Hi John, I have being following the VOR race throught your posts. Thanks alot for that ! Were can i find the tracking website to see more dtails about that race/race tacktics etc ? C

Monday, October 20th, 2014

Below the cut are the sources I’m currently using:

Official site:

  • The official VOR website – Has some good high-level information about the different teams, and a (smallish) amount of condensed daily information. Basically, it publishes a few articles per day on the home page that sort of wrap up everything going on in the fleet. It also publishes a few videos per day that are edited-together versions of all the individual videos from each of the boats. Also has team backgrounders and links to the teams’ individual websites.
  • The official tracker app – This is where you can see the every-3-hours position updates from which I’ve been posting screenshots. It has some drawbacks, and I hope they make improvements to it over the course of the race. But I find it pretty compelling even in its current form.
  • Mobile apps – There is a free app called “Life at the extreme” that the official site has put out. I use the iOS version, though I believe there is an android version as well. It’s basically a mobile version of the official website and tracker. See your local app store.


Each boat has an “on board reporter” (OBR) who is restricted under the rules from actually helping with sailing the boat. They’re just there to document the race. They upload videos, photos, and blog posts.

For me, the YouTube videos posted by the OBRs are some of the most-compelling content. You can really get a feel for what’s going on on the boats. One of the best ways I’ve found to keep up with that is by subscribing to the teams’ individual Youtube channels:


All the teams have Twitter accounts, and they’re a good source for pointers to other content elsewhere, if you’re a Twitter person:


I’m always looking for more VOR-related accounts on Tumblr. I’ll list those in a separate post if and when I’ve collected a good group of them.

Thanks for your interest!

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1r0Sq33.