



anybody else get pissed when the Rules change for what it’s good to like. i spent a long time trying to like the Beatles because my friend did and I thought it would be a good addition to my collection of Acceptable Things I Am Capable Of Enjoying and now everyone hates the Beatles and if you like them you are not Acceptable. I would like to no longer play this foolish game thanks

“everyone” doesn’t hate the beatles. six children on this webbed site think it makes them morally superior to hate the beatles, it’s just that they are Very Loud. performatively hating the beatles is the most garbage attempt to be impressive in an edgy way that I have ever witnessed and I am gen x. I hereby give everyone who reads this post permission to stop playing the game and enjoy the things that you would like to enjoy

Seriously. Just enjoy the things you enjoy. Life is too short to care about what’s “cool” to like and what isn’t.

just the other day i was thinking about how good the Beatles are and how sad i was that no one likes the Beatles any more.

and on a similar note I have recently discovered the whole genre of post-disco funk, which had a brief existence from maybe 1979-1985ish, and i love it so much and it has become one of my fav. genres of music and i don’t care if everyone thinks it sounds super corny it is now like my new favorite kind of music

also i love the old 70′s-80′s-style salsa music, like salsa dura, and for the most part no one i know listens to it any more and the few people i know who are into salsa are all into salsa romantica but i dont care im still gonna listen to Ismael Rivera and Los Hermanos Lebron.

i often get into music way after it is “past its prime”. like it was in the late 2000′s that i started discovering how good some 90′s rap was and i continued discovering new 90′s rap albums and artists into the 2010′s

and when i was in college i was getting really into early-20th-century classical music, stuff that was considered too modern and discordant by many of the die-hard-traditional classical musicians, but too old-fashioned by all of the contemporary classical composers, who were all into minimalism and stuff like that. i wanted to listen to Shostakovich and Hindemith and all those folks

back in the 90′s as a teenager when my peers were listening to stuff like green day and nirvana i wanted nothing to do with pop music and was all into J.S. Bach’s music for organ and harspichord. loved those fugues.

you do you

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Tags: excellent opportunity, to both amplify goodness, and teach the algo, that yes, sarah’s emily is the best you do you gif.

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