here goes nothing (x) This gif does a nice job of capturing…

here goes nothing (x)

This gif does a nice job of capturing what has been compelling about AoJE  for me so far. It’s not like they’ve done much of the story, or made it clear how they’re going to adapt things, other than a few hints. They obviously lack some of the resources that LBD had. But just from what I’ve seen so far, I know that:

  • They’re fans of LBD.
  • They’re trying to make this visually interesting.
  • They’re able to convey a tone of reflection and thoughtfulness.

Even if the show ends up being disappointing (and I don’t see any reason to think it will), I love that it is approaching things from a different stylistic perspective. Over a year of obsessive LBD-watching, a sense of claustrophobia gradually crept in, relieved on only a few occasions (like The High Life). It was a valid creative choice, and I (obviously) loved the result, but seeing the moving camera in AoJE, the outdoor shots, and the overall visual vocabulary is like stepping into daylight from a dusty room.

It’s not like they are simply recapitulating what LBD did. They’re treating it as a starting point and building on it. I love that.

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Tags: AoJE.

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