Doonesbury on Media Bias

Fun Doonesbury strip today, on a key difference between the liberal and conservative media.

2 Responses to “Doonesbury on Media Bias”

  1. hossman Says:

    While you’re at it, you should check out this ditty from “This Modern World”…

  2. Allan Says:

    Yeah – no tradition of tolerance – except granting slaves suffrage, abolishing slavery, passing the ’65 Civil Rights Act (which Al Gore’s Father and Former Klansman Robert Byrd voted against), demanding people be given the choice to send their children to private schools, the choice to learn about creationism as well as evolution (which Darwin admitted was baseless), the choice to partially privatize one’s Social Security payments or not, the opportunity to be hired on one’s merits as opposed to one’s skin color, etc., etc.

    Trudeau makes the case FOR FNC by mentioning that they cover the positive aspects of the war because if you watch FNC for 5 minutes, you’ll see what all the other propagandist networks show all day AS WELL AS the positive side of things – THAT’s fair and balanced.

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