little-king-trashmouth: Dear staff, I understand the need for sponsored posts, the beast must be…


Dear staff,

I understand the need for sponsored posts, the beast must be fed somehow. BUT!!! Personally, I find it disgusting, disturbing, and down right insensitive to be scrolling down my dash and see a GIF of slabs of ribs flopping onto a grill, courtesy of tgifridays

I’m sure my other vegetarian, vegan, and non meat eating friends would also appreciate not seeing it, considering most of us have taken special care to make sure the likelyhood of seeing nastyass meat eaters wet dreams on our dash is slim to none.

Is there a way to have people select the sponsored posts they might be interested in seeing? And block the ones they definitely 100% do not ever EVER EEEVVVEERRR want to see? If there isn’t, lets try and make that happen because I am really sick and tired to being bombarded by this shite.



As with me and the horror movies, Tumblr created their own predicament here by making the site compellingly good at letting users curate exactly the mix of content they wish to see. We users work hard to construct that mix. We value it. We feel protective of it.

Being able to choose whom to follow is Tumblr’s superpower. Sponsored posts, at least as currently implemented, are kryptonite.

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Tags: , the creepy dude I can't unfollow.

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