pizoxuat: And the really weird thing about all the rape and abuse scenes in Furiosa #1 is that the…

Wednesday, June 17th, 2015


And the really weird thing about all the rape and abuse scenes in Furiosa #1 is that the narrative wrapper of the book is that this is a story told to children from the next generation after Furiosa and the wives liberated the citadel.  Like “HEY KIDS THERE’S A SANDSTORM OUTSIDE, COME GATHER ROUND AND HEAR ABOUT HOW RICTUS JACKED OFF IN FRONT OF IMMORTAN JOE’S WIVES AND IT TOTALLY INTERFERED WITH JOE’S RAPEY MOJO.”




Reposted from http://ift.tt/1J4xWEj.

Male Gaze, composition choices, and Mad Max’s ‘locker room’ eye

Sunday, June 14th, 2015


So there was this one reblog on that post where I discussed Center framing, Composition, and Male Gaze with this comment:


The comment continues in typical mansplaining manner but I want to address this first bit specifically. Because the assumption that the women are framed that way because it’s an action shot is wrong from a technical standpoint.

There is a difference between Wanda gesturing with her hands almost having no space for her head in a composition that highlighted her breasts …


…and the way Tony is given ‘headroom’ while gesturing with his hands (see: any Iron Man Trailer). He still has his face prominent at the sweet spot of the Golden Ratio (for more discussion on what/where this is scroll down to the diagrams), his hands are on the other sweet spot, and it’s a very dynamic pose with great use of diagonals both foreground and background.


There is also a difference between Natasha almost having to bend her head so that her face stays on the screen while her chest and hips land in the sweet spots…


And the headspace that is given Thor. Thor’s face lands on upper Third (Rule of Thirds). They are both holding/threatening with weapons. 


But wait! you say, what if we want to emphasize the weapons?

Yeah there’s a way to do that too, without sexualizing your character and smashing their head almost off the frame…

Keep reading

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1Fi64Vi.

The Doof Warrior

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

The Doof Warrior

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1K7krCE.

jaybushman:kenyatta: s-assypants:fiedbach:snowyanna:215-to-fit:r…

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015











My 7 year old son was shot down by his 1st grade teacher

The american public education system in a nutshell tho

My third grade teacher actually had a conversation with my mom that I was reading to well and told her to stop having me read at home

My first grade teacher said that it was problematic that I was reading ahead of the rest of the kids in my grade and asked my parents to stop letting me read Harry Potter.

My fourth grade teacher thought it was wrong for my dad to be teaching me complex math because it fascinated me.

My elementary school music teacher hated the way my piano teacher taught me, and how I was more advanced than many of her students, and so told me, in front of my peers and my mother, that I was not good enough to participate in the state solo festival. She would not give me the form. We had to procure it from the district instead. She also hated how I excelled at reading and playing music for the recorder, and so she refused to give me my “belts” (colored beads to signify our level) and humiliated me in front of the class repeatedly.

My eighth grade algebra teacher used to fail me on take home tests because I didn’t solve problems exactly the way she showed us in class; I used methods that we had learned for other types of problems that also applied to these. She took points off my tests because I didn’t bring a calculator even though I got 100% without it, because I was able to do it by hand. I had to call my father, who is an engineer, down to the school to shout her down and give me back my A in the class.

My 10th grade Spanish teacher yelled at me in front of the class numerous times because she didn’t like the way I took notes; she thought that since I didn’t write every word off the slide, I wasn’t getting it all down. I had to explain to her that people who have taken advanced courses, like AP or IB classes, know that in a fast-paced learning environment you need to take quick shorthand notes that contain the necessary information rather than wasting time writing every word. She almost gave me detention.

My 11th grade English teacher gave me a poor mark on my first short essay because she believed that I was looking up unnecessarily complex words in a thesaurus to try and get better marks. The phrases in question: “laced with expletives” and “bombarded”. She wouldn’t hear any defense from me.

My 11th grade history teacher failed me on an essay about the 1950s because I misread the prompt. Except the prompt wasn’t words; it was a political cartoon. One of the figures was clearly president Eisenhower, but the other I couldn’t place. My teacher would not tell us who it was. I labelled him as the governor of Little Rock Arkansas during the integration period, and wrote an essay about that subject. My teacher said that no, it was Joseph McCarthy, and that there was a small picture of the man in our textbook and therefore I should have recognized him instantly. Half the class, apparently, did not.

The American school system is not here to educate us or to encourage us to learn; it’s here to keep us in line and silent. It’s here to keep us from deviating and being our own people and forming our own ideas. Don’t let it win.

“The American school system is not here to educate us or to encourage us to learn; it’s here to keep us in line and silent. It’s here to keep us from deviating and being our own people and forming our own ideas. Don’t let it win.” 

Fun story time. I loved to read. So much so, I was reading chapter books in kindergarden. I broke the record for reading points in elementary school. They actually had to start making up prizes for me. No one in the history of the school had ever read so many books in a year. Basically, my class liked me because I won those suckers pizza parties in my spare time.

In second grade, I had a teacher named Ms. Mobley who believed all children should be average. She flat out told my father that all children should make C’s, and should never strive for more than that.

Not only was she insane, she also would routinely spell things wrong for us to copy for our spelling tests. Later, when we spelled those words wrong on the test, she would mark us off. Yes, our own teacher was sabotaging us.

I should have been tested for gifted classes, but I was not. Why? Ms. Mobley didn’t believe in “gifted” children.

This teacher had tenure and could not be fired.

Never forget.

“The American school system is not here to educate us or to encourage us to learn; it’s here to keep us in line and silent. It’s here to keep us from deviating and being our own people and forming our own ideas. Don’t let it win.” 

George Orwell couldn’t invent this shit

it’s twisted stuff

this is important.

I want to preface this by saying that the majority of educators that I know or have met or have guided me have been good people and that some of them have even been amazing, talented, and invaluable. But like all institutions, mediocrity has a way of taking refuge and do a lot of damage in the process.

My preschool teacher made me sit in the corner whenever I corrected her spelling.

In first grade I was put in special ed and told that I had a “learning disability”. I was there for several weeks before my parents found out, stormed the school, and realized that it wasn’t that I couldn’t learn but that I was finishing an hour’s worth of schoolwork in 5 minutes and the teacher just couldn’t or didn’t want to deal with me.

Somehow I failed nearly every test I took in 9th grade algebra, no matter how hard I tried. When I asked my teacher for help, she told me that I should give up, there was nothing I could do, and I was “never going to get it.” Undeterred, I enrolled in a community college algebra course over the summer and aced it. Years later, I ran into my former English teacher who told me that my 9th grade algebra teacher had been “quietly forced into retirement” because she was misgrading the tests of students of color and purposefully failing them. Turns out she was a complete racist.

Reblogging for reasons.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/18PjhgH.

dduane: I happened to notice last week that the…

Monday, February 16th, 2015


I happened to notice last week that the follower-counter had run up into the 9900s. Which made me shake my head a little while thinking things like Seriously? Who are all these people? Do they really find what’s going on here interesting? And if they do, who am I to judge? 

And then it got funny when I noticed the counter had hit 9990. This is when — if you have nothing better to do — you find yourself going, Come on, just do it, go over the top! And it gets worse, in a silly way, the closer you get to the magic number. 9998! 9999! And there it sits for hours and hours. And then suddenly 9998! again. And 9997!  And you start getting antsy. What did I post that made them unfollow me? Was it the thing about the Hunterbatch anniversary? Was it the wedding pictures? (If it was, then they can eff straight off; if they can’t stand looking at my husband then I don’t care if they follow me anyway.) Was it the pancakes??!!

(snicker) “Tumblr angst.” Something I probably didn’t need a referent for. 

In any case… I greet the ten thousand of you affectionately. I promise to try not to bore you. Here you will find random writing musings, sudden outbursts of opinion, recipes, fangirling, Young Wizards stuff, and the effusions of someone whose favorite phrase is probably “Oh look at that!!” 

Thanks for hanging over my shoulder. You’re very welcome.  :)

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1Dhswmc.

St. Vincent (2014)

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

St. Vincent (2014)

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1Bw1yE5.

“That was a great time in online video. We were not making money, but it was a lot less complicated…”

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

“That was a great time in online video. We were not making money, but it was a lot less complicated…”

Not to single out Hank, because he’s far from the first one to repeat this bromide, but I cannot begin to express how monumentally offensive this concept is.

You only have the luxury of pining for the old days when you weren’t making money but had a great time/more control/more truth/more genuine art once you are no longer panicking about where your money is coming from.

Yes, with money comes more stakeholders, more interference, more people who get a say. But you know what else? It comes with being able to pay your rent. Pay your student loans. Pay for food. And pay for the people you work with to do the same.

Too often, in indie production we take a perverse pride in how little money we spend to make our projects. What that really does is discount the value of the time everybody puts into the work. It’s a toxic idea.

In other words: Fuck you, pay me.

(via jaybushman)

I’ve seen Hank’s post show up in all my social media feeds the last however many hours and have been unable to find the words to express why I found it so endlessly frustrating.

But Jay about sums it up. 

Web is about conserving money spent because the profits are low. But when you add more people into the mix (particularly when you retain creative control and credit), you start fucking over people. And Jay’s right, people here take pride in that. I can only speak to the entertainment industry, but it happens ALL THE TIME here, and it’s particularly bad in YouTube both because the profits are often so low to begin with and because it’s considered the norm. Possibly in part because the people who have been doing this so long aren’t used to taking quite the hit they need to now that they’re relying heavily on others to split their work. But everyone I know who’s worked in YouTube has had to listen to someone they’ve worked for go on boasting about how little they spent on a project while they sit quietly fuming, knowing it’s because they, and others, got fucked.

We don’t need to propagate this idea and make things worse. Yes, working with others is becoming more and more necessary to succeed at YouTube. But HOW you work with others is just as, if not more, important.

..diverged somewhat from Jay’s point, but still. 

(via rachelkiley)

I find this exceptionally disrespectful to Hank, without whom, said people complaining would not be where they are now or who they are now. It’s one thing to make a point. It’s another thing entirely to bite the hand that feeds you. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This is how writers and actors get black listed as people others don’t want to work with.

(via deosluxmea)

The entire point, my friend, is that the hand *didn’t* feed.

Jay’s blog can be summed up very easily: “don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” 

(via loganrapp)

I super agree with Rachel.

I think the flip side of this is the notion that the investors (be it fans or actual companies or whatever) don’t realize what it takes to make web “content”. It’s a movie. You’re paying for a movie. OF COURSE people need/expect to be paid because IT. IS. A MOVIE. And, in theory, it is also an ad for your product. So investors, to start, need to know what that REALLY costs and why and not be startled by the figure.

As for how you treat people …

I’ve created a thing. I’ve paid people for the thing & I take no pride in the fact that I KNOW my team is worth so much more than I can give them. The people who (lovingly, wonderfully) offered to waive their fee, I HOPE, feel appreciated and extremely valued. And the team was paid before I saw a dime. I still haven’t seen a return, in fact!

So I guess where this is going is that on the one hand, it seems a little murky what a reasonable video production is going to cost investors and on the other, people ARE used to not having to pay (I can’t even start to tell you how many DEFERRED series there are). 

(via hackettkate)

Kate brings up deferred series. I saw Jay’s post as soon as it came up, but I wasn’t able to respond until now because I had to commute home from my full time day job (90 minutes) and then make sure that the kid is doing his homework and feed myself because I haven’t eaten for 7 hours (approx 60 mins) and also talk to my family because they are important, too. And only now am I able to work on things for me. Creative pursuits. The work that I got my degree in vs. the job that I took because I need to pay the bills to pay off the massive amount of student loans because I was told that the only way for me to get a job in my field was to get said graduate degree. Whoever “they” was was wrong. Kate talks about deferred series, but sometimes I feel like my life has been deferred because I can’t afford not to have my job that pays me pretty well but puts absolutely no dent in my student loans, barely pays my bills, and leaves me with little time to pursue the work that I want to do. At times I feel like I’m waiting for my real life to begin. Sometimes I feel lucky that I don’t have to live Langston Hughes’ life, but I do think of his poem and wonder “What happens to a dream deferred?”

I am really lucky that I’m working on a series that I believe in, that I’m helping to get it off the ground. Though I’m not actually writing the story, I’m helping to tell the story of the story out into the world. I get to analyze other series and see what has worked and what hasn’t. I get to analyze stats as part of that story. I get to use my M.A. in Administration of Arts Education and Outreach studies and do something that I’m good at. And I work with a team that is not only believes in the story that they are telling, but believe in my ability to help them tell it and help them get funding. But I’m not getting paid for it. 

When I met jaybushman at Vidcon, I told him that his work had inspired me to pursue transmedia storytelling, his reply was, “I’m sorry.” And when I saw him again this year, he remembered that interaction. I really hope that one day this won’t be the case.

(via spinstermoderne)

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1pVWk2g.


Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1rfGQlh.

seanpersaud: Talking Marionettes rejoice!!! Ryan Bailey is back…

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014


Talking Marionettes rejoice!!! Ryan Bailey is back and we’ve thrown together a few clips from our upcoming season with some of today’s hottest music.

Season 2 premieres Wednesday 9/24/2014 on the only channel you can count on for great advice and incisive humor: The Internet Channel.

Also here: http://ift.tt/1wE23f3

This looks amazing. Legit looking forward.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/XDYKFy.

oswinkettleblack: athingforthevillains: allthefandomsunite: ma…

Monday, August 5th, 2013







One of the most astounding mysteries of the world is this ancient tile pattern in Greece, dated to about 1,500 B.C.

It was little more than a curiosity until 2008 when its resemblance to a QR Code was recognized. First photographed in 1871 by the British Antiquities Society, they were known as the “Chinese Box Tiles” owing to the closest thing anyone had seen to the strange pattern. Little was known about the titles except that they were installed along with other beachfront roads on the isle of Igrigoria in ancient times.

In was in 2008 that QR codes became popular enough that a traveler recognized the tiles as bearing an unmistakable resemblance to the computer code which had only been developed 3,500 years after the tiles were first laid. It was another two years before anyone with a QR capable phone traveled to the island to attempt a capture.

The mystery only deepened when the phone was able to recognize the code, which lead to the original Nyan Cat video on youtube.

Fucking Greeks.

Alright, what fucker went back in time?



Or you know, it could be this.

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/57446158492.