thatfinnickkid: Is there a way to stop horror movie ads from showing up on my dash because I’m not…


Is there a way to stop horror movie ads from showing up on my dash because I’m not about that life

Here are the three things I’ve tried, from most to least effective:

Very effective: You can install the Tumblr Savior or XKit (with Blacklist plugin) browser extension on your desktop browser. Most horror movie sponsored posts have recently been tagged with #horror, so you can use those extensions to try to block posts tagged with that.

Somewhat effective: You can avoid using Tumblr’s mobile app, since it doesn’t allow you to block problematic posts. My problem is that I like the mobile app, at least when it’s not forcing me to look at horrific images against my will, so it’s hard for me to give that up.

So far, not effective at all: You can try convincing Tumblr to stop running ads like that in the dashboards of users who object to seeing them. Horror movie ads are arguably a violation of Tumblr’s own Community Guidelines, which say:

Don’t post gore just to be shocking. Don’t showcase the mutilation or torture of human beings, animals, or their remains. Dick.

Apparently Tumblr is okay with being, collectively, a dick, as long as universalhorrorfilms is paying them. That makes me sad, but it seems unlikely to change at this point. So I think your best bet is probably Tumblr Savior or XKit.

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Tags: , the creepy dude I can't unfollow, no horror.

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