Hi! I looked and I am not sure what your ask policy is like but I figure, you can just delete it. I saw though that you were talking about Ace and I am full of feelings about him after seeing the film again today. When Furiousa is in her initial escape attempt, I noticed her eyes are really red, and it struck me(maybe I am reading into it) that she might feel a little guilty about what she is about to do to Ace. I mean she knows what she must do, and there is no going back BUT they’ve been

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

2/2 together a long time(I came to this conclusion after reading your
discussions about the two of them) so this seems a betrayal that hurts
more. I will vehemently agree that Furiousa made the right choice but I
like the little extra(possibly imaginary) depth to her character. Maybe
I’m wrong but I just had to get it out! Thanks for reading!!

My ask policy is ‘Yay! Somebody is talking to me!’

Also, YES. Absolutely. Let me talk to you about Furiosa and Ace. Things I see in that stretch of them interacting:

– She doesn’t look at him if she can avoid it
– this is clearly puzzling him. He ducks his head to the side to try to make eye contact, like ‘What is up with her?’ so I have to think they normally interact very differently
– She absolutely doesn’t lie to him. Like with making eye contact, I think she knows he would see right through her
– Even though there is no explanation and it makes no sense, and she’s acting kind of weird, he trusts her
– He’s clearly comfortable enough with her to make suggestions: “Should WE turn around and run them into our backup” even though she’s at the wheel
– They have a well-practiced move to defend the rig’s flank: all he says is “Ready!” and they move perfectly smoothly around eachother.
– She has tears in her eyes when the boys start dying
– she keeps looking into her mirrors, and I read that as her way of Witnessing them. She sacrifices them to her escape and that plainly pains her, but I think this is her way of acknowledging them, of honouring them, of Witnessing them in the best way she can
– The idea that Furiosa might be betraying Joe (and by extension him) doesn’t seem to occur to Ace for a really long time
– He is more concerned with getting answers out of her than moving aside and letting Nux take her out. This is personal. He needs to know.
even though she has about five guns and a knife within easy reach, all she does is punch him to get him out of the way
– Ace clearly survives and turns up at the Citadel and they work things out and become friendly again.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1fGh8XI.