pizoxuat: And the really weird thing about all the rape and abuse scenes in Furiosa #1 is that the…


And the really weird thing about all the rape and abuse scenes in Furiosa #1 is that the narrative wrapper of the book is that this is a story told to children from the next generation after Furiosa and the wives liberated the citadel.  Like “HEY KIDS THERE’S A SANDSTORM OUTSIDE, COME GATHER ROUND AND HEAR ABOUT HOW RICTUS JACKED OFF IN FRONT OF IMMORTAN JOE’S WIVES AND IT TOTALLY INTERFERED WITH JOE’S RAPEY MOJO.”




Reposted from http://ift.tt/1J4xWEj.

Tags: but still, it is what it is, fury road, i'm gonna stop with this, it's the contrast that gets me, because it's like black and white, held up next to each other, same story, same world, same characters, and one of them is beautiful and engaging and immersive and uplifting and powerful and thoughtful, and the other is just ugh, and i'm just, why?, and I know why, but it gets me.

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