Archive for December, 2014

Tuberose, gladiolus, roses, Lourdes Sánchez (adding the…

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

Tuberose, gladiolus, rosesLourdes Sánchez

(adding the artist’s name, because I’m like that)

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blastedheath: Karl Nordström (Swedish, 1855-1923), Field of…

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014


Karl Nordström (Swedish, 1855-1923), Field of Oats at Grez, 1885.

Oil on canvas, 76 x 106 cm.

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Wednesday, December 31st, 2014


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mariposaduende: transhumanisticpanspermia: i have limited sympathy for people who get told “no”…

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014



i have limited sympathy for people who get told “no” after a public proposal because public proposals are pretty much emotionally abusive

like seriously

if you think it’s kinda cute, you can discuss it beforehand and then do a staged one later

but putting someone on the spot in front of a crowd of strangers (or worse, friends) and demanding they give you a yes or no answer to a complex question which will affect the rest of their life is

really not okay

I wouldn’t go as far as saying its abusive, but it can sometimes be very manipulative. Maybe for some, they think a grand gesture of proclaiming a proposal in public is utterly romantic but if their partner is shy or has social anxiety then it’s just plain stupid. I hope everyone reading this think about personalizing their proposals into something they know will thrill their partner. Or it doesn’t even have to be a surprise thing at all,

I didn’t do a very good job of planning my proposal.

We were sitting in the tiny breakfast nook in our tiny triplex apartment in Mar Vista. “Nook” is hyperbole; it was the place where the tiny kitchen made a right angle into the tiny living room, where we’d put the small circular butcher block table that was the first item of furniture we’d ever bought together. You could just squeeze around it.

There was a peach tree outside that window, in the tiny space between our building and the fence, with another building beyond. The setbacks (a term I wouldn’t actually learn until years later) were only about three feet on that side. We all lived in each other’s backyards.

We were eating breakfast. I don’t remember what it was, but probably scrambled eggs. There was nothing unusual about that morning. We’d moved in together a few months before; it just seemed to make financial sense. I’d basically been living at the apartment she shared with her sister anyway, and by moving in together we could get a place closer to UCLA that was just ours, the two of us, which was all we really wanted.

I picked up a forkful of eggs (or whatever it was), and on its way to my mouth a new thought occurred to me, and I spoke it without pausing to consider.

‘You know, all I want to do is live with you for the rest of my life. I can’t imagine that changing. Do you want to get married?’

I was curious what she’d say.

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0ce4n-g0d: Solitude by Robert Blair

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014


Solitude by 

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sylvia-morris: digital sketch of lies’ photo. (i’m working on…

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014


digital sketch of liesphoto.

(i’m working on light and colour. if you have any photos with interesting lighting, please send them over.)

This is the coolest thing. It’s like suddenly and unexpectedly coming across beautiful fan art of a memorable personal experience. Except it’s not like that; it’s actually that.

Thank you so much for creating and sharing it.

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Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

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f-art-school: I redid the thumbs and added more text! Hoorah…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014


I redid the thumbs and added more text! Hoorah for bird skulls!

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sophisticatedajumma replied to your photo “I actually live here.” Where are the clouds? Too sunny…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

sophisticatedajumma replied to your photo “I actually live here.”

Where are the clouds? Too sunny and cheerful. There’s even a rainbow!

It was one of those cool events where the sky is mostly dark, but there’s a hem of clear sky and the sun shines through.

The other side of the same rainbow:


The aforementioned hem, a few minutes after the sun went down:


No filters; I don’t cotton to such artful deceptions. Here’s a shot more typical of my oeuvre. I think I was shoving the phone back in my pocket and accidentally shot the street:


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I actually live here.

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

I actually live here.

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carabosse-dracona-thebloodrose: Mathew Bourne’s Sleeping…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014


Mathew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty. Yes this ballet has VAMPIRES!

*total squee*

I saw this. It was amazing.

Not actually a surprise; every Matthew Bourne production I’ve seen live has been amazing.

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I’m having a hard time figuring out if this is a…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

I’m having a hard time figuring out if this is a photograph or a painting.

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“Each of us is given only so many mornings to do it — to look around and love the oily fur of our…”

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

“Each of us is given
only so many mornings to do it —
to look around and love

the oily fur of our lives,
the hoof and the grass-stained muzzle.
Days I don’t do this

I feel the terror of idleness,
like a red thirst.
Death isn’t just an idea.”

Mary Oliver, from “The Deer,” House of Light (via lifeinpoetry)

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incoherent-clarity: vegan-queer: iwokeupthisway: The Three…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014




The Three Sisters and Broken Top at Golden Lake, Sisters Wilderness, Oregon.

Take me here

I will. 🌲💙

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kas-e: Phidippus Mystaceus

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014


Phidippus Mystaceus

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Mark Chisnell – Leg Three Preview – A Drag Race… with Potholes

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

Mark Chisnell – Leg Three Preview – A Drag Race… with Potholes:

Mark Chisnell’s blog has some of the best commentary I’ve found about the VOR. Here’s his preview of the upcoming Leg 3 from Abu Dhabi to Sanya.

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Tail Pulling

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014


Crows (meaning Corvus, not just the crows with the common name “crow”) pull tails.  It’s like they can’t help themselves.  If there is a tail, it must be pulled:






Magpies in the genus Pica (the holarctic magpies) do this behavior as well, which is impressive, considering how much smaller they are.  One advantage they have is a small size that lets them get off the ground and away from their target a lot quicker.




And apparently all tails are fair game, I guess there is truly “no honor among thieves”:


Usually when you see this behavior it’s in the context of food.  A crow or magpie will pull another animal’s tail in order to distract it from it’s food and steal it (this sometimes occurs alone or in teams).  Here’s a video of a raven stealing a bald eagle’s food. This behavior is so common it’s noted in many scientific papers, with a nice summary from Lawrence Kilham in his 1989 book The American Crow and the Common Raven, page 34-35:

Tail pulling is a habit common to a number of corvids (Goodwin 1976). The crow that robbed the otter by pulling its tail could have done so by happenstance or as a deliberate piece of strategy.  It is hard to know.  The crows had pulled the otters’ tails many times before, to no seeming purpose except an urge, shared by Black-Billed Magpies (Lorenz 1970) and Common Ravens, to provoke animals larger than themselves, whether there is any immediate advantage to doing so or not.  Bent (1946) reported three Common Ravens robbing a dog of a bone, one bird pulling the dog’s tail while others stood by its head.  It is conceivable that crows, like ravens, are capable after trial and error of seizing upon the right movement for pulling a tail to advantage.  Another use of tail pulling can be to get a larger bird or mammal to move from a carcass, as I describe later for Common Ravens contending with Turkey Vultures and as Hewson (1981) did for Hooded Crows contending with a Buzzard.  Goodwin (1976) described crows and magpies pulling the tails of mobbing predators. 

The behavior appears to be innate, for one of my hand-raised crows pulled a sheep’s tail and a hand-raised raven a cat’s tail when they were less than three months of age.

But honestly?  I think they just do it for fun, or simply can’t help their natural inclination for causing trouble ;)


Because clearly some animals just deserve it (read: squirrels are annoying and their tails are irresistibly fluffy).  Cats are also fun targetsSparrow-hawks too.  (And even if the tail is hard to find, they will seek it out.)  … …and Foxes.

Just another reason to love corvids ;)

Photo credits (each photo is clickable, but since this post has become so popular, I’d like to have clear written credits as well):
Bald eagle – Paul Getman
Cat – Unknown; if you know original photographer, please let me know!
Steller’s Sea Eagle – Isobel Wayrick
White-tailed Eagle (and hooded crow) – Eric (“wildscot”)
White-tailed Eagle (and raven) – James Brier Irps
Bald eagle (and magpie) – Meg Sommers
Common Buzzard – John Hawkins
Magpie and Hooded Crow – Ralf Weise
Chihuahua and Raven GIF – Unknown; if you know who made the GIF or took the original video, please let me know!

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babykittenena: tothedirigible: adeadmanandhisfriends: lady-who…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014








i gottah… pull the thing.


Crows. Nature’s assholes

There’s totally another crow off-camera, egging him on.

“C’mon, Edgar. Do it. Do it, it’ll be fucking hilarious. Look, I’ve got my camera ready and everything.”

“Fuck off, Alan. He’ll eat me. But… you’re right, it’d totally be hilarious.”


“Ugh fine, but if he eats me it’s totally your fucking fault.”

she did it for the vine




Did nobody see this

Fun fact. Crows actually play. This one most likely was fucking with that wolf for fun.

Reblogging for Edgar Alan Crows XD 

Tail-pulling is a common behavior by many corvids (crows, ravens, magpies…). And while it is indeed a fun fact that crows often play, this one appears to be messing with the wolf in an attempt to draw it away from the carcase it’s feeding on. Doesn’t mean the bird (which I think might be a raven, rather than a crow, though it’s hard to say from these images) wasn’t also having fun, though.

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Tumblr should stop making users watch horror movie ads against their will

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014



I mostly didn’t mind when Tumblr started running “Sponsored Posts” in my dashboard. Tumblr has to make money. Most of the ads were boring, a few were interesting, but they weren’t a big deal.

Then the horror movie ads started.

Read More

I’m surprised this isn’t a bigger issue on tumblr. Horror movies can be extremely triggering for some of us, and I hate seeing them on my dash or on the radar yet tumblr keeps forcing them on me. Sometimes I just have to close tumblr altogether. I don’t care so much about ads when they’re for some stupid clothing brand I don’t care about or insurance or whatever, but showing me a scary gif of scenes from a horror movie against my will is rude. I don’t know why these studios act like they don’t know the difference between showing me gifs of a corny teen comedy I don’t intend to see and throwing gory or supernatural creepy imagery at me and forcing me to see it. I even have tried blocking that movie’s blog, and I still have to see their sponsored content. Please staff do something about this. Allow us to dismiss ads we don’t want to see or close it after a few seconds or something, or allow us to specify what kinds of ads we’re comfortable with. Just as they don’t show horror movie ads on Disney Channel to protect the children. 

That’s a good point about the Disney Channel. Tumblr makes a big deal about how young its users are; it’s a sought-after demographic for many advertisers, including horror movies. Tumblr says users have to be at least 13, but the site don’t appear to do anything to enforce that, such that their actual user base probably includes millions of users who are 12 or younger.

Microblogging has only been around a few years, so it doesn’t have the rules that exist on TV and in movie theaters to prevent age-inappropriate ads from being shown to young viewers. The only thing standing in the way of that is the moral sense of Tumblr’s decision-makers. Unfortunately, Tumblr is mostly run by people in their 20s who don’t have kids, and their moral sense appears to have a blind spot in that area.

There are some signs that the situation my be (slowly) getting (slightly) better. These days the ads are usually tagged with #horror. Tumblr added a guideline that advertisers not depict dead bodies. And the latest batch I’ve seen have been toned down; they’re more suggestive than outright horrific. Since Tumblr doesn’t talk about the issue publicly, it’s hard to know if that last development is a new policy or just a choice by the advertiser for a single campaign. But one can hope.

tl;dr: Tumblr’s horror movie ads suck. More here.

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earth-impressions: Neutered Fruit // St. Vincent  Did you ever…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014


Neutered Fruit // St. Vincent 

Did you ever write a prayer for me?
Did you ever really care?
Did you ever really care for me?
Like I cared for you

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