debunkshy: Least BitternDunn’s Marsh, WI10 May 2020

Sunday, May 10th, 2020


Least Bittern
Dunn’s Marsh, WI
10 May 2020

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likearootlesstree: Backstage with @crimsonash330 We got to see…

Saturday, April 8th, 2017


Backstage with @crimsonash330

We got to see props and consumes and stand on the stage super magical

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jamberlies: I was tagged by lies in the “pictures on my phone”…

Sunday, September 20th, 2015


I was tagged by lies in the “pictures on my phone” tag, so here we go!

Two of my categories are the same as lies: “oh that’s cool looking” versus “I need to record this” (at least half of my pictures are lab recipes I was too lazy to actually write down). The third category is selfies.

Also, one of these may or may not be from when I didn’t leave my house for a whole weekend so I could binge-play Myst. 

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