QA Long-billed Curlew I saw yesterday as the sun was coming up.

Sunday, September 8th, 2019


A Long-billed Curlew I saw yesterday as the sun was coming up.

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This Willet I saw yesterday wore gray for World Shorebirds Day.

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

This Willet I saw yesterday wore gray for World Shorebirds Day.

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Yesterday I participated in World Shorebirds Day.Well, technically I spectated. This Willet and…

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

Yesterday I participated in World Shorebirds Day.

Well, technically I spectated. This Willet and Marbled Godwit participated.

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This Marbled Godwit I saw yesterday had places to go.

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

This Marbled Godwit I saw yesterday had places to go.

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This Snowy Plover I saw yesterday was totally rocking its fuchsia dye job and color bands.

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

This Snowy Plover I saw yesterday was totally rocking its fuchsia dye job and color bands.

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honeymushroom: Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Least…

Thursday, September 5th, 2019


Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres

Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla

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