rogvewitch: im curious. put in the tags if you have siblings, how many and if you’re an only child,…


im curious. put in the tags if you have siblings, how many and if you’re an only child, oldest, middle, or youngest. i feel like this tells a ton about you

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Tags: my families disintegrated and reformed through much of my childhood, in the beginning i was the youngest of three, with an older brother and sister, each of us about 3 years apart, when i was 5 my parents divorced, and both remarried fairly soon, i lived some of the time with my dad and stepmother, my eldest sibling moved out at 16 to go to college, and my sister moved in with my mom and stepfather, so for a number of years there i was in effect an only child, i also spent some time living with my mom and stepfather, weekends and summer vacations mostly, so there i was sort of in the middle, with my older sister, and younger half-brother and -sister, and after my sister moved out, i was like the oldest child, there were 3 more divorces in there, 2 by my dad and 1 by my mom, and some more adult siblings i didn’t ever live with, and then a few more divorces by my dad, but i was out and on my own by then, these days my brother and sister and i, have all been married for decades, with zero divorces between us, our dad credits himself for that, that seeing his approach to relationships, taught us to avoid his mistakes, which i guess is sort of true?, but not really the way he thinks.

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