Getting Hammered, Holding Up

It looks as if someone’s hitting with a DoS attack (or else just a very large amount of legitimate traffic), and that’s resulting in a lot of traffic to an older item here (The smallness of George W. Bush) that the good people at had linked to. That in turn was causing problems with the web server.

The site was down for about 30 minutes while I installed some caching in an effort to improve matters (thanks, Hiro!), and it seems to be helping. But if you noticed me gone for a while, that’s what it was.


Update: Per a helpful commenter, I learn that got slashdotted this morning. See: Battle of the Bush bulge. So it was the secondary effect of that slashdotting that made my Little Server That Could start puffing out steam.

New server on order, thanks to the tremendously helpful people at the best ISP in the history of the known universe, Cyberverse, Inc.

2 Responses to “ Getting Hammered, Holding Up”

  1. Jason Says: is being slashdotted.

  2. nutsack Says:

    Of course he’s wired. He’s probably high and drunk, too. (Oh, I’m sorry, those are the women in the Bush family.)

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