likearootlesstree: Backstage with @crimsonash330 We got to see…


Backstage with @crimsonash330

We got to see props and consumes and stand on the stage super magical

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Tags: closer..., actors, this is the coolest thing ever, I love how low-tech and period-appropriate all this is, the shelving feels like a dusty basement with stuff just lying around, I know they have super-high-tech sound equipment and lighting, to say nothing of the mechanism that controls the turntable, but all of this stuff, it could all be a storeroom of a public house in New York circa 1776, and then they all engage in a collective mass suspension of disbelief, crew, audience, and for 2h 28m 36s, it IS nyc circa the revolution, not necessarily as it was, but as they've conjured it to be.

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