bonehandledknife: mugsandpugs: slitthelizardking: bonehandledknife: a sudden need to see Miss…





a sudden need to see Miss Giddy organize the War Boys into presenting some Shakespearean theater…

I’m just imagining grumpy ol’ Slit as Puck.

ooc a mediocre night’s dream to die to sleepto sleep perchance to RIDE TO VALHALLA!!!!

slitthelizardking YOU NEED TO BE STOPPED

ngl one of the reasons why I enjoy the idea of war boys doing shakespeare is that they will make it their own goddammit, because that’s how they roll

It will be awesome, too. Because like with that Jack Hitt piece for TAL about the production of Hamlet at the Missouri Eastern Correctional Center, I bet the war boys are going to find all kinds of correspondences to their own experience. Their culture is so theatrical already, from Joe on down; it is literally their main goal in life to be witnessed giving an aesthetically compelling performance.

I bet their Hamlet would be incredibly powerful. Loyalty and betrayal is everything to them.

There’s that pile of books in the Dome. I hope at least one of them is Shakespeare’.

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Tags: fury road, war boys, text post, shakespeare.

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