Paine’s Summary of Yellowcakegate

George Paine at has a really nice summary of the events in the Nigerian yellowcake scandal: What did Bush know, and when?

An important point that some Bush supporters are missing in their faux outrage over the ruckus being kicked up over a “mere 16 words” is that this isn’t the only lie the Bush administration has used in its efforts to build and maintain support for the war. Lying about the nature of the threat Saddam posed to the US has been continuous over the last year or more. This lie just happens to have been one that was particularly bald, with an obvious paper trail implicating the liars.

It’s not significant because it was some kind of radical departure. Just the opposite. It’s an example of the kind of thing that has become routine in the Bush administration. And it sucks.

One Response to “Paine’s Summary of Yellowcakegate”

  1. Dan Says:

    Gen. Wesley Clark spoke with Matt Lauer on “The Today Show” this morning. When asked about Bush’s use of false intelligence, Clark said that the “real issue is … why precisely did we decide to attack Iraq?”

    A lot of good people in this country have been misled to believe that Hussein was behind the attacks of 9/11, and Clark argued that the evidence just isn’t there. This story won’t go away because, at the end of the day, Americans hate to be lied to, whether its about bombs or blowjobs.

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