anonsally replied to your post: Video updates regarding Vestas Wind So, is there a… protocol or…

anonsally replied to your post: Video updates regarding Vestas Wind

So, is there a… protocol or something for this type of situation? Like, does the nearest boat come to rescue the sailors on the wreck? Does that mean that Team Alvimedica is forfeiting their place in this leg too? Just curious how it works…

It’s explicit in the racing rules that safety comes before competition, but the rule is kind of an afterthought; it’s just a fact that sailors at sea are going to stop and help each other regardless of what’s happening with the race. There’s a lot of history, in the Volvo/Whitbread and other races, of boats suspending racing to help competitors in distress. And just as a practical matter, the places this particular race goes, a lot of time the competitors are going to be the closest available aid.

The race control jury will meet and probably will come up with some kind of make-good such that Alvimedica isn’t penalized for helping. It could be that Alvimedica is awarded points for the leg consistent with the position they were in when they suspended racing. Or they may be allowed to resume racing with a time adjustment they can subtract from their finish time to account for the time spent assisting Vestas. Or something else.

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Tags: anonsally, vor.

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