ask-two-veterans-and-the-lady: whatsshecalled: hi hello i made…

Monday, February 29th, 2016



hi hello i made an edit of all the times eliza’s name is said in hamilton because i can and also because my name is eliza and i am a narcissist.

(crying) my sweet baby daughter

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orlansky: Seen in Times Square.

Friday, December 11th, 2015


Seen in Times Square.

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yulinkuang: So @rachelkiley and I had a wild brilliant stupid…

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015


So @rachelkiley and I had a wild brilliant stupid dumb idea just now that tomorrow we might be sitting on a rare opportunity to do something fun! and experimental! and transmedia! and what kind of online creator-types would we be if we didn’t at least try to explore this somehow someway immediately. 


Rachel Kiley and I both recently wrote/directed two very different short films, in collaboration with the YouTube Space LA and Skybound Entertainment for a Halloween Filmmaking Initiative. More about that here. We were given the same location – a decaying house – and told to craft a story that could take place on this set.

In the Dark by Rachel Kiley
In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by a deadly virus, three friends must decide how to spend their last night together after one of them is infected. Premiered today, Oct 27, watch here.

Angie & Zahra by Yulin Kuang
A tale of two besties taking on the zombie apocalypse with the power of female friendship. Premiering tomorrow, Oct 28, watch here.

For reasons relating to Rachel and I both coming from fandom backgrounds / fanfiction-writing pasts, we’ve been trading moral support in the form of flash fanfic for each other’s short films during the past few days, and somehow it snowballed today into the idea for a co-written crossover companion fic to both In the Dark and Angie & Zahra.

I’ve always been a fan of expanding story universes and crack!fic and transmedia experiments, SO my proposition is this:


1. Tomorrow at 10am PT, Rachel and I will release our co-written crossover companion fic to In the Dark and Angie & Zahra, one part on my blog and one part on hers. We’ll leave these fics in the tags of our respective short films, as well as in the tumblr tag Darkness A to Z.

2. We invite you (any of you beautiful people who have made it this far into this text post) to also watch both short films and post any crossover crack!fic, headcanons, fanmixes, fanvids, what-have-you into the Darkness A to Z tumblr tag. If we see it and it fits into the (extremely very) loose storyline Rachel and I have agreed upon, we’ll reblog it and add it to the crack!canon universe of In the Dark and Angie & Zahra.

3. This is just for fun! Canon is what you make of it and you are more than welcome to disregard this whole side transmedia experiment because the films were definitely conceived to stand on their own. But neither Rachel or I can remember a time when a fan-canon experiment was able to crossover more than one story universe, so we think this could be something interesting to try. It also occurred to us that we may have just the perfect amount of audience overlap that these fics should exist in the world outside of our private iMessage transcripts.

SO, YEAH. Let’s do a thing, maybe? Or at least @rachelkiley and I will be doing a thing and against our better judgement releasing it out into the world for your general entertainment/bemusement and you are welcome to join if you’re so inclined!

PS In case you’re reading this and have previously only followed either Rachel or me or neither of us (in which case hello! how did you find this?), here’s a quick thing about who we are –

Yulin Kuang is a writer/director, who previously was showrunner for the series Kissing in the Rain and oversaw its accompanying fan-canon transmedia experiment, more about that here and here. You can find her work on Shipwrecked Comedy and YulinisWorking.

Rachel Kiley is a writer/director who previously worked on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, The Lydia Bennet! and is the co-author of the book The Epic Adventures of Lydia Bennet. You can find her on Twitter and Tumblr.

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youkaiyume: I missed you too, Fool. In which Max rushes back to…

Saturday, October 10th, 2015


I missed you too, Fool.

In which Max rushes back to the Citadel to check…on things.

LONG POST! I apologize. This is a rather self-indulgent follow up to this comic because I upset myself (and apparently many others) with Ghost!Furiosa. It started with one sketch of forehead touch greetings and then it got way out of control.

I had fun with the girls though. In the first panel… it looks like they’ve become Furiosa’s harem lol.



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fuckyeahisawthat: fuckyeahisawthat: Interviewer: You’ve got…

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015



Interviewer: You’ve got this rage within you. Where does it come from?

Charlize Theron: Uh…surprise. Women have that. I’m not the only one. (x)

I kept thinking about what I wanted to add to this post, about women and rage, and how rarely women are allowed to be both angry and powerful on screen.

This is one of those shots that goes by in a split second, like almost every shot in Mad Max: Fury Road, but I had to pause here to screen cap and gasp. Because…her fucking face, man. Her face is amazing. It kind of reminds me of the sandstorm, actually. It’s terrifying and awe-inspiring, and also darkly beautiful in its own way.

This is Furiosa aiming a head shot at Joe from behind Angharad’s pregnant-body human shield. This is the first time in years she’s come face to face with Joe and hasn’t had to hide how she feels about him. And she is ready to KILL that motherfucker.

This is seven thousand days’ worth of concentrated rage.

I think this is one of the shots where you can see most clearly that, whatever we might interpret about the balance of Furiosa’s motivations, Charlize Theron was playing this as a story about vengeance. She’s said so quite explicitly in interviews:

“This idea that she’s kind of saving these women just didn’t feel as interesting to me as…they belong to a man who hurt her incredibly, and she’s just had enough. And she’s just gonna take these women with her. And she’s gonna take what matters to him the most. She’s gonna take the most valuable thing away from him, because he took the most valuable thing away from her. So it’s…it really is the ultimate story of revenge.” (x)

She’s not saving them–she’s stealing them. And she would have been content just to steal what’s most valuable to Joe, but this is an action movie, so of course he chases after her and forces a confrontation, to the point where we know she will have to kill him for this to be over.

Why do I think this is this important?

Women don’t get to express rage on film a lot, but if there’s one form of socially acceptable female rage, it’s motherly, protective rage. “Mama lioness defending her cubs”–that’s something we have a pre-packaged understanding of.

And what I love about Furiosa’s rage is that it is not that–or, it’s not only that. She protects plenty of people over the course of the movie. She throws her body over Cheedo when the Bullet Farmer’s gunfire reaches them. She saves Max about fifty times in the final fight alone. You can see the terror on her face when Toast gets grabbed out of the Rig. She is protective of the people she cares about, or comes to care about.

But the root of her rage is what happened to her.

Her anger is about her own oppression. It is presented as entirely justified and valid, and she is allowed to fully feel it, express it, and act on it on screen, up to and including a moment of violent catharsis. 

And her anger is powerful. By the time Furiosa climbs out of the War Rig and onto Joe’s car, she is running on fumes of 100% nitro-boosted rage, and it’s powerful enough to keep her going when she’s in pain, bleeding, struggling to breathe.

“Sooner or later, somebody pushes back,” Miss Giddy says to Joe. His downfall is the downfall of tyrants everywhere–eventually, someone snaps and fights back, even if the risks are great and the chance of success is small.

We know that in real life, there are many situations in which violence is not a useful or desirable response to a problem. But movies are fantasy spaces. They are there for us to emotionally play with things we wouldn’t ever do or want to experience in real life, including fantasies of violent revenge in response to oppression.

But that’s not the only thing that’s going on here. One of the many brilliant things about Fury Road is the way it welds the characters’ individual emotional needs to the greater mission. While it would probably be satisfying watching Furiosa rip Joe’s face off in any context, she ends up doing it in a context that advances the plot. Joe is an obstacle they need to get out of the way before they reach the pass, so they can execute their plan of trapping the rest of his army on the other side and ensure the safety of the group as a whole. (Furiosa says, “I’ll get him out of our way,” but it’s the third act so we know this can only mean killing him.) 

So Furiosa’s individual need for violent catharsis gets subsumed by, and fulfilled through, the mission of the group–in the same way that Nux’s need to break with the ideology of the Citadel gets fulfilled when he flips the Rig to protect the group, and Max’s need to connect to another human being gets fulfilled through saving Furiosa’s life. These are all functional plot/action beats, but they are also the culminations of each character’s story arc. (And they happen one right after the other, boom boom boom, like fucking clockwork.)

It’s individual emotional needs that drive the characters–but it’s collective struggle, camaraderie and resistance that fulfill them.

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Monday, March 18th, 2013


Coming on Sunday, March 31 to Netflix streaming!:
Samurai Jack
Johnny Bravo
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Adventure Time
Dexter’s Laboratory
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Regular Show
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Ben 10
Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy
Powerpuff Girls
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
Batman Beyond
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Justice League
Justice League: Unlimited
Robot Chicken
The Boondocks
The Venture Brothers
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
and possibly more.  You’re welcome, internet.

Reblogging for this:

Adventure Time

Julia has been my spirit guide as I become familiar with Adventure Time. It is (of course) awesome. But it will be better when I don’t have to buy episodes from Amazon but can just stream them via Netflix.

Saturday she showed me “Mortal Folly”/”Mortal Recoil”. I was partway through when I had to pause and freak out a little.

This is a kid’s show.

This is a kid’s show.


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