Thursday, February 3rd, 2022


Gull on official business watching over the sanctuary.

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary protects 1,470 square miles of ocean waters around the Northern Channel Islands: Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Santa Barbara islands. A special place for endangered species, sensitive habitats, historic shipwrecks, and cultural resources, the sanctuary provides protection through research, education, conservation, and stewardship.

Learn more:

(Photo: Claire Fackler/NOAA. Image description: A gull resting on a wooden post with a boat in the background by steep cliffs.)

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Sunday, December 19th, 2021


today’s bird is this funky fresh seagull from Pier 39 in San Francisco!!!!

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windandwater:The philosopher Didactylos has summed up an…

Sunday, September 26th, 2021


The philosopher Didactylos has summed up an alternative hypothesis as “Things just happen. What the hell.”

–Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

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The philosopher Didactylos has summed up an alternative hypothesis as “Things just happen. What the hell.”
–Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
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Western GullCarpinteria, February 9, 2021

Friday, February 12th, 2021

Western Gull

Carpinteria, February 9, 2021

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lsleofskye:San Diego, United States

Saturday, July 11th, 2020


San Diego, United States

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elizjjwold: Just a seagull strolling along by Elizabeth…

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019


Just a seagull strolling along

by Elizabeth Johnson-Wold

Wish I had a known gull next to it for a size comparison. Or that I knew where and when the shot was taken.

I’m going to be wondering about the ID all day.

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