niveni: h.g. & lenore fairytale au ➺ for…


h.g. & lenore fairytale au ➺ for suchspiritedwords

h.g. court wizard, castle inventor (time on his heels & a head full of planets)

lenore lady ghost, seamstress to the queen (quick fingers & a quicker tongue)

h.g. arrives in summer. they don’t meet until autumn, until lenore follows the smell of burning and drags him out of his smoke-filled chamber, only half-awake and choking, but alive. that night, amongst potions and bandages, she makes him laugh. he thinks she’s like moonlight. she hopes he’ll stay.

(he does.)

their lives slowly become intertwined. he bakes and blackens bread and she embroiders the constellations into his cloaks. they laugh and slow dance and speak spells into the air. they give each other their stories.

(h.g. stirs honey and indigo spice into lenore’s tea, as she tells him of her lost love, sir guy de vere. when her voice wobbles, he hands her his cat, emily, who curls up warm and soft in lenore’s lap.)

photos: o o o o o o o o

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Tags: poeparty, Poe-mas.

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