the-eldest-woman-on: Guys.I know. The first of April. With the tomfoolerly.But.I, personally, slept…



I know. The first of April. With the tomfoolerly.


I, personally, slept very poorly last night with the breastfeeding and all, and then there was a day with two children under two walking and touching all of the things and crying, and then on top of that, I foolishly, FOOLISHLY, hosted an ‘egg hunt’ of chaos for 30 two and a half year olds, and yes, they did smash all of the goldfish crackers and home made play dough into all of the rugs and furniture (of the communal play space)

So maybe just give me money so no one else has to have children?

I’m on a team with ladies in the tech industry, and they’re all like, I think $5,000 per team member is a reasonable goal. 

And like, clearly, I cannot raise that. Can you help me get to $100? I think that’s the top I can get from my social circle. I ain’t fancy. Give me $5. Help a gal in Pennsylvania out of a tough situation. 

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