SCA’s latest video, with Stacey, Sam, and Dee all talking…

SCA’s latest video, with Stacey, Sam, and Dee all talking about being behind, maintaining their focus, and looking to improve for the future. There’s definitely a down vibe on the boat, which is understandable. But I like the way they’re approaching at it.

They got into this situation one mistake at a time, They’ll get themselves to a more competitive place the same way: incrementally, one eliminated mistake at a time.

It’s unfortunate that they’ve had so little opportunity on this leg to sail close to the competition. Brunel and Dongfeng, especially, have been doing lots of two-boat speed testing over the last few weeks, while SCA has been sailing mostly by themselves. With the benefit of hindsight, it would have been nice if they’d covered Alvimedica when the two boats crossed back on December 3. Realizing that SCA was playing what they thought would be the best route through the upcoming doldrums at that point, but (again, with the benefit of hindsight they didn’t have at the time) it would have been great to take the opportunity given to them by Alvimedica’s dropping back during the Vestas rescue to sail close to a competitor for a while.

Winning is always going to be the focus; it is, after all, a race. But I wonder if at this point, given the experience of the last few legs, SCA will think about tweaking their strategy to put more emphasis on covering and getting the benefit of boatspeed comparisons via AIS, rather than going off on their own quite so readily. To focus less on winning, more on not losing; less on reaching for the brass ring, more on just doing their best to stay on the merry-go-round.

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Tags: vor, volvo ocean race, weareteamsca.

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