across your vision lickity split, telling little hidden stories here and there but constantly keeping your focus on the main plot.

So much genius this movie is :3

So wait, once he’s on the rig he replaces the guy who is manning the gun on the fuel pod?


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icarus-suraki: flamethrowing-hurdy-gurdy: prettiestcaptain: be…

Sunday, August 2nd, 2015




best way to watch Fury Road is to focus on the individual background War Boys

The one rocking out on the Doof Wagon is my favourite :D

I still like the guy lying on the tire like “This is fine.”

But, on another note: look at all the pups helping in that second right gif. I always get distracted by the one getting picked up and moved, sure, but there are others back there carrying stuff to the cars. Some look sort of middling-grown, but there’s a teeny tiny one with an armful of something walking in too. Warpups! Tiny warpups!

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The war boys discovering that Ukrainian Eurovision song entry you know the one

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

















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immortanjoan: warboyheadcanons: xenowhore: kotteri000: One…

Tuesday, July 21st, 2015





One War Boy

Oh my god whaT THE FUCK ;__: 


This kills the Joan ;n;

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flamethrowing-hurdy-gurdy: flamethrowing-hurdy-gurdy: OKAY NO I literally got out of bed and…

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015



OKAY NO I literally got out of bed and stopped falling asleep to ask you guys why are we not talking about this here proof of War Boy literacy?


Or is this merely proof of War Boys learning how to code their (relatively short) names in letters-as-symbols but remaining otherwise illiterate?

Reblog a reblog because damnit, this kept me from sleeping and no one has any comments? You guys choose to fail me now??

The Organic Mechanic tattoos English onto Max (and presumably other blood bags). Is that only for his (the OM’s) benefit? I think it’s likely that others are able to read that.

The Dome has piles of books (swamps of books). Miss Giddy has tattooed hundreds (thousands?) of words onto her body. The wives/sisters doubtless spent a lot of time sealed away in there. I bet that got pretty boring. They, at least, knew how to read (and write, as the parting graffiti shows).

I think some high-ranking imperators can probably read. Warlords are literate; the People Eater keeps track of expenditures and reads them off a ledger.

War Boys fetishize aesthetically pleasing remnants of pre-collapse civilization. (I know there’s that stuff in the prequel comics about burning all the books and “wordburgers”, but I’m treating all that as suspect and only provisionally canon, subject to agreement with the more fully imagined world of the film.) So I know they would have appreciated things like typographically stylized vehicle logos and brandnames. I’m not sure that they’d have had much access to things to read beyond that, though.

That leaves me thinking your second supposition is probably close to the mark: War Boys know how to code their (relatively short) names, but are unlikely to be very literate beyond that.

On the side topic of short War Boy names, only four of them are explicitly named in the film, right?

  • Nux
  • Slit
  • [The] Ace
  • Morsov

That Morsov, breaking the curve with his two-syllable, six-letter name. What a show off.

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yukipri: Battle fodder!  You’re an old man’s battle fodder!

Saturday, July 11th, 2015


Battle fodder!  You’re an old man’s battle fodder!

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kotteri000: doodle

Saturday, July 11th, 2015



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Could you settle an unresolved query; Is Nux’s face the consequence of deliberate scarification to resemble a skull? or is it just a result of him wearing his ill-fitting, salvaged motorcycle goggles too tight & too frequently thus cutting into the flesh around his nose, cheekbones and temples, In addition to his lips getting severely lacerated by the desert air & wound healing complications? Or a li’l bit of both? …*Discuss*

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

I believe in the goggles headcanon 100% tbh! I like the idea of Nux and Slit getting their respective injuries at the same time, in the same accident, like Nux crashing the car and having to deal with a passed out Slit and Slit’s injuries being way worse as well.

Anyway, the scars on Nux’s lips tho, I def think that was done to resemble a skull, I see a lot of war boys paint their lips like that with black lines. And we already know from Nux’s scarification that the boy has a very high threshold for pain, like DUDE isn’t that thing intricate AF? And I think he takes a lot of pride in being able to slit his lips (one of the body’s most sensitive organs) to get that look. Like maybe he sometimes feels like war paint isn’t enough and he wants the marks he identifies with to be literally in his skin forever.

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Could you settle an unresolved query; Is Nux’s face the consequence of deliberate scarification to resemble a skull? or is it just a result of him wearing his ill-fitting, salvaged motorcycle goggles too tight & too frequently thus cutting into the flesh around his nose, cheekbones and temples, In addition to his lips getting severely lacerated by the desert air & wound healing complications? Or a li’l bit of both? …*Discuss*

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

I believe in the goggles headcanon 100% tbh! I like the idea of Nux and Slit getting their respective injuries at the same time, in the same accident, like Nux crashing the car and having to deal with a passed out Slit and Slit’s injuries being way worse as well.

Anyway, the scars on Nux’s lips tho, I def think that was done to resemble a skull, I see a lot of war boys paint their lips like that with black lines. And we already know from Nux’s scarification that the boy has a very high threshold for pain, like DUDE isn’t that thing intricate AF? And I think he takes a lot of pride in being able to slit his lips (one of the body’s most sensitive organs) to get that look. Like maybe he sometimes feels like war paint isn’t enough and he wants the marks he identifies with to be literally in his skin forever.

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icarus-suraki: sickmonkeyiswarboytrash: (Some good and not so…

Monday, July 6th, 2015



(Some good and not so good shots of random War Boys)

Overall wearing War Boy I deemed a female named Dodger with Pepper in the gas mask, and Crazy Dude with his hand in the air I named Steeltoe.  No names for the rest…

Have I mentioned my undying love for sickmonkeyiswarboytrash‘s background warboy naming posts? Because it is undying. It is eternal, shiny, and chrome. As are these posts.

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sickmonkeyiswarboytrash: (Some screenshots of Furiosa’s Crew,…

Sunday, July 5th, 2015


(Some screenshots of Furiosa’s Crew, may they ride eternal, shiny and chrome)

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my-hearts-require-tea: lies: sickmonkey1027: Shout out to the…

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015




Shout out to the War Boy in skinny pants who saved Morsov.

So, I interpreted this as Morsov saving the lancer on the bike. That is, that Morsov is the one swinging out on the swing-y thing to pluck that guy up just before the Buzzard vehicle plows through them.

I’ve been assuming that Morsov’s post is the turret atop the fuel pod, such that every time the person in that position does something it’s Morsov. So for example, it was Morsov who was the first to notice and call the crew’s attention to the flares being fired from the war party leaving the Citadel.

But maybe I’ve been wrong all this time, and Morsov actually was on the back of the motorcycle until this other guy swung out and rescued him.

Clearly an excuse for another re-watch. :-)

I can’t say as to which is whom, but you can hear someone calling “Morsov!!” as the swinging is occurring. It would make sense that skinny-pants is calling to him to get his attention for the lift? But also skinny-pants /could/ be the one calling out for help(do war boys call for help tho? I don’t know >.<).

Another possibility is that it’s a witnessing going on. That is, someone on the rig is seeing him swinging out and is calling his name to call attention to his act of awesomeness.

In a story sense, that could be intended to help set up the audience for the upcoming sequence when Morsov dives onto the Buzzard vehicle. That is, helping us understand that the war boys interact like that so we’ll recognize it more clearly when it happens again.

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Thursday, June 25th, 2015

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flamethrowing-hurdy-gurdy: Yo fandom, talk to me about Slit and Nux now. Not Sux, I mean, just…

Thursday, June 25th, 2015


Yo fandom, talk to me about Slit and Nux now. Not Sux, I mean, just what’s going on in the film. Because I can’t figure Slit out.

What are Slit’s priorities? What does he even care about?

-he takes Nux’s wheel. Dick move?

-did you even see the look on his face? He’s determined. He walks past Nux twice. DICK MOVE but perhaps also something more.

-ah, but I guess he thinks Nux is dead meat. Like he could sit there and pretend like he can do something but what’s the point? No feels among warboys.

-he looks pretty happy that Nux turns out to have fight left. He had to be convinced, but he gives up the wheel and now he’s pumped that they’re going together.

-Ergo, he cares more about his driver than about his ride.

Or maybe he would have preferred that all along because it works better that way. Is it that if the car hadn’t gone, Slit wouldn’t have had a vehicle to ride to battle at all? Probably not true since he was on the Interceptor soon after. But maybe that car’s lancer got killed so stroke of luck for Slit.

Who would have taken Nux’s car if neither Slit nor Nux had grabbed the wheel?


– “Mediocre, Morsov!” Can you be more of an asshole, Slit? Do you even believe in this cult or are you just out there to have fun? You did a pretty respectful V8 at the altar and at Joe just then, so maybe you’re just a dick to your fellow warboys because you need to feel superior. Like that’s your idea of a ‘joke’, maybe? Disrespecting a witnessing?

-Also what exactly is the idea with ‘Decapito’? What’s the point here, Slit? Destroying a perfectly good bloodbag?

Moving on:

-Slit is still alive after the storm, but Nux doesn’t even stop to say hi. Dick move?

– “I got his boot, take me!” No wonder he’s jealous now. But he sounds so pathetic. By now the film consistently tells us ‘dislike this guy, he is rude and annoying’.


-Slit on the Interceptor. “You filth, you traitored him”. Seems emotional enough for when you’ve just seen your war buddy defect.

-Except he doesn’t seem to be particularly hurt? This is not personal at all for Slit?


-He’s just trying to show off like some creep and he’s very happy to see Nux fail. 

-He is HAVING FUN. I know that’s the warboy style but we’ve been set up to see warboys as people and to notice a tight partnership between Slit and Nux, so where’s the resolution?

-So…religious fanaticism (traitors don’t deserve a second’s thought), drugs, or Slit u asshole?

-Someone pointed out that he doesn’t ask for a witness, doesn’t spray chrome, he just gets in between the two trucks. He tries to take out Max like THAT is personal. Coincidence? Misreading of Slit’s facial expression? Which is really not at all like what Morsov or Nux looked like when they were getting ready to die?

-Was that necessary, really? Was that a proper kamicrazy death or was that a waste of resources?

-Or a miscalculation?

-Slit u asshole? 

-Slit is this your way of being pissed off at Nux?

-Slit are you putting extra crazy in the kamicrazy?

-Actually I am starting to get huffy about this bit because it would have been much prettier for an arc if Nux had been climbing out of the engine just then. He emerges seconds later to give Max a boost.

(or possibly all of these are just editing choices that served the main storyline better but create unfortunate assumptions about how the boys behaved. For those inclined to give a damn. Ahem.)

Obligatory gif:


It boggles my mind that there is SO MUCH MOVIE that Slit (Slit!) has room to be this complex and interesting.

Please tell me what you think about the moment in the gif above.

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At zoo. Meerkats have black eyes and look like war boys.

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Haha. Awesome! Mad Max: Furry Road indeed. :-)

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