“We were thinking, Oh, boy, we hope this just goes away,” Hicks told me. “It was like the Bush…”

“We were thinking, Oh, boy, we hope this just goes away,” Hicks told me. “It was like the Bush administration. And, like the Bush administration, it just wouldn’t go away.”

Elizabeth Kolbert, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1OhbGK8.

Tags: this book tho, so well-written, so it just sucks you along, and the info is all stuff that's already out there, broadly speaking, all stuff you already know, if you've been paying attention, but being swept along on the ride of the storytelling, has a way of making it real, of getting past your defenses, so you're forced to confront the emotional content of the reality, and that's kind of devastating, we just hope this goes away, , this isn't going away, this is an oncoming train, and everyone on earth, everything that lives, is tied to the tracks.

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