christinelinnell: saberomega: i tried not to reblog…then that…



i tried not to reblog…then that little puppy winked at me, and….well…i reblogged.

The moral of this story is I shouldn’t look at puppy pictures when I’ve been drinking.

OMG, the puppy-play is out of control around here.

When he starts trying to run, and gets excited so he tries to run faster, but all that means is that instead of taking little bounds he’s taking somewhat higher bounds, while traveling at the exact same speed over the ground?

Or when you’re rolling him around on his back, and he’s trying to pretend-bite you, but he’s just a little too slow, so you’re getting him to go back and forth, and you stop with his round little belly in the air and his ears all flopped back and a crazy wide-eyed look as he stares at you with his mouth open waiting for you to do it again?

Or when he has one end of the chew toy and you’ve got the other, and you shake his head so he shakes back and makes that adorable little puppy growl?

Or (this is new to me, not having had a shepherd puppy before, but I assume it’s shepherd-specific) when you walk along and he runs to get in front of you, and lowers his head and raises his hindquarters in the air and wags his tail and watches you, so you walk back the other way and he races that way to get in front of you and do it again?

Reposted from

Tags: jamberlies, you're seriously missing out here.

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