leslielikesthings:  citymusings replied to your post: “As far as Wickham watching the videos goes -…


image citymusings replied to your post:

As far as Wickham watching the videos goes – a) does he know about Gigi’s? and b) if they’re delaying postings until certain delays, they may have what they need from the situations before the videos go live.”

I don’t know if Wickham knows about the Pemberly videos, but it seems like a pretty big risk to think that he couldn’t find out about them. However in Bernie’s latest Q&A he said that a few people have figured out why Gigi is vlogging this arc via the Pemberley channel and not on her own channel, so I have decided that means that cirqueimaginaire is totally right and it’s all a ruse. 

Huh. I interpreted Bernie’s comment as possibly meaning that they’ll be keeping Pemberley Digital around, and using it (and Domino) as part of the next show they produce after LBD is over.

However, it’s been pretty well established at this point that my LBD predications are less likely to be correct than random guessing.

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/42628248636.

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