Mark Green on Bush’s Reality

The Bush supporters in my readership (both of them!) having been driven away by my heavy-handed election year partisanship, I’m now free to link unto the following bit of unrepentant lefty snark from Mark Green: W’s reality gap.

4 Responses to “Mark Green on Bush’s Reality”

  1. justin Says:

    maybe if you weren’t such a democratic fanboy, and instead focused on how to correct problems instead of highlighting republican mistakes, you’d attract more readers in general, instead of getting hits from people spreading your link in the hopes of getting a laugh out of their friends, and religious followers of the democratic party who think because a person has a “D” next to their name means he’s a good person, and “R” = evil.

  2. John Callender Says:

    Ah, but there’s a false dichotomy in your comment. At the moment, the biggest problem in need of correction is George Bush’s presence in the Oval Office, and highlighting his mistakes is one of the best ways of correcting it.

    As for my religious Democratic fanboy nature, if you take the time to read through some of the things I posted on the site during the Clinton presidency, you might have a harder time maintaining that point of view.

  3. dixie Says:

    I think the only one wearing the tin-foil hat (cone-shaped)is you. You have to take your meds regularly and try to get out more.

  4. dixie Says:

    I think the only one wearing the tin-foil hat (cone-shaped)is you. You have to take your meds regularly and try to get out more.

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