How do you feel about the ‘Mad Max is a folk hero; the films are retellings of folk tales from long after the events depicted in-universe’ theory? I’ve seen that going round a few times…

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

It’s pretty much canon. Like, both The Road Warrior and Beyond Thudnerdome have actual narration framing the two films as such and George Miller’s said that’s sort of what people should view Fury Road as too. And it’s the approach that lends the most to the franchise surviving a VERY long time without having to worry about continuity too much.

I mean, just imagine us someday getting a Mad Max film where Max is played by a dark-skinned actor of Indigenous Australian descent: the “Max as post-post apocalyptic Australian folk hero” approach very easily allows for that by killing two birds with one stone (recasting a previously-white character to be played by a nonwhite actor being one) by framing that movie as the folk retelling of a group descended from predominantly Indigenous Australian survivors (diversifying the post apocalyptic genre being the other proverbial bird).

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Did I miss an announcement? From some of the stuff you’ve posted, it sounds like you’re working on the Lydia novel. Are you? That would be awesome!

Monday, December 22nd, 2014


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Lots of semi-disjointed thoughts…

Friday, August 15th, 2014


Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown has been named by Chief Jackson. They also alluded to an idea that Brown had been involved in a “strongarm robbery” at a nearby convenience store. However, Ferguson PD Chief Jackson had already debunked that idea. A reporter I know who works for the news startup The Missouri Times, said this: 

Collin Reischman tweet: On Tuesday, Jackson told me #MichaelBrown was not being questioned as a suspect in a crime when he was stopped. So…..yeah….

Also, the shoplifter in the video is wearing shorts and flip flops while Mike Brown was wearing shoes and long pants when he was shot. 

Are we going to actually get facts out of these people?

But I’m so so glad things went better last night. I’m glad people were able to protest and I’m so glad that the STL county police were removed from the situation.

I wish I could say that I thought this would provide impetus for change and improvement. But like most states, Missouri suffers from a distinct city vs. outstate battle syndrome in our state politics. St. Louis and Kansas City and the couple other larger, more liberal cities (Springfield and Columbia) have enough voting residents that they frequently outweigh the rural folks on issues. Yet jerrymandering has made it so that our state senate and representative districts are more polarized than ever and the GOP holds veto proof majorities in the house and senate yet the governor, AG, and SOS are all dems. 

This issue isn’t going to make the state take action to demilitarize or anything. The heavily rural state assemblies are just going to use this as another example of how st. louis is always the problem.

And now we’ve got St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch saying that Governor Nixon did not have the constitutional authority to relieve St. Louis County PD and send in the HWY Patrol and St. Louis City Police to handle the situation in ferguson. He might be right, he’s very no-nonsense. But I’m just not sure what else could have been done? And prosecuting attorney’s in Missouri are a MASSIVE part of the problem of racial disparities in criminal charges. So I’m not sure I trust him on this issue.

The hope for me is that St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley was just defeated in a primary last week and the guy coming in is a current county councilman and I think he’ll be a lot more effective. As with all things, progress on discrimination in St. Louis will take time. I hope so much that things get better.

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decomposion: Art history meme (x) – 4/4 colours – black The…

Thursday, November 21st, 2013


Art history meme (x) – 4/4 colours – black

The Wyndham Sisters by John Singer Sargent | Fleurs by Jean Benner | Mrs. Daniel Sargent by John Singleton Copley | Gossip Being Punished by Ignacio Diaz Olano | Mrs. Louis E. Raphael by John Singer Sargent

No gradient. Not a single change in vibrance or brightness. No brightness. It engulfs. It’s all black.

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