Tomorrow before dawn I’m leaving for a part of Santa Barbara County I’ve never been to: Big Pine…

Tomorrow before dawn I’m leaving for a part of Santa Barbara County I’ve never been to: Big Pine Mountain. At 6,820 feet it’s the highest point in the county. It’s going to take a lot of driving on 4WD roads that normally are closed to the public; we’ve got special permission from the Forest Service to go in for an annual bird census.

The forecast is for high winds, which is unfortunate, but we’re going to be there for most of two days, so hopefully there will be some quieter stretches.

I’m super excited, both because of the silly obsession with the county year list and because I’ll be birding with some people whose skill I really admire.

There are 3 or 4 species they often get up there that I don’t have yet, and another 10 that are possible though unlikely. But you never know!

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Tags: birds, santa barbara county year list.

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