Monday, January 17th, 2022


from the fools
who’d pay less at home
drinking coffee
and dark

Tick Tick… Boom! (2021)

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Saturday, March 28th, 2020

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mcavoy: What’s the first thing an actor learns? ‘The show must…

Thursday, February 14th, 2019


What’s the first thing an actor learns? ‘The show must go on!’ Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet, the show must go on!

SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN dir. Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen

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jaynaneeya: Happy Birthday to everyone’s favorite male…

Saturday, August 25th, 2018


Happy Birthday to everyone’s favorite male Shipwrecker!

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I finally saw it live. 😍👍

Sunday, August 20th, 2017

I finally saw it live. 😍👍

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loveofromance: What of your mother?

Friday, May 5th, 2017


What of your mother?

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dduane: “ “…

Thursday, October 20th, 2016


“ “

@clavisa !

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imaginarycircus: kissingcullens: poereyyfinn: imagining rey bringing gifts back from her ‘find…

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016




imagining rey bringing gifts back from her ‘find luke’ trip for finn really warms my heart

Rey trying to think of how she’s gonna present it to him, like,

 “Finn, no big deal but I found this rock and it was so beautiful and it gave me a warm feeling that made me think of you, so… too strong.  That’s way too strong.  
Um…  Finn, this stone symbolizes constancy through adversity and love in spite of… Still too strong, ohhhh why is this so HARD…”

In the end she flings the gemstone into his lap.  

“Got you a rock.”  She says.

Finn LOVES it.

I imagine her bringing him a tiny plant in a stone container from the very green places she’s been. She just sort of shoves it into his hands and says too loudly, “I BROUGHT YOU THIS.”

He needs to find a safe place to put it. He asks Poe because he has no idea what plants need. Poe helps him find a spot that gets enough light. Not easy when you live in a bunker. “You should talk to it. Water it when the soil is dry.”

“You want me to talk to a plant?” Finn suspects Poe is kidding, but Poe knows a lot. So when he’s sure no one is around, Finn talks to the curling green leaves and the velvety hairs on their stems. He carefully tests the soil to see if it needs water. Sometimes he hums a barely remembered tune. Someone must have hummed it to him when he was smaller than he can remember. A mother, an aunt, a grandmother, a sister. He might have once had all of those. He runs a calloused finger tip along a delicate green shoot. A whisper of a touch. This little plant is so full of possibilities, but he doesn’t know what will become of it. It’s small and seems fragile.

Finn doesn’t have a lot of free time, but when he needs a quiet moment he visits Rey’s plant. On a warm morning he finds it covered in tiny purple buds. The next day they open revealing white starred centers. He runs all over trying to find Rey and drags her back to see it. She’s skeptical and keeps trying to turn back because she’s busy. Nothing could be that urgent. He doesn’t let go of her hand and repeats that she must see this.

She looks at the little plant and blinks in that open-hearted, open-eyed way that someone with her experiences shouldn’t have. She looks up at Finn and grins. “I didn’t know they flowered.”

Finn grins back and he knows he looks like a goof and he doesn’t care at all. He’s the plant. Rey is water and song and sunlight.

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“This is the second and final appearance of the eleven-foot model Enterprise, which orbits from…”

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

“This is the second and final appearance of the eleven-foot model Enterprise, which orbits from right-to-left in the teaser. When the transposition to the parallel universe occurs, the ISS version is orbiting in the opposite direction. Although the episode was produced in 1967, the footage of the ship was filmed for “Where No Man Has Gone Before” in 1965, indicated by the heightened bridge dome, the oversized deflector dish, and the unlit Bussard collectors (complete with spires). However, in “Where No Man Has Gone Before”, there were no rounded “nodes” at the rear of the nacelles, which appear in this episode. The first time the ship orbited in this direction, (TOS: “Shore Leave”), scenes of the revamped production model were simply reversed as can be seen by the backward registration. In this episode, though, the model was shot with reversed nomenclature as the port side was unfinished. It is unknown why so little of this footage was used during the series. Despite the effort expended to highlight the opposite nature of the mirror universe, the Enterprise is seen orbiting from left-to-right in all of the scenes after the main title.”

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Middle-earth + aesthetics pt. II (pt. I)

Friday, July 17th, 2015

Middle-earth + aesthetics pt. II (pt. I)

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Given your username…have you spotted a gifset for all the appearances of Furiosa’s femur-topped gearshift knife? There ought to be one….

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

You’re entirely responsible for tonight’s rewatch btw. Anyone able and willing, feel free to snag these below.





Revealed as a knife when Max left to fix the pod:


In the fight against Nux:


With the Vuvalini, I think this is the only shot like this, with the knife centered in a two shot. Increasing suspicion that the bone was from Mary JoBassa:


Used to stab a War Boy:


Who used it to stab Furiosa:


Bonus, the knife Max used on Furiosa wasn’t bone-handled and it was the only time he used a knife:


Otherwise knives were used on him:


In the bottom fight, Max is swinging the boltcutters, which Furiosa used against him in their first fight. How’s that for a theme?

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Giant prehistoric krakens may have sculpted self-portraits using ichthyosaur bones

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Giant prehistoric krakens may have sculpted self-portraits using ichthyosaur bones:



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“Each of us is given only so many mornings to do it — to look around and love the oily fur of our…”

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

“Each of us is given
only so many mornings to do it —
to look around and love

the oily fur of our lives,
the hoof and the grass-stained muzzle.
Days I don’t do this

I feel the terror of idleness,
like a red thirst.
Death isn’t just an idea.”

Mary Oliver, from “The Deer,” House of Light (via lifeinpoetry)

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