Dear Staff


Dear staff,

If sponsored posts are here to stay, can there be a way to opt out of certain ones? 

I don’t watch horror movies because they leave me unbelievably paranoid for days afterword. The tie-in between this statement and your sponsored posts stems from the facts that a majority of the sponsored posts I’m getting are from horror movie blogs whose posts are filled with the exact reason I do not watch their movies

I had to block Universal Horror Films, The Quiet Ones Movie (whose theater preview before the start of a different movie had me leaving the cinema paranoid), and As Above So Below Movie nearly a dozen times a piece before their posts stopped coming across my dash permanently.  They would disappear when I refreshed the page afterward, only to reappear the next day. It’s extremely off-putting to be scrolling through my dash only to be scared nearly to screaming by whatever monster was in the newest horror movie due to be released.

The posts from The Quiet Ones Movie had me blocking blogs of sponsored posts without ever looking at said post or even the name of the blog it was from in an attempt to clean horror flick blogs off my dashboard. I don’t know how these posts are set up behind the scenes, but may I safely assume that the indiscriminate blocking of these posts hurts the revenue they were designed to make for the site?  

I don’t mind that sponsored posts exist. I don’t mind if they hang around until the Apocalypse happens and wipes out everything. All I ask is that there be some sort of compromise regarding what sponsored posts appear on whose dashboard. 

If someone from the Staff sees this, I thank you for at least taking the time to read it.

Very truly yours,DarkVixen28 

So much this.

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Tags: , the creepy dude I can't unfollow, no horror.

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