anonsally: Urban birdwatching! Yesterday, there was a little…


Urban birdwatching! Yesterday, there was a little yellow-fronted bird singing cheerfully from the top of a small tree across the street from my house. My phone camera is terrible, so this picture is only useful for getting a sense of the shape of this birb. I remember that the song seemed complicated–it had at least 2 or 3 distinct parts. The front of the bird was yellow but the back seemed more olive, with a bit of black and white on the wings maybe. Also, a darker cap. And I don’t think the beak was thick. 

I looked through my bird book when I got home several hours later but wasn’t able to identify it with any confidence.  @lies, any hypotheses?

My guess would be Lesser Goldfinch. We have them around here, too, and they’re adorable. 😀

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