Archive for March, 2016

neither-saint-nor-sinner: “One of the things I tried to do…

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


“One of the things I tried to do stylistically in the [Gilmore Girls] pilot, was to have the sense of when we were in Lorelai and Rory’s world, that the camera was moving and it was very fluid, and there was lot of energy around it, and when we first went to the parents’ house that it was much more presentational…that it was a world that energy wasn’t flowing in.”

–Lesli Linka Glatter, pilot and episode director (x)

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“There are some very good blogs on Tumblr and it’s a great place to start, however, one should not…”

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

“There are some very good blogs on Tumblr and it’s a great place to start, however, one should not put complete faith in everything read here as fact.”


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primarybufferpanel: (Never forget the Portland Bill)Three years…

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


(Never forget the Portland Bill)

Three years ago today I (and the rest of Pelican’s transat crew) was engaged in a desperate struggle to get the ship around the ‘bill’. Wind and tide were hellish – we kept trying to get into position to get around there before the 5-6 knots tide turned and we kept not making it. The while line in the image represents 2 full days. This was at the end of a very heavy 2-month transatlantic voyage. I remember being on the edge of tears (and sometimes over it) for a good part of the time.

The final turn to right and the actual rounding of the bill had me on the helm. It was 3 AM, the generator was broken, we had no light, no heat, no flushing heads and no TEA, it was basically our last chance to get in under our own power before we’d have to call for a tow. And we finally made it in.

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“One of the things we share is our national pastimes – la pelota. As the quote from “Field of Dreams”…”

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

“One of the things we share is our national pastimes – la pelota. As the quote from “Field of Dreams” goes, “the one constant through all the years … has been baseball.” That’s as true in America as it is in Cuba. Whether it’s the middle of an Iowa cornfield or the neighborhoods of Havana, our landscapes are dotted with baseball diamonds. Our kids grow up learning to run the bases and count balls and strikes. And many of our greatest ballplayers have taken the field together… That’s what this visit is about: remembering what we share, reflecting upon the barriers we’ve broken – as people and as nations – and looking toward a better future. Because while I will not ignore the important differences between our governments, I came to Cuba to extend the hand of friendship to the Cuban people.”

President Obama (via kileyrae)

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neither-saint-nor-sinner: “One of the things I tried to do…

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


“One of the things I tried to do stylistically in the [Gilmore Girls] pilot, was to have the sense of when we were in Lorelai and Rory’s world, that the camera was moving and it was very fluid, and there was lot of energy around it, and when we first went to the parents’ house that it was much more presentational…that it was a world that energy wasn’t flowing in.”

–Lesli Linka Glatter, pilot and episode director (x)

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“‘‘Hamilton’’ is a breakthrough, but it doesn’t exactly introduce a new era. Nothing introduces an…”

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

“‘‘Hamilton’’ is a breakthrough, but it doesn’t exactly introduce a new era. Nothing introduces an era. What it does is empower people to think differently. There’s always got to be an innovator, somebody who experiments first with new forms. The minute something is a success, everybody imitates it. It’s what happened with ‘‘Oklahoma’’; everybody immediately started to write bad Western musicals. ‘‘Hair’’ also had that effect. But eventually people stop imitating and the form matures. ‘‘Hair’’ allowed young writers to say, ‘‘Hey, let’s use rock as a way of telling a story.’’ Now they’ll say, ‘‘Let’s use rap as a way of telling a story.’’ So we’ll certainly see more rap musicals. The next thing we’ll get is Lincoln set to rap. If you think I’m kidding, talk to me in a year.”

Stephen Sondheim, The American Revolutionary (T Magazine)


(via thefederalistfreestyle)

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livias: Far from every road

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


Far from every road

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thefederalistfreestyle: legacy – what is a legacy?? [x x x x]

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


legacy – what is a legacy?? [x x x x]

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loriendesse: tolkien quotes + aesthetics (part 1)

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


tolkien quotes + aesthetics (part 1)

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alwayspapadouche: Remember how I was like, is my new nanny rich? Yeah. They fucking are. I’ve never…

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


Remember how I was like, is my new nanny rich? Yeah. They fucking are. I’ve never been to a nicer place in my life and I have purple hair and a dinosaur jumper on.

But did you check the attic?

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alenaesphotography: I had such a great time photographing…

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


I had such a great time photographing crocuses (one of my favourite
signs of spring) today! A low aperture value and a short distance
between me and the flowers meant I was shooting with a super small depth
of field, allowing me to focus on minute details of my subject while
the rest literally faded away!

None of these photos have been
softened or manipulated, other than slight alterations to exposure,
contrast, and crop size. The softness in the photos is due entirely to
the small depth of field (focus area).

Photoset – Crocuses w/ a Small Depth of Field – Victoria, BC – February 2016

Connect with me:

© Alena Ebeling-Schuld

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clusterpod:clusterpod:Mycena sp. Julius River, Tarkine,…

Monday, March 21st, 2016



Mycena sp.

Julius River, Tarkine, Tasmania

Sunday is Mycena day!

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cannibalpropensity: Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840)

Monday, March 21st, 2016


Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840)

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“To see an alternate or understudy in a role can be revelatory—not just about the actor in question…”

Monday, March 21st, 2016

To see an alternate or understudy in a role can be revelatory—not just about the actor in question but about the work itself. When, in the opening number of “Hamilton,” Lin-Manuel Miranda makes his first entrance, and his character announces himself by name, the audience reliably applauds. Here is the man they have come to see: the first Secretary of the Treasury and the MacArthur-certified genius who has re-imagined him so powerfully. The entrance is an opportunity for a celebration of his achievement. The audience members are fully aware of all that Miranda and Hamilton have accomplished—even though they haven’t yet seen the play, and even though the Hamilton onstage is newly arrived in New York City, unheralded and as yet unknown.

Enacted by an alternate or understudy, though, uncertainty is restored to the scene. When an unfamiliar actor steps into the light as Hamilton, the applause that greets him is scattered, more muted, as audience members rustle their Playbills for the overlooked white slip. The challenge that faces Hamilton, the character, as the play unfolds—how to make an impression against all expectations—is also the challenge that the actor confronts in playing him.

“Who is this kid? What’s he gonna do?” Hamilton’s fellow-rebels ask, before witnessing him deliver his first, incendiary number, “My Shot,” in which he stakes his claim to the future. To see an actor other than Miranda step into this role is to be aware in a different way of the risk and the danger and the promise of the historical moment, and the theatrical one. It is also a salutary reminder to all theatregoers to embrace the understudy, in whatever show he or she appears, in whatever role he or she is cast. See the understudy take his shot. It might be revolutionary.

The Thrilling Uncertainty of the Understudy (The New Yorker)

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shittywatercolour: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless…

Monday, March 21st, 2016


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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chandelyer: Tony Chaaya spring2016 couture

Monday, March 21st, 2016


Tony Chaaya spring2016 couture

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As @shipwreckedcomedy‘s Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner…

Sunday, March 20th, 2016

As @shipwreckedcomedy‘s Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party enters pre-production, I wanted to do my part to make sure the most crucial creative decision (ravens/no ravens) is decided correctly. The correct answer, obviously, is ravens, all the way.

Fortunately, the greater Los Angeles area has a large number of professional actors who also happen to be ravens. Today I was approached by this pair, who, hearing of my (admittedly tenuous) connection to the show (”guys,” I kept saying, “I’m just a Kickstarter backer”), insisted I record this audition tape and forward it to the appropriate parties.

So here you go. You’ll note that they:

  • work well together
  • can perform complex blocking with no rehearsal
  • do their own stunts

They’re currently involved in another production, but anticipate being free by the time Poe Party begins shooting.

Head shots available on request.

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mostlythemarsh: Paint Can

Sunday, March 20th, 2016


Paint Can

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Carpinteria Bluffs, 2016-02-20It was overcast at the bluffs…

Sunday, March 20th, 2016

Carpinteria Bluffs, 2016-02-20

It was overcast at the bluffs today, but the clover (Oxalis sp.) and black mustard (Brassica nigra) were in bloom and doing their best to brighten the scene. They’re non-native, and so are frowned-upon from a restoration-ecology perspective, but so far that patch of ground has been left to its own devices. In a coastal SoCal field a month or so after a rain that usually means clover and mustard. Anyway, I thought it was pretty.

One of the benefits of restoring native plants is that they tend to host a nice assortment of insect associates. There was evidence of that in the nearby coyote brush (Baccharis piluarlis), where a new outbreak of green leaf beetles (Trirhabda flavolimbata) is under way. It’s early on in the outbreak, so I didn’t see any adult beetles, but the larvae are definitely getting bigger then they were a few weeks ago, when I first noticed them coming back.

If this outbreak follows the pattern of the last few I’ve seen there eventually will be multiple generations of beetles from tiny larvae to shiny green adults crawling all over the plants, many of which will end up completely defoliated. The coyote brush doesn’t seem to mind too much; a year after the last outbreak they were back in business.

The last photo above is of a small coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) that was heavily galled with stem galls. I’m thinking those are probably the work of the cynipid wasp Callirhytis quercussuttoni. According to Russo’s Plant Galls of California and Other Western States (which I love), the generation of wasps that emerged through those exit holes you can see were all females; they lay their eggs on leaf buds, which produces a generation of small leaf blister galls that host both males and females. After mating, the adult females of that generation oviposit into young, growing stems, which eventually results in the big stem galls you see here.

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haileythesato: When you are a vampire, you become…

Sunday, March 20th, 2016


When you are a vampire, you become very………sexy….

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