itsybitsylemonsqueezy: Oh oh! Thing I forgot to say about Mad Max!Okay, it is a personal pet peeve…

Friday, June 19th, 2015


Oh oh! Thing I forgot to say about Mad Max!

Okay, it is a personal pet peeve of mind when in movies characters are wearing make up when they have no business to be wearing make up. Cave people did not have eyeliner. People in war zones did not have eyeliner. The next cowboy love interest I see with perfect make up is GOING IN THE DRINK. THE MEMBERS OF ALL THE RACES OF MIDDLE EARTH NOT ONE OF THEM HAD INVENTED MAKE UP DEAR GOD STOP.

So it was SO TREMENDOUSLY GRATIFYING when they gave an on-screen legit explanation of Furiosa’s furious make up! Even the paleness of the war boys and Immortan Joe was explained! I mean holy fucking god, you don’t even know what a big deal that is! Normally, we just assume that make up is part of the ~movie magic~ of the experience, the artistic license of a higher level story. BUT NO. FUCKING NO. This movie is having NONE of your pretentious ass suspension of disbelief shit. We made a REAL ASS MOVIE about real ass people and we explained our goddamn make up thank you very much!


And tags:

#Mad Max #I will never stop talking about how good it is #This is just going to be a Mad Max blog from now on #Don’t even care #Mad Max: the gold standard of movies

Yeah. There’s a fair amount of that going around. :-)

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