Archive for May, 2013

i’d swim the ocean for you.: To all of the people defending the pace of Welcome to Sanditon:

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

i’d swim the ocean for you.: To all of the people defending the pace of Welcome to Sanditon::


Yeah, no.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries was a one-year, 100-episode series. Episodes 1 through 3 were a combination of exposition and a bit of plot, and episodes 4 and onward were purely plot.

In contrast, you have Welcome to Sanditon, which is supposed to last what, two months? Three? And four…

Speaking only for myself, I think it’s interesting to see them trying out new things like all the RP and integrating fan vids into the story. I’m not obsessing over WTS the way I did over LBD, but that’s unsurprising; P&P was already something I was kind of obsessed with, and following all the twists of how they were updating things is what kept me interested until the story and acting kicked in and I was hooked. WTS doesn’t have that going for it.

I look on WTS as an interesting experiment. I’m just letting it unfold at its own pace (whatever that turns out to be). I hope there will actually be story, rather than just giving us Austen’s setup and using it as a framework for the expanded fan interaction. But even if that’s all it is, and whatever it becomes is more a diffuse exploration by a few hundred RPers than any sort of unified story, I still think that’s a worthwhile thing for them to have tried.

This whole thing is really new, and new is interesting. That these channels exist whereby fans can interact with the story in a real way is something that storytellers are still learning how to use. That some of the things they’re trying don’t work and prompt meta-discussion about how it might be done better is actually pretty cool. That the approach they’re using explicitly exposes levers a motivated fan could use to not only criticize, but go beyond that to actually try to influence the story’s direction in a positive way, is potentially pretty awesome.

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digbicks: Art Appreciation.  Sonya & Orest for DressCode…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


Art Appreciation. 

  1. Sonya & Orest for DressCode Magazine (September 2010), Valeria Lazareva
  2. Untitled, Joshua Foster. On Tumblr
  3. Le Louvre et ses visiteurs, Alécio de Andrade
  4. Favourite Place, Hannah & Landon Metz
  5. Art Appreciation, Chuck Burgess
  6. Boston (Summer 1972), Nick DeWolf
  7. Museo del Prado, Madrid (1995), Elliott Erwitt

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anonsally: lies: fairy-wren: Audubon’s Warbler. Photo by…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013




Audubon’s Warbler. Photo by sambobbing

As promised! (Technically a Yellow-rumped, these days, at least for species-level listing purposes.)

I remember that I was happy when the Audubon’s and Myrtle Warbler were combined (which some research shows me happened back in 1973, when I would have been 11 and just starting to get serious about bird-watching). I didn’t really like the name (Yellow-rumped sounded a little outré to me), and it was a lost species for the listing count, but I liked not having to worry about which of the two I was seeing. For a common species like the Yellow-rumped, I was all about the ID: list it and move on to something more exciting.

These days I’m more interested in both the finer points of identification and appreciating the common species, such that I pay more attention to the throats and auriculars of the Yellow-rumped Warblers I see to look for the stray Myrtle’s. In So Cal they’re almost always Audubon’s, but a guy can hope.

I see from the aforementioned googling that there’s actually been some recent talk at the AOU of splitting them again. That’d be cool. In the meantime I’m going to pay more attention to them, just because Sally likes them. :-)

This is just such a beautiful little bird. It looks different from the last one John posted. I think the other one was a Myrtle’s?

And now I wonder about these two different groups of Yellow-Rumped Warblers. Like they are two rival cliques in middle school (apparently junior high school no longer exists? at least not in my city), and the Myrtle’s Warblers call the Audubon’s Warblers “Butternecks” and the Audubons call  the Myrtles “Snowthroats” and the only time they get along is when the purple finches come calling both groups “Butterbutts”. Then they join forces to make fun of the purple finches for being red instead of purple.

Oh wow; that’s hilarious.

Yes, that earlier one was a Myrtle, with the cream-colored throat. The information at Flickr indicates he was photographed in Chicago, which makes sense; the eastern population is mostly Myrtles. From the Rockies westward they’re mostly Audubon’s, like this guy.

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fairy-wren: American Goldfinch. Photo by kelly

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


American Goldfinch. Photo by kelly

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Gizmodo: This Incredible Full Scale Lego X-Wing Is the Largest…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Gizmodo: This Incredible Full Scale Lego X-Wing Is the Largest Model In History

I’m not sure I buy the “largest model in history” part. Movie “bigatures” are models, and some of them are pretty darn big. And there’s that model of the Bay Area’s tidal flow that covers 1.5 acres. And lots more, I’m sure.

Still, that’s pretty impressive. By which I mean, ridiculous.

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Spectacular Edible Outfits Made of Ordinary Foods Wearable…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Spectacular Edible Outfits Made of Ordinary Foods

Wearable Foods is an eye-catching series by Korean artist Yeonju Sung that presents a line of edible fashion. With these outfits, you won’t have to worry about getting food on your clothes. Using a variety of ingredients as her medium, the crafty artist has constructed a multitude of garments with consumable goods that include (but are not limited to) bananas, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplants, bread, eggs, and even bubble gum.


This is like an AU version of Project Runway’s unconventional challenge, but in a world where the contestants are so good they make Christian Siriano look like the joke contestants that only get on because the producers want to show comical footage of them before eliminating them the first week.

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nationalaquarium: Happy World Turtle Day!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Common Snapping Turtle


Happy World Turtle Day!

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geekgirlpenpals: This makes Farquharson all kinds of…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


This makes Farquharson all kinds of happy.

Wow. I’ve always been pretty much an anti-fan when it comes to 3D, but now I want to know: What movie is it that all these particular dudes are finding so compelling?

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knowledgethroughscience: Attention stargazers – Mercury,…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


Attention stargazers – Mercury, Jupiter and Venus appear very close together in the sky, May 24-26, 2013.

Three planets are coming together in the evening sky at the moment, putting on a celestial show that won’t be seen again for more than a decade.

“The view should be best about 30 to 45 minutes after sunset,” said Alan MacRobert, a senior editor at Sky & Telescope magazine. Find out how to spot Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

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colchrishadfield: This is how I flew, raced and drove a Mars…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


This is how I flew, raced and drove a Mars rover 2 hours after I landed back in Houston. I’m less of a hazard now…

I was impressed by that crosswind landing in the T-38, and only then realized: Oh, right. He’s an old-school astronaut. Probably has significant jet experience.

Um, yeah. Just a bit:

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onthesideoftheotters: unicornamber: elenaflutterby: Tangled…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013




Tangled comparisons – concept art to the final film. 

why the fuck is the concept art so much better

holy shit i thought the concept art was art from the renaissance jfc

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shinebycomparison: As promised, here are a few more pictures…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013


As promised, here are a few more pictures from today. I didn’t think Mr. Bearcy would enjoy wearing mickey ears, but he embraced it with enthusiasm. It took him a few minutes to adjust to being around so many people, and although he thoroughly had a wonderful time, he still prefers the quiet orderliness of William’s house. That didn’t stop him from trying with all his bear strength to pull the sword out of the stone. He suffered minor embarrassment when he failed, but we agreed it was only because his arms are so short. 

Mr. Bearcy thought one of the marble busts outside of The Haunted Mansion looked like William’s Aunt Catherine so I made him pose with it.  He did a show-stopping impression of her that no sort of descriptions on my part could do justice to. And of course we couldn’t possibly pass up The Country Bear Jamboree! However, Bearcy was decidedly not as thrilled when we exited as he was when we entered. Something about the other bears lacking tolerable style and general cleanliness. 

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maxwellglick: shinebycomparison: Today was super exciting for…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013



Today was super exciting for Mr. Bearcy(so exciting that at one point he had to be pushed in a stroller because his emotions were too overwhelming). I’ll get into that later, but first he wanted to share this sneak peek. He was so honored to meet Max that he talked of nothing else the rest of the day(which was a nice break from his commentaries on the spectrum of social classes present in the park and his disappointment in the food options). 

So I met Mr. Bearcy in Disneyworld today.

Holy crap. So he’s moved on from imaginarycircus to a new keeper? I guess I wasn’t keeping up…

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fairy-wren: Audubon’s Warbler. Photo by sambobbing As…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013


Audubon’s Warbler. Photo by sambobbing

As promised! (Technically a Yellow-rumped, these days, at least for species-level listing purposes.)

I remember that I was happy when the Audubon’s and Myrtle Warbler were combined (which some research shows me happened back in 1973, when I would have been 11 and just starting to get serious about bird-watching). I didn’t really like the name (Yellow-rumped sounded a little outré to me), and it was a lost species for the listing count, but I liked not having to worry about which of the two I was seeing. For a common species like the Yellow-rumped, I was all about the ID: list it and move on to something more exciting.

These days I’m more interested in both the finer points of identification and appreciating the common species, such that I pay more attention to the throats and auriculars of the Yellow-rumped Warblers I see to look for the stray Myrtle’s. In So Cal they’re almost always Audubon’s, but a guy can hope.

I see from the aforementioned googling that there’s actually been some recent talk at the AOU of splitting them again. That’d be cool. In the meantime I’m going to pay more attention to them, just because Sally likes them. :-)

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Yay! another little yellow bird!

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

The Blackburnian Warbler? Those guys are amazing looking! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in real life, or if I did it was many years ago on a trip to the East Coast. But growing up I used to stare at them in the field guide, imagining what it would be like to see one. I had this hierarchy in my head of warbler awesomeness, and the Blackburnian was at the top. :-)

I just put another Yellow-rumped Warbler in the queue, specifically for you, but what the heck; let’s live a little. I’ll go post it now.

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monsieurleprince: Alfred Stevens (1823 – 1906) –  An evening by…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013


Alfred Stevens (1823 – 1906) –  An evening by the sea

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aivlysann replied to your post: aivlysann replied to your post: Hey John i was… oh weird,…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

aivlysann replied to your post: aivlysann replied to your post: Hey John i was…

oh weird, i’ve never come across that group other than all the people who ask for your url. but how does trading followers even work. you follow people for what they post, not their url?

Yes, exactly. I’ve had people propose that I swap URLs with them, and describing the large number of the followers I will thereby receive. Maybe I’m misinterpreting what they’re suggesting, though. I know there have been other times when the deal was described as including the other party _promoting_ my blog to their followers (like, “hey, minions, go follow this guy”). Maybe that’s all they meant?

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eyrequotes: So I wanted to answer your questions on a separate…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013


So I wanted to answer your questions on a separate day but we’ve been so busy around here I haven’t had a chance to film anything else!

Anyways, thanks for your questions :)

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aivlysann replied to your post: Hey John i was wondering if i could please have your url? I would…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

aivlysann replied to your post: Hey John i was wondering if i could please have your url? I would trade you a new url or something and gain you followers for it!

i am always shocked when someone asks for your url. just, confused. like, why do they think this would work? what do they actually have to offer you? it all makes no sense to me.

It doesn’t really make sense to me either. I’ve come to understand that there exists a whole Tumblr subculture of people who trade URLs and followers like baseball cards, but it seems very weird.

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dendroica: animals-animals-animals: Blackburnian Warbler (by…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013



Blackburnian Warbler (by Ryser915)

I love these birds, but they’re so hard to find since they mostly stay up in the tree tops.

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