my-hearts-require-tea: lies: sickmonkey1027: Shout out to the…




Shout out to the War Boy in skinny pants who saved Morsov.

So, I interpreted this as Morsov saving the lancer on the bike. That is, that Morsov is the one swinging out on the swing-y thing to pluck that guy up just before the Buzzard vehicle plows through them.

I’ve been assuming that Morsov’s post is the turret atop the fuel pod, such that every time the person in that position does something it’s Morsov. So for example, it was Morsov who was the first to notice and call the crew’s attention to the flares being fired from the war party leaving the Citadel.

But maybe I’ve been wrong all this time, and Morsov actually was on the back of the motorcycle until this other guy swung out and rescued him.

Clearly an excuse for another re-watch. :-)

I can’t say as to which is whom, but you can hear someone calling “Morsov!!” as the swinging is occurring. It would make sense that skinny-pants is calling to him to get his attention for the lift? But also skinny-pants /could/ be the one calling out for help(do war boys call for help tho? I don’t know >.<).

Another possibility is that it’s a witnessing going on. That is, someone on the rig is seeing him swinging out and is calling his name to call attention to his act of awesomeness.

In a story sense, that could be intended to help set up the audience for the upcoming sequence when Morsov dives onto the Buzzard vehicle. That is, helping us understand that the war boys interact like that so we’ll recognize it more clearly when it happens again.

Reposted from

Tags: fury road, war boys, morsov.

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