C-130 Gunship Video

Continuing the theme of downloadable video that provokes widely varying reactions, you might want to check out some of the war videos from NaTa2.info. In particular, this footage from a C-130 gunship killing a bunch of people in Afghanistan. (Note: The server seems to be confused about what type of file it is; I had to tell my browser to “Download link target,” then load the file from within Windows Media Player.)

It makes for fascinating, if chilling, viewing. How you interpret it will probably depend on what sort of context you assume for it. Were the people (now ex-people) represented by those video-game images terrorists bent on killing innocent Americans? Or were they themselves the innocent victims? The video really doesn’t say.

But however we interpret it, I think we have an obligation to be honest about what it shows. Take those images and multiply them a thousand-fold. That’s the reality of what we’re exporting to the middle east these days.

146 Responses to “C-130 Gunship Video”

  1. colleen Says:

    I watched this video with horror. I don’t care if those people were terrorists or civillians, I saw it for what it was-people getting blown up and it made me sick. What was worse was the background vocals of my “fellow americans”. Flat, desensitized, unemotional and completely removed from the fact that they were killing and destroying everything. Meanwhile, you hear them saying “don’t hit the Mosque.” I guess that’s mighty humane of us. Meanwhile, they chase down this one(one!!)guy and level him with a missle capable of blowing up a building. Maybe I soundd like a liberal or a traitor, but I think this country’s “reign as king” is going to come to an abrupt halt one day. To be honest, after watching that video footage, I almost think we’d deserve it.

  2. colleen Says:

    (continuing last thought)

    We should strive to be more like the palestinians – now they show their hatred. Nope, they’re not cold & callous! They even know how to beat their women with the love only a true muslim knows! Yes, our military can stand to learn a lesson from these “oppressed” people. I never knew they would turn out like that. For all i knew, our soldiers were force-fed the qu’ran so we could better understand the extremists who wanted us dead. How dare this current administration recklessly train our soldiers & airmen to engage targets without emotion! That all but guarantees success when engaging the enemy (who thought he could hide). I just can’t say enough of how much we “deserve” to have planes flown into our buildings, killing civilians, and WITHOUT PROPER NOTICE! Ok, i’m going back to reading my eric alterman column, and IM’ing my professor at my state school. He’s so cute!

  3. Jeff Says:

    To Colleen,

    How dare you post a message saying that we “deserve to have planes flown into our buildings”. If you’re so damn sympatetic to terrorist states and if you’re in agreement with their lifestyle, then why don’t you go live over there!! But you won’t because you enjoy the freedom which I as a U.S. Marine help provide. If one of your relatives had died in the towers or the Pentagon during those attacks on Sept. 11, you wouldn’t have such views. Hell, I didn’t know anyone that died in those needless attacks but I still feel the pain of that day. And yes, I have been deployed overseas during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and yes, I have been fired at on numerous occasions. You obvoiusly know nothing about the value of living in a free country. If it weren’t for the U.S. going overseas and taking care of business, we’d all be saying “Heil Hitler” right now. There’s an old saying that has a lot of meaning. It goes like this…

    “For those who fight for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. Those who have fought for freedom, and have lost it,

    know a sadness and sense a loss beyond bearing.

    Freedom rings loudest for those denied Freedom”

    Think about that before you decide to spout off and say something that you know nothing about. If you don’t like America, GET OUT!! I’ll be more than glad to help you!! Now go back and I.M. your cute professor at your state school. You have the freedom to do that.

  4. Thats the Fact Jack Says:


    You are a fool. These men in this video are not without emotion, if you were actually listening you would hear the intense emotion of the voices of these men who are out there killing our enemies like vermin with the most advanced weapons the country can produce. While they have emotion in their voices they are not overcome by it and turned into blithering idiots like yourself, they have a job to do and they do it. The only thing I dissagree with is that they do not destroy the Mosque thereby letting somebody survive their attack. This is political decision that I cannot wholeheartedly fault them with because they are fighting the war, I am not, I am watching it on TV like you, but unlike you I know that these guys and the hundreds of thousands like them (Just like Jeff) are the only thing that stands between the terrorists and the American public. Now if you can’t handle that fact, you can do two things to remedy this,

    1) Join the Army where they will undoubtably set you straight real quick.

    2) Go fuck your professor.

    Since you probably don’t have the heart to do the former, I suggest the latter, and do it well so you get a good grade, and all the while hope and pray that we win this war so that when you get out of school there will be a modern world to plug yourself into where your “education” will benefit you, because if we don’t you’ll just be another stupid bitch in a burka getting hit with a stick in the street, or worse.

  5. andy smith Says:

    I like Vermin

  6. That the Fact Jack Says:

    Hey andy, what are you smoking?

  7. charles melendez Says:

    well colleen you sure are one dumb chick~! all i can say is “a wise man or in your case woman is only as smart as the things he or she speaks about, knowing little or nothing about, it is then that we know how stupid you really are”!! FREEDOM COMES WITH A PRICE AND SOMETIMES THAT PRICE IS SOMEONES LIFE, IM WILLING TO GIVE MINE SO THAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU CAN HAVE THE FREEDOM TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT EVEN THOUGH I DONT AGREE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! THE NEXT TIME YOU WANT TO BABBLE YOUR MOUTH OFF WHY DONT YOU GO VISIT A MILITARY CEMENTARY AND TELL ALL THE SOLDIERS IN THOSE GRAVES THAT FREEDOMS NOT WORTH IT……THEN GO FUCK YOURSELF….


  8. Tim Says:

    This is a response to the comment about lack of emotion? What would you have them do, cry for the “targets” on the ground? If we do not carry the battle to them, they will surely bring it to us. Do you think those secondary explosions were fireworks? What do you think the cave they hit was loaded with. There is a cold hard fact that we in the military kill people. There is not one of us the does not feel sorrow, and few of us get any joy from it, but it must be done and I know of no one that would not do the job they were trained to do.

  9. Sarge Says:

    Speaking from the perspective of one who was in the Afghan theater in 2002, that one person running away who was killed finally with a barrage of 40MM could have been the planner of the very next attack on America like Muhammed Atta. Our only Achilles heel is the fact that we are compassionate with those who want nothing more than to kill us, however, that is how we are separated from the beasts who have hijacked a religion. This is not the high school debate team here. Radicals do not negotiate, so they must be jailed or killed.

  10. Mike Says:

    First, Colleen, no missiles were used in that video. It was all cannon fire. So from your response, I can immediately see that you don’t know what you are talking about. Second, I would like to say thanks for posting your opinion because it helps to make me more aware of what absolute morons we have living in this country. I am not a member of the military but I have seen enough and heard enough to know that the magnitude of force shown in the video IS NECESSARY. It seems that you have led a very sheltered life. Here is a news flash for you … it is rare that the US would level a building (like in the video) and fire upon men coming out of caves unless they had strong intelligence indicating that the men were hostile. Why do you think those men were running out of the caves? You probably think they were trying to flee for their lives. Actually, they came out of that cave because they were terrorists who believed they were being attacked by a ground force … and they were attempting to fight back. To their dismay, the attacker was a gunship orbiting them and firing on them from well out of range. That is how we keep U.S. casualties to a minimum. As for the “lack of emotion” as you put it, it is something that you will never fully understand. You need to experience it to understand it. I am guilty of this as well … because I have not served. But I have educated myself enough to understand why it is necessary to keep your emotions from interfering. You need to re-think your education … because from what I can see, it is not worth much. You also need to grow up … because when you go from writing:

    “I just can’t say enough of how much we “deserve” to have planes flown into our buildings, killing civilians, and WITHOUT PROPER NOTICE!”


    “Ok, i’m going back to reading my eric alterman column, and IM’ing my professor at my state school. He’s so cute!”,

    your credibility goes right out the window. You shouldn’t even have access to posting a message … but I will remind you that our guys in the video are the ones who preserve your right (and mine!) to speak freely as we have chosen to do here. I applaude our members of the armed forces for the job they do … God Bless all of you!

  11. Mark Says:

    I really love this video. It gets me as close as one can get to killing terroists without being there. I show it to as many people as I can and every reaction is “good”. That is what they deserved. What were they thinking. That 8,000 miles and rugged terrain was gonna stop our guys? What I’d like to know is if they were scared. Was there fear?….Those 2 guys cowering in the cave, were they afraid? I sure as hell hope they were as afraid those 7 minutes on video as I was extatic during those 7 minutes. I mean hell, that was your tax dollars at work and for once I agree with how they were spent. 911 has shaken alot of fence sitters off the fence and for that I am glad. One last thought, if I ever hear a person say to my face that they are happy that 911 happened or I see some purple headed pierced freak burning our great flag…..there is a bitchslap from hell coming. JUst make sure you guys bail me out. Semper Fi

  12. ctm3 Says:

    Folks, in my point of view it seems Colleen is just yanking your chain, shes writing as a mockery to the absurdity of their point of view, at least from the second paragraph.

  13. Matt Says:

    Hey Collen,

    I had this big rebutle written for you, but I erased it. Your not worth it. So here’s what I got. Those figures being blown up in the FLIR video, by a HOWITZER not a missile, a missile would have been more accurate. Have a nice life. Liberal Pussy!

  14. Rooster Says:

    Maybe, US government needs to issue tampons to every soldiers who are going into battle so that they could get in touch with their feelings. Bad people do hidding in mosques, churches, or temples like those child molesting priests. If those mosques have weapons, terrorists, or enemy soldiers in them, we should destroy them and make no differences.

  15. Michael Says:

    For all the negative people out there, remember 911 do you think that they were thinking about all those inocent civilian’s in those plane’s or those tower’s. I hope you didn’t lose any loved one’s in those attack’s. You might be thinking that two wrong’s don’t make a right but do you think that the terrorist think that way, I don’t think so.

  16. semperfi! Says:

    Gee I wonder where all the “go fuck your professor types” went? Sure got quiet around here! No emotion, sheesh! – looks like Colleen got what she deserved.

  17. Jeffrey Fallang Says:

    I admire the skill of the gunner and pilot

    job well done

  18. Jeffrey Fallang Says:

    I admire the skill of the gunner and pilot

    job well done

  19. Mike Says:

    Colleen…I loved the video…god bless america and all that it stands for…and for all you monday morning quarterbacks…don’t say a word until you have lived the lives of the families who died in the towers or been on the ground taking rounds…and most of you liberal losers are only saying what you hear in the classroom or on TV because you can’t make your own personal opinion because you are so green its sad so sit back get your corporate latte and shut the fuck up. SEND IT DOWN RANGE>>>>GOD BLESS STEEL RAIN>

  20. aghast at stupid cunt Says:

    Oh colleen, you absolutely ignorant bitch of a stupid liberal mental masturbator!! If nothing else, you are the main reason abortion should be legalized, and I sincerely hope that you have your tubes tied after you bone your professor so as not to infest the country with another genetically inferior chimp brained university stump such as yourself. I wish they would release more video like that, and loop play it on Al Jazeeera television so those of the ideological muslim zealot bent could see their fate first hand. Did it ever occur to you that you, being a female, well, something like one, you are a cunt after all, you would be the first to be beaten and executed for your big fat uninformed mouth, because you are not to be a player in the Muslim world, unless of course, you sat in a dark room and serviced your master when he decided you smelled better. I cannot fathom how you, in your ignorance, could assume you have any idea what reality is. Please, get on a plane, and fly over there, and subject yourself to a little islamic “justice” because you will not return. But, this country is stuck with mindless simpering bleeding hearts like you because of the hundreds of thousands of true Americans that died so you could be an estrogen deficient oxygen thief. The truth is, you have no clue how good you have it, and when it is gone because of brain dead fucks like you, you will be the first to protest your lack of “rights” in your desired islamic society. No, wait, you would be killed by them too, they dont like idiot bitches any more than we do. Go suck off the “prof”, keep his sperm as far away from your reproductive organs as possible. Now go violate a parking meter from the 80th floor of one of the buildings you wish to see destroyed. you suck.

  21. Collen's Father Says:

    I told you mother you would end up like this. Please honey, remember when you threatened to kill yourself when I wouldnt let you date Biff? Well, you can now, and please, do it soon. You embarrass the entire human race with your stupidity. Well, if you cant do that, stay on your meds, and thank Allah I couldnt find that coat hanger after the prom, when you were the product of a drug and alchohol tryst between your mother and my team mates. I changed my mind, please, kill yourself as soon as possible.

  22. The Anti-Asshole Says:

    My dearest Colleen — Where should I begin? I suppose the best place would be by reminding you that euthanasia is available in the Netherlands in the remote chance you’re clever enough to kill yourself and do the entire planet an immeasurable favor. It would be the first noble act of your wasted life, and the single most sensible goal you could ever achieve. However, let’s move on to your spectacularly ignorant narrative regarding the AC-130 footage.

    Is it really necessary that the video make a statement as to what is happening here? Do you need to be told? Well, yeah… now that I think of it, all liberal, hydrocephallic morons like you must be spoon-fed thoughts and ideas because you’re simply too fucking stupid to generate an independent thought on your own, so I guess the answer in your case would be “yes.” These are filthy, uncivilized dune coons getting what they most heartily deserved and nothing more. The fact that you would even wonder screams out the magnitude of your ignorance, you drooling fuck!

    Lest I wear out a nicely developing cliche, I would like you to remember (I know it’s difficult, but give it a try) where you were, and how you felt when you first saw a fully loaded Boeing 767 knifing into the World Trade Center, spewing thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel within, and ultimately bringing down a civilian structure, occupied by civilians, for now good reason other than the fact it was built in the United States. Did you approve of that kind of ruthlessness? Did it make your heart sing to know three thousand innocent people were about to be charred into cinders, or pulverized out of existence to satisfy the insane directions of a single, wealthy Arab? Did you identify with the goal, and hope for more? Did you then, and do you now, believe those people deserved to die in agony as a punishment to your misguided notions of American imperialism? If the answer to any of those questions was “yes,” please, please, please find your way to one of the surviving family members of 9/11 and tell them all about it, okay?

    That you represent the worst in America is without doubt — that you’re still alive is a shame. You would (and I can only presume, here) rather we left the Kuwaitis to their fate, thereby appeasing lunatics like bin Laden, yes? You would prefer that we turn our backs on Israeli sovereignty in a sea of hostile and mindless Muslim dogma, just for the sake of appeasing Palestinian animals, right? And we certainly shouldn’t have moved a muscle in response to al Qaeda’s direct attack on this country, hiding in their flea-infested holes in the hills of Afghanistan, is that correct? I would like to ask you how monumentally stupid you really are at this point, but I already know that answer, don’t I?

    The spoiled liberal West — that means you and all your witless jerkoff friends — might benefit from a history lesson or two. Have you ever seen appeasement work? Has it ever satisfied ANY peaceful effort? Of course not. But you wouldn’t know anything about that because you’re ignorant of not only historic precedent, but anything remotely resembling reality. Your rose-colored glasses have misled you all your life, you worthless whore, and they’re doing it again. And since you haven’t the slightest chance of digging yourself out of the intellectual shit pile you live in, let me suggest a good course of action.


    No, really! After you read this, the only thing for you to do is take a walk off a tall building, or maybe hug a speeding train, or just open your wrists with a Stanley knive in the bathtub. It doesn’t really matter to me how you do it, but I must advise you in the strongest possible terms — take your fucking life, you turd-swallowing idiot! Why wait? You can’t possibly want to live, knowing what an unmitigated asshole you are, and WE certainly don’t want you to live because we hate your miserable fucking guts, so do the right thing — commit suicide today!

    I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, “Oh, this guy is just a pissed-off ex-military conservative who hates progressive, socially-conscious thinking!” Wrong. I’m a pissed-off, ex-military conservative who hates your stinking fucking guts. You want us all to sing Kumbaya, turn the other cheek, and count daisies while our country turns into a bus stop for murderers.

    But I am also a realist, and I know (to coin the adage) Rome was not built in a day. I understand the difficulty of killing every cocksucking liberal in the world at one time is an unrealistic fantasy (hell, the logistics alone would be a nightmare), so I’m pulling back my expectations to a more manageable “one-at-a-time” philosophy. If I can get just one liberal to kill him/her self every hour, every day of every year, it would be a pretty good start toward a return to a more sane world. But you can see my dilemma, can’t you? Even at that modest pace, the growth rate of liberal stupidity would outpace my extermination project. So, if you could convince say, ten other liberal asshole idiot-fuck morons like you to kill themselves first, THEN take your own life, it would really be a big help.

    I applaud your ability to be so fundamentally thick and still survive on a day to day basis, but please remember to kill yourself some time this week, okay? If it is too difficult, maybe you could ask somebody to do it for you! You know, there are a lot of Muslim fundamentalists around the world who would be more than happy to jam their cocks up your reeking liberal shit pipe, slap you around for even opening your great big fucking mouth, and finally put a bullet in the back of your vaccuous head! It seems extreme, I know, but Muslim men don’t have much patience for women in general, let alone mouthy bitches like you. Also, you could ask an Iraqi or Afgahn mullah for a meeting, tell him Allah is a punk who “cornholes Ameddikan prostitutes” and his dick is too small, then sit back — he’ll know what to do, guaranteed!

    Again, do your part for world peace and harmony — kill yourself today, you scab-infested fucking snag! And remember, YOU are the reason stupidity should be painful…

  23. Marine Says:

    Cant you see that dumb bitch is just trying to get a rise out of everyone??

    That video is pretty awesome. I especially like the communication between the air controller and the guy on the ground. They really had thier shit wired tight on that mission.

    I am surprised on how much trouble that gunner had leading that guy that ran off. I am sure that was the fastest he had ever run in his life. I wonder if he realized how hopeless it was to take off running in the open.

    What were they firing at those guys, 105’s?

  24. brad Says:

    All I know is that this is the beginning of a middle eastern invasion that will kick off WWIII. That is what it is intended to be. take it for what you want, but first afghanistan, second Iraq, third, maybe syria or Iran. Then all of the shit is going to break loose. Get ready folks, and find Jesus. Because he’s the only one who can save you.

  25. Ed Says:

    My favorite thing is the Jew lawyers defending the Taliban prisoners we are holding in Cuba. Let me get this straight-The Iraquis hate jews, yet american jew lawyers (money) defend these terrorists. Typical. Just read the news.


  26. Bruce Says:

    Apparently, Colleen is uptight about how “cold” this kind of thing is, and would rather have 300,000 US troops on the ground, a lot like Viet Nam, you know, that little scuffle the advanced-thinking democrats got us into back in the early 60s, without any plan for getting us out…

    I’m glad they leave the mosques alone, so the locals have a holy place for silent reflection…so they can come to the realization that they should cough up the rest of the scumbags so our guys can come home!

  27. Eric Says:

    If you liked this video, go to Google.com and search for the “Apache video clip” It is of an apache from 4th ID in the Tikrit area killing some bad guys servicing a weapons cache. Real footage and lovely. I love this shit, that is why I serve. Keep it real.

    A US Soldier, Time magazine’s person of the year for 2003

  28. Air Force vet Says:

    Colleen, you are a stupid cunt. Do women who wear nasty outfits deserved to be raped? That is EXACTLY what you are saying. I hope someone close to you gets nailed by a terrorist and suffers a horrible death…you fucking uneducated bitch.

  29. Chris Says:

    If you folks do not like the “senseless” killing that this surgical airstrike depicts, then I’d love to redirect you to some more *.wmv files showing soliders being executed and tortured by Muslims in Chechnya. It might change your mind. Having witnessed the aftermath of terrorist activities and brutalities PERSONALLY in three countries, I can personally say that these terrorists are suffering a very easy, painless death. Believe me, if any of you bleeding heart liberals were in the hands of any one of these terrorist organizations, they would be cutting through your throat without any reservation whatsover…JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A “WESTERNER”. God forbid if you were a Jew. I will not post the links, as I do not desire to spread the nightmares that these videos will cause whoever sees them…just be assured that they exist to whoever looks hard enough.

  30. mike Says:

    I can’t believe some people are so frickin stupid that they feel sorry for the rats being hunted down. If you feel sorry for them then take your ass to Afghanistan and live there so that another C-130 can level your ass all over the country-side. I’ts better to hunt them from a C-130 up above. missiles coming down from nowhere suddenly will certainly scare the bjesus out of them. Running while missiles are honing in on them will put the fear of god into them jsut before they die. It’s better then putting soldiers on foot to shoot them and putting them at risk.

    I hope to see more videos like that.

  31. LT Says:

    First of all I am a genuine “herc” driver, although not a gunship, just a plain old “slick”, I do have just a little bit more knowledge about the things in that video than the ever wise colleen.

    Colleen, first of all KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. If you would like to share your oppinions about things then please make them educated ones. I think we have already covered the missle thing, but there are a few other points to touch on. The AC-130 is an amazing weapon. That video is only one example of what it can do, what it shows is the amount of restraint that they are able to use in selecting the right time and location to place the ordinance on the right target. Those planes spend all night in the air just waiting for targets. Most of the time is spent not firing their guns(or in colleen’s words “missiles”). In the past ALL the buildings would have most certainly been leveled. Now a few short facts about the gunships: big surprise NO MISSILES! there are two different versions we are currently useing one featuring a 25mm cannon and the other twin 20mm cannons, both have 40mm and 105mm cannons and neither one carries missles. Just wanted to mention that again. They almost always fly a night and they are VERY good at hitting what they want when they want. Each one has a crew of about 13 and often utilizes a spotter either on the groung or airborne. Sometimes it is hard to hit the moving targets because lets not forget that the plane is moving also and it takes a few seconds for the rounds to hit. We have less than 20 of these total and they are almost always gone, the crews are undermaned and overworked, but you wont here them complain.

    Now if you want to learn more about what it takes to be free then go and find yourself a Veteran and rather than spit in His/Her face sit down and listen to their stories. I am not just talking about the blood and guts war stories, ask them what its like to stand gaurd for 12 hours straight or roast in a tent somewhere day and night or how about spending 6 months on a ship or what about being gone TDY for 200+ days a year away from your home and your family or what about leaving your 1 year old son/daughter/etc. and return to a 2 year old having missed and entire year of their life or having to listen to ignorant people like you . Military life is not easy, but we do what we do so that you can sleep in comfort every night without worrying about all the evil things in this world.

    To everyone else: Colleen, dispite her lack of education, deserves her opinion. Isn’t that what freedom is all about?

    To all of those who are also in the service: Thank you, none of us can do it alone.

    By the way Colleen, aparently the guy in the video seen running away obviously didnt here this gunship slogan “You can run, but you will only die tired.”

  32. John Avelis Jr. Says:

    “-sticking a bayonet into a man’s belly- is that ‘moral’?”

    – Sir Arthur Harris, head of British Bomber Command during World War II, after enduring criticism for open bombing of German cities.

    “War is hell.”

    – William Tecumseh Sherman

    The only difference between this video and most of the other horrors of war is- “We got video.” In World War I, most men died like rats in the trenches, 80% killed by artillery, by people they couldn’t even see….but we have no direct empathy for them, because “We don’t got video.”

    Was there something necessarily more or less moral about what happened in the trenches in WWI than in the C-130 video? I don’t think so. War is, by definition, a state in which the normal standards of human conduct have broken down, and therefore ad-hoc attempts to pass judgment are generally always pathetic.

    It can easily be argued that the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are, in hindsight, merciful acts. Many millions of Japanese would have died (along with an estimated million American casualties) in defense of their homeland, and they had repeatedly demonstrated that they would die rather than surrender. So- Truman was being merciful when he nuked them. Who’s moral now?

  33. Anonymous Says:

    Dam! u guys fucked up this colleen girl hella. way to go dip shits! lolz

  34. Salt Says:

    I wonder, has this colleen even been back to read everyone’s retort? Colleeen, if you are still out there, I would like to hear what you have to say now? You have had plenty of time to re-think your position. (not the position with your cute professor)

    As for everyonr who says Colleen is just trying to piss us off, I beg to differ. I don’t give her that much credit. I honestly don’t think she is smart enough to pull that off. She is however, smart enough to pull her undies off for her professor. I hope your fat and ugly colleen, that way we won’t be sad to see a nice piece of ass wasted on a brain like yours. Hopefully you were drunk or high or had recently suffered a concussion or mental breakdown when you wrote your thoughtless, assenine statement. That way at least you will have an excuse for posting that retarded message. You not from San Diego are you?

    Colleen! write back and redeem yourself! tell us you made a horrible mistake and your sorry. I for one am getting tired of only seeing everyone trash you. Though you do deserve it Colleen.

    OK I am bored now. Later people.


  35. Leon Says:

    I really doubt the second half of that post was written by colleen. It sounds too much like someone mocking her, Maybe she stayed logged in and someone else posted as her? The differences in style are just much.

    As for all you people that enjoyed this video, how do you know that these people were terrorists? The US military fucks up and kills civilians all the time. Yet, they indiscriminately kill the entire lot of them. Shit like this is why there is so much hatred of the US and why we are going to keep getting attacked. For every terrorist we kill, they’re going to train ten more with video like this showing how “evil” the US is. The insurgency will grow until Bush gets some balls and comes out from his pansy-ass “war” fantasy where he signs some document from from his desk and people die. Has he ever thought about WHY they want to kill us? Of course not! He (and all of you) just write them off as soulless monsters, but they could be any of us, just in a different place with some anti-US propaganda thrown our way. Just wait until some foreign power is flying choppers in your backyard, then you’ll realise just how cool this shit is.

  36. The bottom line Says:

    Ok…this is a fact. America is the “policeman” of the world. With that in mind, America has to do what it takes to keep the world in balance. If she didn’t, this world would be a nuclear wasteland and the human race would not exist. I tell ya what, evil people will always be present. Someone has to deal with them, so until there is a power greater than America, we have to maintain the balance at ANY COST. God bless our troops and I’m behind you 100%.

  37. The bottom line Says:

    By the way…..there is no loggin onto this forum. So the likelyhood somebody else wrote the post is high.

  38. Tracey Says:

    She won’t ever come back to see these responses…she’s too stupid to remember how she found the video in the first place. Her insane attacks on the US Armed Forces are indecent, she’s a moron and I am outraged that ppl like her actually exist!! I liked the video because I love to see ANYONE who lives where those terrorists started DIE like the pigs they are. Thanks to all the men and women in the military for their courage, strength and sacrifice so I can raise my children in the light of the freedom they provide.

  39. Tracey Says:

    She won’t ever come back to see these responses…she’s too stupid to remember how she found the video in the first place. Her insane attacks on the US Armed Forces are indecent, she’s a moron and I am outraged that ppl like her actually exist!! I liked the video because I love to see ANYONE who lives where those terrorists started DIE like the pigs they are. Thanks to all the men and women in the military for their courage, strength and sacrifice so I can raise my children in the light of the freedom they provide.

  40. Tracy Rogers Says:

    I have friends who do this AC130 Targeting for a living in Navarre Florida. They had rather be home with friends and family too. We have to stop violance one person at a time. It starts in the subtlest ways yelling at your kids, sarcasm, name calling and when it doesn’t control a person , hitting, knifeing, and when that doesn’t work shooting, bombing war.

  41. veteran Says:

    The idea that we all should practice peace and stop the violence ( check your spelling) probably appeals to the uninformed, nirvana seeking, tree hugging, nuclear protesting, legs getting cut off by nuclear weapons carying train,open-minded-lest your brains fall out- practicing liberals demonstrates a fundamental ignorance of history, at best. The fact of the matter is, no one power has ever backed off from a formidable threat of “peace”. Are you kidding? Did Hannibal think that because the alps had snow he wouldn’t attack the romans?

    The only deterrent to force is force. Ooh Ruh, Ho Ahh and Boo Yah . . . and war IS ugly . . but they brought it to us . . . maybe a history lesson in middle east politics is on order . . .

  42. Vic Says:

    I say it serves em right for harboring terrorist. I’m a canuck and think it should have been a long time ago

  43. Anonymous Says:

    We need to find a planet where these fascist morons can live and use the US defense budget to get them there as fast as we can.

    BTW if you believe that Coleen wrote that second posting, you’re mentally challenged.

  44. Szajesz Says:

    I don’t like the terrorists -like you – but you will never eliminate them with AC-130U or B-2.

    You must understand their reasons to solve this problem. The history is the best teacher and remember to Rome. They were great but they want everything – like USA.

    Szajesz from Hungary

  45. geez Says:

    First, the United States of America doesn’t want everything, unless you are into conspiracy theories. It is a baseless accusation to support your belief. Yes, you can throw up all this supposedly facts, but most of the times those facts, if traced back, are the product of communist leaning groups who have been opposed to the United States since the height of the Soviet Union. For a country that has the most power that has ever existed on this planet we are pretty benevolent. If we were like the Roman Empire your country wouldn’t exist at this moment. Secondly, we didn’t seek to go to war; some fanatical group bent on the destruction of the United States society launched 3 planes into two sky scrapers, killing more people in that one incident, than was lost at Pearl Harbor. Why, because for the last 20 years we showed little resolve to effectively confront the issue with deadly force. They, the terrorist, believing us weak because of the very reasons Colleen and her ilk have espoused, kept escalating the matter until that fateful day. Finally, why people hate USA is because of simple jealously. You can come up with all these non-simplistic answers, but it comes back to basic human emotion, jealously. By the way if we are so hated, then why is there such a great desire of impoverished people around the world still trying to get here? I will tell you because we are the best country in the world were a man or women can make something of themselves, and live free, not held to the tyrannical views of the socialist liberal world.

  46. 1ST LT Says:


    COLLEEN if you would like to see these “misunderstood” people and see what they are like. Join the military and find out first hand what world class trash is like or look in the mirror.

    My friend if I am to share that bank with you sooner than i expect, God please watch over my family.1ST LT AKA.buckshot

  47. earlyboomer Says:

    Hats off to everyone that trashed this poor misinformed budding young liberal. These people will just never get it. I’m reminded of the old move “The Thing” where the foolish scientist runs out from the barricade to attempt to “communicate” with the monster (played by James Arness) and is immediately trashed with a swipe of an arm. His ridiculous mumblings of “we have alot to learn from each other” and “we are your freind” remind me of all the appeasement bullshit the liberal camp would have us belive is the way to deal with these ragheads. Lets face it, this is a religious war and the way to deal with it is wipe em all out. Lets fly that “Spectre” over the centers of liberal subversion while we are at it and bring this country back to its senses. To those of you who feel she has a right to speak her piece because this “is America” do an extreme injustice to the thousands of troopers who have died to preserve this country for what it really stands for and that is a patriotic support for those who serve and defeat our enemies.

  48. Brian Says:

    I’m a crew chief on the AC-130U model gunship. The one being flown in the video. First off, they were firing 25MM and 40MM rounds. Had they shot off the 105MMs, you would’ve known it. The blast is enormous. Secondly, for the record, the video you are being shown is recorded from an ALLTV system, the aiming system is far clearer and more accurate. This equipment is the second most complex weapons system in the world. The new USAF F-22s are the only ones that are moreso. The “Spooky” gunship is capable of engaging two targets simultaneously that are over half a mile apart. I just figured that I’d share some random facts with you.

    “Providing the emeny with the opportunity to die for their country.”

    That’s another favorite slogan of ours.

    SrA Brian J. McDermott

    P.S. I miss Colleen.

  49. janusz Says:

    How bloody nice is to be a liberal. You love everybody & everybody loves you.

    WAKEUP Colleen. WAKEUP.

    You can afford being a liberal only because of where you live.

    Think how many people have to stay real (and risk their lives) to keep you liberals alive and prosper.

    I used to be a liberal too. Got a little wiser though.

    “Flat, desensitized, unemotional and completely removed from the fact that they were killing and destroying everything”? Check this out:


    and see your brothers commit deeds of love. They don’t lack emotions, do they?

    Ignore the text (some will say, “propaganda”), just enjoy to photos and videos.

    Foolish liberal.

    Do me a favor and GET REAL.

  50. ll Says:

    “I’m a crew chief on the AC-130U model gunship. The one being flown in the video. First off, they were firing 25MM and 40MM rounds. Had they shot off the 105MMs, you would’ve known it. The blast is enormous. Secondly, for the record, the video you are being shown is recorded from an ALLTV system, the aiming system is far clearer and more accurate. ”

    Is that so? Wrong. those are definatley 105s hitting the building and cave entrance. If you are the crew chief on a spooky you would know this film is from a predator drone being directed by a crew very far away (in Turkey in this case) and the audio is their comments mixed with the spooky crews.

  51. JP Says:

    200 BC: 170,000 were killed in hand-to-hand combat when Romans defeated Hannibal

    400 AD: 150,000 were killed in hand-to-hand combat when Romans defeated Atilla the Hun.

    600 AD: 800,000 were killed in hand-to-hand combat when Ghingas Kahn and the Mongolian Hoardes invaded and conquered what is now Russia and Eastern Europe.

    1864 AD: 80,000 were killed in US Cival War battle at Gettysburg

    1945 AD: 60 MILLION people dead as a result of WW-II

    Since 1980: About 400,000 muslims have been killed by muslims – about 350,000 more than by all us ‘infidels’ combined.

    The AC-130 is a very kind and gentle tool that the USA uses to keep the world the best it has ever been for everyone living today – those who believe they are superior to all others (i.e., muslims who label all others as infidels) are the problem, not the USA or the AC-130s.

    If you can think, the reason why Pakistan is helping us is because if they didn’t, we would send a ‘boomer’ up their ass.

    Guess what, the middle east is a severely overpopulated desert land and it has been for at least 100 years – problem is, their sand-kissing, pigeon-mooning religion is keeping them from comprehending that they caused and continue to propagate their own misery – if you can think, college person or not, you could know what the final solution is going to be.

    This planet is big enough to sustain about 2 billion people with the standard of living Colleen takes for granted – guess whats in store for our not so distant future.

    -JP – a Farmer/Logger/Miner/Engineer

    FYI: We can get 2 barrels of oil per acre per year from oilseeds – farm crops like soybean and canola – there is 500 million acres of available farm land in North America, so we can get about 1000 million (1 billion) barrels of oilseed oil (biodiesel) per year – Colleen, you want to fix the world, do something about developing renewable energy sources, cuz if you dont, AC-130s or not, we are all doomed.

  52. Evis Says:


    You’re an asshole.

  53. knotkool Says:

    jp, what’s pigeon-mooning?

  54. SGT Says:

    Excellent work

  55. luis Says:

    America is a great country, open and optimistic and rich, this is true.I love her people, even if I’ve been there too few times.

    but the reason you are hated around the world is not your people. It’s your political class who keeps robbing all around the world. You, people of America, are maravellous people and I love you so much, and this is the reason I get so sad seeing the way you are tricked and fooled by your politicians, by Wall street and by industries that own your media and make you belive what they want you to belive. There was no link between Saddam and Usama, it’s not me who say this, it’s all the U.N. inspectors and much of world wide intelligence, even some sectors of U.S. and U.K. intelligence. Now your soldiers are giving their blood and are killing people in irak with savage bombings on falluja, 600 maybe 800 people died,most of them had nothing to do with terror. Don’t you think this will get the hatred and the rage and the wrath higer and higher against you?

    I am sorry for my english, I am not american as you already imaged. But I love your country and it’s terrible what he is doing under the leadership of murders and thieves and-most- of LIERS he has.







  56. luis Says:

    how comes no one does answer to me?

  57. Zuni Says:

    Don’t think there aren’t a bunch of idiots in this country just like that dumb bitch (colleen).

    They’ve got no clue about ANY DAMN THING, yet their vote counts as much as our’s does.



  58. maybe Says:

    no but maybe there are lots of shitty sexists like you and all the others that inside argumenting are able only to say “collen bitch” and maybe, in future, “luis gay” or similars.

    anyway I think you are not the majority.

  59. luis Says:

    these are the effects of such products of human genius as C-130 Gunship and others.

    Notice that in this count there are only civilians and the insurgents dead in battle are not counted.


    today,from 8000 to 10000…

    sorry but war is not a videogame.

    this will not make u.s. be much loved world wide.

    at the end of wwII U.S. saved us and helped us re-build our countries.

    now they are behaving in quite a different way…

    you say you are informed and coleen is not.

    I think that if you are so much informed you do know that there was no links between al-Kaeda and saddam, and you also know that no mass destruction weapons have been found, and you also know that 3 over 4 of the present administration comes from petroleum multinationals…if knowing all this you still continue to support war, I think that simply you like seeing people get killed and maybe you also like the idea that there will be more and more attaks over U.S. …personally, I’d prefere to see U.S. livng in peace near other nations (and not consuming alone 1/4 of petroleum production in the whole world…do you ever heard speking about greenhouse effect?).

    see you and good luck for you and for your sons, I think you will need it if things go on like this…I do not like the idea but this is the way the situation presents itself now thanks to your government and to the big industries…

  60. luid Says:

    by the way, what about depleted uranium? if your government loves so much its soldiers like it says, why does it not provide more help to the veterans suffering from Gulf Syndrome which is exactly due to depleted uranium used in weapons and refuses to pay medicare? I will say you: because your government does’nt care a fuck of human lives. He uses men (strangers or americans just the same) as a instrument and then trows them away like toilet paper, veterans or strangers just the same, the only thing they care about is petroleum and power. You are fools if you belive them…

  61. MrCCCP Says:

    Hey Luis,

    The reason we all live so good here in the USA is because of our Political Leaders.

    And Colleen you dumb cunt!

    People like you are the reason we have terrorism.

    Those muslim fucks think were soft because of good ol bill clinton. And what the fuck are you talkin about that the pilots had no emotion?

    Yeah you are right they should have been cheering and havin parades in the street like the arabs did on 9/11.

    you know what why dont you move to Afghanistan or Iraq you will fit in just perfect no1 will have to look at ur ugly ass

  62. luis Says:

    oh-oh- u are not very good at argumenting, just able to repeat slogans that are very very very good to power.

    bush family has been on businnes with binLaden family for YEARS…and they knew perfectly who binladen was.

    u did not tell me anything about depleted uranium maybe you do not even know what it is…

    how long is it since u read your last book? I do not mean ken follet or similar shit…

    your ignorance is the best allied of power, and power is the best allied of terrorists, they need each other… keep looking at TV while world goes to hell, go on like that and we will have all a very beautiful future…US first. I do not like it, but it’s the way it will be if people keeps “reasoning” as you do…give me one single argumentation please where there are no words like ass, bitch, cumb and similar…one single please…

  63. Matt Says:

    I support Colleen in most ways. She is right. It is immoral to kill those people in that fashion wether they deserve it or not. By the way Marine you are not the only one “protecting freedom” as you put it. I also served in the Army and thats not the full story anyway as we all, according to the Declaration and Constitution are the makup of the militia to defend the country. Defend id the key word here. Its a shameful thing to be a military man these days as you unwisely follow the dictates of the Ceasar (American President). This country is far off course and will soon perish as all of history has shown. Do me a favor and if your idea of defending my freedoms is to go over to a 3rd world country and gun down unarmed men with a warship as you sip on your coffee then instead why dont you bring your rifle and come to my house. Ill show you how to fight.

  64. Matt Says:

    I support Colleen in most ways. She is right. It is immoral to kill those people in that fashion wether they deserve it or not. By the way Marine you are not the only one “protecting freedom” as you put it. I also served in the Army and thats not the full story anyway as we all, according to the Declaration and Constitution are the makup of the militia to defend the country. Defend id the key word here. Its a shameful thing to be a military man these days as you unwisely follow the dictates of the Ceasar (American President). This country is far off course and will soon perish as all of history has shown. Do me a favor and if your idea of defending my freedoms is to go over to a 3rd world country and gun down unarmed men with a warship as you sip on your coffee then instead why dont you bring your rifle and come to my house. Ill show you how to fight.

  65. Cynical Says:


    I havent read the whole thread, but I would still like to respond to the first few posts.

    I am glad that i have seen that video, first of all. However, I am not glad about the video. Nor am I glad about the content of the video. Killing is never something to be celebrated. Killing should only be done when necessary, and generally when it is a necessity is during a time to not celebrate.

    However, i cant help but think about the people who were killed. What was their past? What might have been their future? What were they thinking before their bodies were blown and torn apart by ordnance? Were they really thinking, ‘America, the Great Satan has come to kill us! We must attack them, take away their liberties, kill them all!’? I wonder, were they really evil at heart? I dont think so. I dont think anybody is truly evil at heart. We all act in what we feel is the right. Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, Bush. I dont intend to imply that bush is like any of the previous people except that he acts in what he feels to be the right. You must remember that a lot of the world regards the United States as the great “Evil Empire.” We do not see ourselves as evil. Are we evil? Are they? It all is about your point of view. But, when it comes down to you versus them, to quote Black Hawk Down, “Politics go out the window.” You have a rifle, or a howitzer, or an MLRP. So do they. It’s either you or them. Make a choice. Just remember to regret it. Not that you killed. But that you had to. I am not liberal, nor am i conservative. I am not pro-war, nor am i anti-war. I am pro-peace, but how peace is attained is not up to me. I am not in the military, but some day I may be. I am glad that I live in the United States, I am glad that we, here at the Homeland, can enjoy the peace and prosperity that we do. I also know that it is because of the military that we have that peace and prosperity to enjoy. And for that i thank every member of our armed forces. It is not them who decide to go to war, but it is them who fight the war. They have to live, or die, with the decisions of our government. I wish we did not need the military, but we do. And, if we all must carry clubs, i am glad that the United States has the biggest. Now, i’m not sure where this is going, as i meant to end it a while ago, but then i kept thinking of new things. So, to conclude, we achieve peace through war, we kill because we have to. I do not regret that the United States has killed, but i do regret that we need to. I think that all of humanity regrets that we need to.

  66. Cynical Says:


    I havent read the whole thread, but I would still like to respond to the first few posts.

    I am glad that i have seen that video, first of all. However, I am not glad about the video. Nor am I glad about the content of the video. Killing is never something to be celebrated. Killing should only be done when necessary, and generally when it is a necessity is during a time to not celebrate.

    However, i cant help but think about the people who were killed. What was their past? What might have been their future? What were they thinking before their bodies were blown and torn apart by ordnance? Were they really thinking, ‘America, the Great Satan has come to kill us! We must attack them, take away their liberties, kill them all!’? I wonder, were they really evil at heart? I dont think so. I dont think anybody is truly evil at heart. We all act in what we feel is the right. Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, Bush. I dont intend to imply that bush is like any of the previous people except that he acts in what he feels to be the right. You must remember that a lot of the world regards the United States as the great “Evil Empire.” We do not see ourselves as evil. Are we evil? Are they? It all is about your point of view. But, when it comes down to you versus them, to quote Black Hawk Down, “Politics go out the window.” You have a rifle, or a howitzer, or an MLRP. So do they. It’s either you or them. Make a choice. Just remember to regret it. Not that you killed. But that you had to. I am not liberal, nor am i conservative. I am not pro-war, nor am i anti-war. I am pro-peace, but how peace is attained is not up to me. I am not in the military, but some day I may be. I am glad that I live in the United States, I am glad that we, here at the Homeland, can enjoy the peace and prosperity that we do. I also know that it is because of the military that we have that peace and prosperity to enjoy. And for that i thank every member of our armed forces. It is not them who decide to go to war, but it is them who fight the war. They have to live, or die, with the decisions of our government. I wish we did not need the military, but we do. And, if we all must carry clubs, i am glad that the United States has the biggest. Now, i’m not sure where this is going, as i meant to end it a while ago, but then i kept thinking of new things. So, to conclude, we achieve peace through war, we kill because we have to. I do not regret that the United States has killed, but i do regret that we need to. I think that all of humanity regrets that we need to.

  67. Anonymous Says:


    I havent read the whole thread, but I would still like to respond to the first few posts.

    I am glad that i have seen that video, first of all. However, I am not glad about the video. Nor am I glad about the content of the video. Killing is never something to be celebrated. Killing should only be done when necessary, and generally when it is a necessity is during a time to not celebrate.

    However, i cant help but think about the people who were killed. What was their past? What might have been their future? What were they thinking before their bodies were blown and torn apart by ordnance? Were they really thinking, ‘America, the Great Satan has come to kill us! We must attack them, take away their liberties, kill them all!’? I wonder, were they really evil at heart? I dont think so. I dont think anybody is truly evil at heart. We all act in what we feel is the right. Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, Bush. I dont intend to imply that bush is like any of the previous people except that he acts in what he feels to be the right. You must remember that a lot of the world regards the United States as the great “Evil Empire.” We do not see ourselves as evil. Are we evil? Are they? It all is about your point of view. But, when it comes down to you versus them, to quote Black Hawk Down, “Politics go out the window.” You have a rifle, or a howitzer, or an MLRP. So do they. It’s either you or them. Make a choice. Just remember to regret it. Not that you killed. But that you had to. I am not liberal, nor am i conservative. I am not pro-war, nor am i anti-war. I am pro-peace, but how peace is attained is not up to me. I am not in the military, but some day I may be. I am glad that I live in the United States, I am glad that we, here at the Homeland, can enjoy the peace and prosperity that we do. I also know that it is because of the military that we have that peace and prosperity to enjoy. And for that i thank every member of our armed forces. It is not them who decide to go to war, but it is them who fight the war. They have to live, or die, with the decisions of our government. I wish we did not need the military, but we do. And, if we all must carry clubs, i am glad that the United States has the biggest. Now, i’m not sure where this is going, as i meant to end it a while ago, but then i kept thinking of new things. So, to conclude, we achieve peace through war, we kill because we have to. I do not regret that the United States has killed, but i do regret that we need to. I think that all of humanity regrets that we need to.

  68. Cynical Says:

    My apologies for posting that so many times, i guess Mozilla isnt very “this-forum-compatible.” Very sorry.

    By the way, just as thought that i’m watching it again, what is being shouted at (what seems like) each explosion? It sounds like “Hey Benny!” However, i do not think that is what is being said…

  69. Billy Joe Jim Bob Says:

    As said by the a previous post,the big problem in America’s attitude to the world,is simply this-THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE STUPID-Allowing Politicians to wrap themselves in the flag,to justify any course of action with no further explanation is crazy shit.An American with nothing.. no healthcare,no shelter,no work,will rally behind a leader and system constantly screwing them at the first hint of..We are Americans,we are freedom loving people ra ra ra.

    What does Iraq have to do with the war on terror–Nothing,they were mainly Saudi trained and funded.This is a war of pure greed and capitalism at the barrel of a gun,Iraq had huge economical power with the second largest oil reserves on Earth-No longer they all been signed over to American companies.

    To the clown who used the term “Operation Iraqi Freedom” above-Get your head out of your arse.Little jingles may be good enough for an American audience.Should be called Operation Kill innocents and steal oil wealth.You support such a system and are prepared to kill and die for it–GET A LIFE and u may respect life,to pretend it is rightous and noble, is to put simply, insane-Nationalism gone crazy!

    The Hypocritical double standards in American foriegn policy -Is also scary and crazy,it may work in a domestic level but does not on a internation level.

    Americans have no right to complain,when the tactics they use,are used agains’t themselves.

    Peace people’s—Love is all you need,Let us all pray that the men who use God to justify actions and manipulate the masses,meet their maker,sooner rather than later.

  70. Colleen Says:

    Is everyone too stupid to realize that the first and second posts were by 2 different people? Duuhhh retards. Well look, here’s a third colleen, I didn’t post either the first or second.

  71. John Says:

    Dem people sure do blow up reeeeal good.

  72. Rob Says:


    I am a 20 year old cadet at a military academy and if i wasn’t here i would be fighting in Iraq fighting for your right to flap that ignorant hole in your face about the way we live today. The only thing i hate more than a liberal, is a feminist liberal bitch like yourself. There is nothing more than i want right now than to tear you a new ass hole but the previous responses said it better than i ever could.

    Have an awesome life. Go Fuck your professor for that is all you will ever be in life, a fat headed, ignorant cum dumpster.

  73. Spooky Says:

    “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”

    Opinions are like assholes, everbody got ’em.

    God Bless America, our brothers and sisters and her allies doing the best they can for you.

  74. Spooky Says:

    “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”

    Opinions are like assholes, everbody got ’em.

    God Bless America, our brothers and sisters and her allies doing the best they can for you.

  75. Spooky Says:

    “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”

    Opinions are like assholes, everybody got ’em.

    God Bless America, our brothers and sisters, and her allies doing the best they can for you.

  76. Mike Says:

    To Cynical … I THINK they are saying “Gun Ready!” on the video … can anyone confirm?

  77. Mike Says:

    To Cynical … I THINK they are saying “Gun Ready!” on the video … can anyone confirm?

  78. Mike Says:

    To “Cynical” … I believe they are saying “Gun Ready!” in the video. Can anyone confirm this???

  79. Mike Says:

    Sorry for all the posts … computer keeps freaking out!!!

  80. dave Says:

    What an incredibly sad thread.

    When is the human race going to grow up and stop doing this to itself? Can’t you see there is NO FUTURE in treating other people in this way. Do you really think that by destroying these people with hi-tech airborne weaponry that they will stop threatening western states? If your father had just been the victim of 40mm cannon fire, would YOU just stop hating the USA? Use your minds!

    I’m particularly appalled by the comments of ‘Rob’ on May 11th. What future do we have when idiots like that take up arms, and get decorated and praised for doing so?

    Rob, you should be ashamed of your language and your attitude to other members of the human race, and if you were my son I’d publicly disown you. Grow up.

  81. Mike Says:


    I totally agree with you. The human race does need to reach a point where we stop doing this to ourselves. That’s the perfect world and it is ideal. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. There will always be evil like that witnessed on 9-11. I am in FIRM belief that the people killed in this video are a part of that evil. I have total confidence in the capabilities of our military. Yes, in war, innocent people die … but it is weaponry like what you see in the video that keeps those innocent casualties low. It’s better than carpet bombing … it’s better than dropping the A-Bomb. And I agree, that this will bring bitterness to those who suffer … but it’s the same bitterness that has always existed. I look at how this type of action is breaking apart organizations like Al-Quada. It is keeping THEM from getting to US. They can be bitter … all they want … as long as we deny them the capability to attack us on our own soil. That is what I believe is being accomplished here. I don’t like it, but I’m glad it is happening overseas, and I’m glad our guys are good at what they do. Hats off to our military.

  82. dave Says:

    Sorry Mike, I just can’t agree with you. I take your points. I just can’t understand statements like :

    “it is weaponry like what you see in the video that keeps those innocent casualties low.”

    ….so you’d be quite happy if your ‘innocent’ relation was killed would you? What an absolutely callous way to think about other human beings.

    “it’s the same bitterness that has always existed”

    This bitterness has NOT always existed. It’s bitterness fueled by western colonial attitude to other cultures – and if you actually want to make that bitterness go away, the one way NOT to do it is to machine-gun random people from 500 feet. I don’t care what you say, there is no positive identification of anyone in that video.

    “I’m glad it is happening overseas”

    I just can’t find any words to reply to that one.

    We have to stop this militaristic world view right now. The west spends $800 billion a year on the ‘defence’ budget. $12 billion a year would provide basic sanitation, education and healthcare for the entire planet. These figures indicate what a sad, alienated race we have become.

    We HAVE to stop thinking that it is a glorious and good thing to join the armed forces, go ‘overseas’ and drop hundreds of tonnes of depleted uranium on other people.

    And I’m particularly SICK of the attitiude that ‘we are doing it for you so you can live your liberated life back there in safety’ I DO NOT WANT THIS DONE IN MY NAME. I did not ask for the armed forces to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and I am all too aware that my taxes are paying for it without my consent.


  83. Mike Says:


    Like you, I take your points, but I just don’t understand them nor do I agree with them. I really WISH I could agree with them. I wish things were different … but they are not. The world will never be perfect.

    Going to respond to your comments …

    Yes, I’m glad it is happening overseas … I’m glad it is happening there rather than on US soil. I’d much rather take the fight to them than have them bring the fight to us. That is the whole purpose of going into Afghanistan and Iraq and doing what we are doing. Would you rather us fight on US soil when it is too late??? Would you rather us ignore the problem and then have another terrorist attack??? The best defense is a good offense.

    Regarding this comment I made …

    “it is weaponry like what you see in the video that keeps those innocent casualties low.”

    You didn’t like that comment … so what would you rather see? Do you want our guys to go in and “exterminate” the terrorists? Our casualties would be very high … and THERE WOULD STILL BE INNOCENT LIVES LOST!!! Another alternative would be to drop an atomic, hydrogen, or neutron bomb on them … we would take few US casualties yet the innocent casualties would be incredible. This way of fighting … what you see in the video … is the best possible compromise.

    Those were not random people.

    If we are going to stop doing this kind of thing … if we are going to stop being involved in foreign affairs, then we need to bring all of our guys back home, seal the borders, put up heavy defenses on every coastline, and say screw the rest of the world. You probably don’t agree with that statement either.


    If you don’t want this done in your name, then there’s a 4:30 flight leaving for Afghanistan. Go wave your white flag, try to make peace, and they will mow you down in the middle of the street. Good luck.


  84. jetti Says:

    Yes, they are saying “gun ready”

  85. luis Says:

    dear mike,
    you know, your arguments are the same that nazis used to justify the Stukas bombing on Poland.
    The Stukas at that time were the best in bombing technology…

  86. dave Says:

    I guess there is no point trying to talk to you Mike and you’ll never convince me of your point of view.

    Just remember that it won’t be the terrorists of this world that eventually shake up and destroy your cosy little “island” viewpoint.

    It will be the world’s hungry, the dispossessed and the orphaned.

  87. dave Says:

    and yes, i’d rather the fight WAS on US soil, as perhaps you’d then realise what living in a war zone was like.

  88. just a patriot Says:

    liberals suck.

  89. Mike Says:


    You’re right that we’ll never see eye-to-eye. However, I am open-minded enough to see your point. I REALLY WISH THE WORLD WERE A DIFFERENT PLACE. Then just maybe I could agree with you. The truth is that we NEED our military to be active. We NEED to go and seek out evil and destroy it. If we ignore it, we will be bitten again … just like on 9/11. I’d like to know, given the current situation in the world, what you would do differently to make things better. Would you have the US pull all troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq? If so, then what? What would you change about our foreign policy? I just think sitting idly by while the world changes for the worse around us would be a grave mistake. So tell me what the alternative is because we can’t do nothing … some course of action needs to be taken to deal with the terrorist threat.

    I’d like to know what the valid alternative is in dealing with our problems. I’m all ears.

    Also, I know I’ll never convince you that I’m right. I haven’t even been trying to. But you’ll still hear my point of view … because I AM FREE! To our members of the armed forces reading this … THANK YOU!!! GOD BLESS!!!

  90. D-bo Says:

    This litte bitch Collen is just looking for attention

    She sounds like the lil sluty girl that will get caught in a gang bang her choice

    Praise the Gunship crew , maybe they can swing over Collens house next

  91. BigRedCat Says:

    Nice vid. I will ignore the retarded liberal asshat comments. I dont bother arguing with clueless liberals.

    Check this one out:
    This is what happens when you try to ambush American Marines, while you’re sitting in THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET WITH NO COVER. Dumbass…

    The Spanish reporter is saying, roughly,   “…the sudden/direct death of a fighter captured here on film in a suburb of Baghdad controlled by terrorist-radical al-Sadr…”

    One for the Darwin Awards…

    Warning!!, this may offend some of you liberal terrorist loving types.


  92. Anonymous Says:

    I watched the 2004 Super Bowl game this year. I thought that it was a pretty good game of football…as far as football games go. It was an exciting game. Good play on both sides. I remember that the US military was providing air coverage (and more) for the security of the game, an important American pastime.

    Nobody got killed. Smiles.

    However, what I really remember was the hoopla over the half time show. All of the crotch grabbing musical ‘artists’. And then of course the Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson ‘equipment malfunction’.
    I can’t remember the names of the teams who played in the game…or even the football players for that matter, as well as I remember the ‘entertainment’.

    I remember thinking at the time…’what is going on in America’? Is this the way of life that we are all fighting so desperately to defend? I questioned whether this was the penultimate of society. Certainly alot of people really look forward to this big game every year. Was this the ‘way of life’ that we as citizens of the ‘West’ are defending?

    At the other extreme ‘way of life’, we see women mistreated in another fashion. Wearing burquas from head to foot…and veils and such. Certainly, I have heard stories of abuses of women at the hands of men who adhere to the ‘other’ faction…to imagine female castration, as an example, is just absurd.

    That too, does not seem to be a ‘lifestyle’ worth dieing for.

    It would seem to me then, that the answer is not to be found in either sides extremism. And I am not so sure that the answer is to be found somewhere in the ‘middle’ either.

    However, I do believe, that a ‘society’ is judged by how it treats those who are in a weaker position. The elderly, the children, the sick, the wounded, the injured, the disabled, and yes, even women. Not to say that women are weak. Rather, they are a weaker vessel. And notice I said weaker ‘vessel’, not weaker ‘sex’.

    That being said, women, including ‘Colleen’, at the top of this thread are not always to be defended as ‘right’. They are however, the crowning of God’s creation, and by that, I mean that they were created last, and in God’s ‘pefect’ world, were to be the bearer of life and hope for us all. After all, women do bear children.

    And in my estimation, the mortality rate of old was much higher than war. So in one sense, men…going off to war, was an ‘easier’ task, than staying home and having children.

    But that is another topic.

    So…getting back more to the topic at hand…

    To say that ‘Colleen’ is a little bit ‘mixed’ up, might be an understatement. But to say that she is not worth defending, is also maybe just as twisted. She does have a right to her ‘opinion’.

    LOL. I can’t help but think that Colleen is not a ‘real’ person, that ‘she’ is maybe actually just figment of a ‘real’ professors head game…and that ‘she’ has got us all showing our ‘true’ sides…bringing out the ‘best of language and thoughts’ in all of us responding to her comments.

    Anyways, not to change the topic here a bit, but bear with me, and you will see where I am going with this…I also remember when Bill Clinton had his ‘big trial’, I was really hoping that he was not ‘mincing words’ with ALL of the American people ALL at the same time, when he denied ‘sexual’ relations with Miss Lewinsky.

    (How is it that I can remember these names so well, but not so easily the founders of the American people.)

    Anyways…Mr. Clinton’s ‘little fiasco’ really does not help me to believe the next President in line, namely Mr. Bush, when he is trying to convince people that the likes of Saddam and Bin Laden need to be removed because they are the cause of the world’s terrorist threat. And I am not disagreeing with Mr. Bush’s conclusions…nor do I wish to
    point fingers…I only wish to point out that ‘principalities and powers’ have to have credibility. Wthout credibility, authority is diminished. Destroyed even.

    Don’t get me wrong. I do actually admire Bush…I like him. I do believe that Bush has made the right ‘call’. Not second guessing him. The fact that there are not any discoveries yet of “WMD”s is a bit disconcerting. I wonder if they are already somewhere in the West. And that is why they have not been located in Iraq! Anyways, that is another whole conversation.

    But anyways…

    Getting back to credibility…if I was a child living in Baghdad, it wouldn’t be too hard to ‘convince’ me that after 10 years of continual bombing and missile strikes (since the Gulf War in ’91) that the U.S., was in fact the ‘enemy’. So I can understand why a child might grab a gun and shoot a U.S. soldier, as we sadly read in the above ‘threads’.

    Also, in the above ‘threads’, there is some talk about the Old Roman Empire…and we know that the Roman Empire fell from within…it was not defeated by an outside source.

    Of course the Roman Empire was also the Political System that was in the perfect time and place to crucify Jesus. But again, a whole nuther ball of wax. Or is it?

    Jesus said that He was coming back for His people. Are we it? Are we really God’s people? I hope that we are…but it seems to me that the Ten Commandments are getting removed from the US Courthouse displays. What commandments did Jesus live by? And I hear that prayer in schools is also under ‘attack’. Is this true? How can a free thinking country abolish such a basic right as prayer? Did Jesus not teach us to pray?

    Ok, still with me here? Jumping back to the viewing of the above video…as I watched it…I thought, “My God, this is real, actual people, were being killed right in front our very eyes. In a military operation albeit. But nevertheless, these people are going to be seeing God in a very short amount of time.”

    I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, in the hell that was unleashed on those men at that time that they had a final chance to…”repent, repent, repent!!!” Honestly, who could ever wish anyone to an eternity of hell.

    And that being said, certainly then, when we all witnessed the twin towers in New York falling…we also knew that many people were dieing…right before our eyes, in real time even. It was hard to believe that it was for real. Certainly, it is something that you could only hope would be a ‘blow ’em up’ movie that Hollywood concocted to entertain us all for a summer type movie. But it wasn’t. It was as real as the above video clip.

    So there is death and destruction, hurt and pain, on all sides. In fact, the very nature of war causes for damages.

    So, carrying on here, about this current conflict…we see both ‘sides’ accuse the other of behaving ‘badly’, or committing ‘evil’, or worse. And both sides also claim that God is on their side.

    Certainly all men are capable of doing either good, or evil. In that sense, people are like knives…and knives can be used for good, such as preparing a meal, which is a good thing, or a knife can be used for evil, such as hurting someone as innocent as a child. The difference between humans and knives of course, is that we have a choice as to how we are going to conduct ourselves. Knives are tools, we are spiritual beings.

    So what are the answers? I cannot tell you. You must find them for yourself. I can only share with you something that was said a long time ago…something that I have discovered for myself…and it reads as follows:

    “He has showed you, O man, what is good.
    And what does the LORD require of you?
    To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.”

    and yes, that is a quote from Micah 6:8, which is found in the Old Testament Bible.

    Something that I do believe is worth ‘dieing’ for.

    By the way..Jesus made a comment on this passage in one of the gospels…but I cannot find it. Does anyone else out there know where it is found?

    By the way…I am not sure if I am going to bother watching this next year’s Superbowl. But I must admit, it was nice to have the choice to either watch it, or turn it off! Smiles.


    A Canadian Voter.

    Thankyou to the U.S. military for their obedience to duty. The short video brought home the message of the true horror of war and the price that is paid in this life in order to defend our right to be ‘free’ to choose the Way. Or not.

  93. Anonymous Says:

    Well, it has been quite some time now…and no one has ‘responded’ to the “Canadian Voter’s” remarks. A friend of mine found the answer to my question above…I thank ‘ducky’ for sending it to me. I was hoping that someone else who read my original comment would open a dialogue.
    So anyways…Jesus’ comments on Micah 6:8 can be found in Matthew 23:23. Jesus actually ‘raised the bar’ in many ways…in that Holiness was a matter of not just keeping the law, but moreover, keeping the Spirit of the Law in our hearts to guide us into “acting JUSTLY, (while at the same time) loooooooving MERCY(!), and walking (ever so) humbly”.

    As to the one comment up above in the script of ‘hanging onto Jesus and grabbing your helmet’…

    I thank God for the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, who was raised from the dead, and lives forevermore. Praise God, who has made a way for peace. An eternal peace even. Peace with God, and peace with each other. My prayer is that each individual would find the peace that Jesus left with us. (John 14:27)

    Have you seen Jesus in anyone’s heart lately?

    Just One Canadian Voter.

  94. jim Says:

    I cant get the clip to play from this site but I have seen it before and I am a firm believer that the punishment befits the crime, They have brought a world of pain upon themselves (Terrorists not Muslims lets make that clear) an unprovoked attack against civilians with aircraft carrying women and children was a pathetic and cowardly way to attack your country I am currently serving as an Armourer for the British forces and have been recently working alongside your troops lets get it done and done properly to make this world a safer place.

  95. Patrick Says:

    First off,to Colleen…
    If someone else logged in and used your name, you should be more careful with your computer or passwords. Secondly, unless you’re a regular on this forum, how did you know they logged in here and posted those comments? And, if you are a regular subscriber, why didn’t you step up sooner?

    Secondly to Colleen….

    I’m of the opinion that you wrote both comments. But, if I’m wrong, then instead of calling everyone retards, why don’t you step up and put your “True” beliefs here?

    For the comments….

    “Meanwhile, you hear them saying “don’t hit the Mosque.” I guess that’s mighty humane of us.” Allow me to explain something to you. There was a person on the ground directing the airmen on what was a “target” and what wasn’t. He was probably close enough to the people being bombed (and probably had been there long enough) to know who were ‘combatants’ and who were civilians. There’s a reason they didn’t blow the mosque up. It possibly had civilians inside.
    “We should strive to be more like the palestinians – now they show their hatred. Nope, they’re not cold & callous! They even know how to beat their women with the love only a true muslim knows! Yes, our military can stand to learn a lesson from these “oppressed” people. I never knew they would turn out like that. For all i knew, our soldiers were force-fed the qu’ran so we could better understand the extremists who wanted us dead. ”
    Yes, I’m pretty much quoting your entire second post. First of all, that was written by a man (My guess). Secondly, if you EVER read the Qu’ran, you’ll understand that what the terrorists are doing is AGAINST the teachings of it. Most Muslims do not agree with the terrorists. Most of them actually practice the teachings of the Qu’ran. (I am not a muslim, however back in 1989, I was required to read a translation of the Qu’ran for a World History Class.) As for the Palestinians, if you know who the poster was Colleen, tell them I HIGHLY encourage them to get a stick of dynamite, go out into the woods, and strive to be more like the Palestinians. That will be one less idiotic mouth to feed, and it would actually be a suicide bombing that I would cheer on. (I have a feeling that a lot of people here would agree with me).

    For the crewman of the C-130 (If you really are one), Good job, and I like the slogans.. Especially the “You can run, but you’ll die tired.” one.

    The funny thing is, if it weren’t for soldiers fighting, we couldn’t burn the flag they fight under, nor post on this website. Strange to think that if you were living in Iraq 3 years ago, and were fortunate enough to have internet access, You wouldn’t want to come anywhere near this site. Because the saying “I wouldn’t get caught dead here.” would take on a whole new meaning with Government Police kicking in your door (while you are reading this). Simply put, if you were reading this, you surely WOULD be dead.


  96. Patrick Says:

    We need to kick the damn media out of all military operations. Then maybe we could start to get some real work done and kill as many of those bastards as we can.

  97. Ken Says:

    Funny little thing, I constantly hear about how America is just in it for the oil. You want to know something? In 2002 America only imported 5% of it’s oil from Iraq. Yeah that’s right, only 459,000 barrels per day out of a total of 9,140,000 per day! And that was double what we did prior to the first Gulf War. Ya know why? We were funding the oil for food program. Don’t give me this crap about how we are stealing their oil. We get the bulk of our oil from Saudi Arabia, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela!

    As for the AC-130’s. I love ’em. They do the job with aplomb and efficiency. More power to them.

    America is not an evil empire, if it was we would call in some of those trillions of dollars in debt owed us by nations around the world. Instead we forgive most of that debt, to Russia, most of Africa, the Phillipines, even France and Germany have had billion in debt forgiven. Funny, that doesn’t seem like the actions of an ‘evil empire’. I thought we were the ‘instrument of the international conspiracy of jews and free-masons against the righteous and Allah-fearing faithful’? (That’s called sarcasm in case Colleen missed that in her education.)

    As for understanding the terrorists, bullshit! Their idea of understanding is to kill us or subjugate us. Not me or mine. Sometimes people die, it’s not like we are going over there and crashing planes into mosques full of little kiddies and civilians now is it? No we are going after people who have guns and have made the concious decision to kill us. If you want to sit back and ‘understand’ them then, get you passport, fly on over to Saudi Arabia or pretty much anywhere in the middle east and step outside and wave it around yelling out ‘I’m an American and I want to Understand you!’ The bullet or knife will be on it’s way shorrtly and you will have contributed to the improvement of our gene pool by removing yourself from it.

    Peace in the Middle East! (ha! not in my lifetime.)

  98. Neville Chamberlain Says:

    We must seek to understand our Muslim extremist brothers. There is cause for their hatred. If we can only admit within ourselves our evil core, then we can begin the journey toward a kindler, gentler pacifism in which we will entrust our well being and that of our offspring to the goodness of Allah and Ahmed, and all of their Bedouin contrymen………….naaahhhhhhhhhh, screw them and the camel they rode in on. Thank God for the brave men and women of our armed services, and for the wonderful privilege of living in America, which is indeed the moral leader of the entire world, the greatest country on earth, where even the “hate America and blame America first” crowd can bleat their follishness without fear of retribution.

  99. Ben Anderson Says:

    I’ve been reading this and have found this quite interesting. In my past AP US History Class we discussed the situation all year. All in all, I agree with both sides and disagree with both sides. For one, About that whole “us stealing their oil” controversy. It’s not about the oil as much as it is about the defense contracts, let us remember that Cheney use to have his hands in with Haliburton. Yes I agree with everyone one else that the Colleen “Liberal Bitch” Professor Fucker needs to be hanged with the rest of em (Types like Dixie Chicks). I however, don’t like Bush or the way he decided to do things in Iraq. For one, he has just fallen into the sterotype everyone think Americans are, a bunch of fuckin cowboys with big guns. He took wasted no time in just bombin the shit outta Iraq. I mean, he could of at least waited for some U.N. support. Even a better military strategy would have worked for me. But that bum rush to Baghdad has to be one of the worst fuckin poorly planned operations i have ever fuckin seen in my entire fuckin life. There, i got that off of my chest. He coulda just taken it by year and cleaned out the place, but instead he just knives edges it to baghdad, and after the “end” to all major combat, he sends whats left of the iraqi army home, WITH THEIR FUCKIN GUNS! Who the hell sends the ENEMY home, WITH THEIR GUNS! I still think we should have Colin Powell and Ross Perot run for the office, at least they would do a better job then those idiots we like to call our leaders (Bush and Kerry). I however do commend our soldiers with dealing with the stupidity from within and kickin some terrorist ass, and as far as im concerned with foriegn policy, those bastards bombed us, kill em all and let god sort em out. Mecca would sure make a nice glass museum. In spite of what i said before however, I think we should just finish up the fuck up we call a purgance of terrorist in the middle east and think about our own damn domestic problems. Such as, not supplying the whole damn world with our hard earned tax money, and once again becoming the self-suffiecent country we used to be. And why have our troops spread thin like peanut butter around the world? lets just withdrawl them from all those outposts except for major allies and say, “Hey! Screw guys I’m goin home!” it works for Cartman. If they do even some how bomb us again, lets actually use some of that good ol technology thats meant to save innocents. Retrofit those ICBM’s with convention warheads, pick some targets from sattelites, sit back, cook some popcorn, and watch the fireworks.
    God Bless America and help our soldiers smite those little bastards that hide in caves!

  100. Canadian Says:

    As a Canadian civillian, I would like to say thankyou to all military personel who feel as though their efforts go unappreciated for the most part by civillians.
    There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about the tremendous sacrifices our

  101. Canadian Says:

    As a Canadian civillian, I would like to say thank you to all military personel who feel as though their efforts go unappreciated by some civillians.
    There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about the tremendous sacrifices and tasks that U.S. and Canadian Armed Forces carry out daily, and for this I am grateful.


  102. British Soldier Says:

    As a British serviceman and as a human being my thoughts are with all those soldiers and civilians of all nationalities out on Iraqi soil.

    It irritates me to see you people bickering amongst yourselves – the personnel out there need your support, not your extremist opinions or sensationalist preachings.

    I don’t honestly believe we can pass judgement on the Hercules crew in the video – we weren’t there, we didn’t know the intel and we weren’t following those orders. But whatever the story behind it, it makes fairly chilling viewing regardless of who or what the targets were.

    I only hope that the Iraqi situation is resolved as fast as possible so that the Iraqi people can get there feet back on the ground and we can all get our troops safely back home.


  103. jack Says:

    To be fair it sickens me that any of you feel that you have a leg to stand on when it comes to lecturing about ‘terrorists’ and ‘freedom’. The government of the two main allies in Iraq have a history virtually strangled with breaches of freedom against other peoples and the civilians of their own countries (that’s right yankee man I mean you guys too) I feel terrible for the troops sent to die on foreign to help eradicate a threat that was entirely it’s own governments making. Osama was trained by the U.S so it could put the Taliban in power. Saddams army is strictly U.S./U.K. hardware, as is most of Iran’s. Not to mention the fact that the country that supplies most of the training and funding for these ‘religious fanatics’ doesn’t get touched beecause the U.S. are allies with the Suadi’s. And dont get me started on ‘religious fanaticism’… a gang of Christian Democratic countries spreading the word of two theories that abhor tyranny and violence at ther barrell of a gun. So for all of you, die hard right wingers and pretentious left wing student types alike, let’s not forget who the real terrorists, no wait, tyrants are… it’s the fuckwits we elect every year who create the problems into which we send our sons to die so as to make a quick buck. Just remeber this, the only planes to fly the week after Spet 11th were chartered by the CIA and contained every member of the Bin Laden family known to be in the country. The criminals are your leaders. As you live in a democracy they should be behyaving the way we tell them to. So when our leaders pull this kind of shit in the name of democracy, is it any wonder that these people detest us.

  104. Ben Henderson Says:

    Hi my name is Ben Henderson, I am back and I am a big slut… No, just kidding. I am not Ben Henderson. Just to show the long list of idiots here how the second Coleen post appeared (Hint: See the name box. You don’t need to put your own name – magic).
    Apparently another good american decided to lie and cheat. Well after Powell, Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest of the US government, is that amazing?
    And quite a few others decided decided to be stupid and arrogant. Well after Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neocons warriors, is that amazing?

  105. Former WOMAN Marine Says:

    I find it amazing this has been going on since 2002, and everyone still feels the need to respond to “Colleen” who I have to wonder if has ever read this again and/or is real.

    But the conversation afterwards is quiet entertaining.

    The most relevant, I think, is the Canadian “voter” that mentions Jesus, I thank you for the verses.

    I’d like to point out to everyone who is interested to know; the things that have been happening are foretold in prophecy located through out the Bible. The wars, the natural disasters, the famines, the political unrest. See for yourself: Luke 21:8-38.

    I can’t say that I blame “Colleen’s” ignorant point of view. But that’s exactly what it is: ignorant, someone who does not know. If I were in “her” shoes, having not being trained military combact techniques and the discipline that it takes to follow orders no matter what, I might believe the same as she does. However, I have been trained and I know what it means to follow orders blindly into whatever might be coming my way. Death is all around you, and it’s follow orders or you can get yourself/your buddies killed. Kill or be killed. And I’m pulling the trigger!

    You can see that the brain washing is still fully intact. My drill instructors did a fantastic job. I can still remember their names.

    I happend to get that video several months before it was released on tv. After the “target” ran into the mosque, that off-limits location became a military target and it was destroyed. Semper Fi.

    I remember feeling elated that it was gone. Is that part of the brain washing? Or my own intense feelings? I don’t know. Nor do I really care. I’m glad it was gone.

    I asked a muslim once how he knew he was going to his heaven. He told me he wasn’t certain, you just do what you’re told by the religious leaders and you’ll go to heaven.

    “How do they know what’s right?” I asked.

    He replied, “God shows them.”

    So I asked “What if you’re told to go kill someone or yourself.”

    His reply to me was “Then I would go die or kill someone.”

    My thought was, but I didn’t say it to him. “Boy! You better hope this guy’s right! That he’s not using you in some way to further his own personal cause!”

    It’s better to follow a leader that willing goes first, rather than sending you first.

  106. Ben Anderson (a.k.a. your future Apache Gunship Pilot) Says:

    To that jack guy, who doesn’t that has his story about half right. Yeah, your right, we did supply Osama with all that neat little military training and weapons, but do you know why we did it? It was this nice little type of gov’t called communism. yeah, that whole thing of communism was kinda skipped by you. And by the way we didn’t exactly create the “religous fanatics” that like to blow up everything including themselves, you can blame russia for that bullshit when they decided to go for the middle east. And just to touch up on that little paragraph on Iraq, we did supply em with weapons, but all that shit go blown up in the Iran-Iraq war. From what they have now, and from what I recollect, I do believe that T-72’s and T-80’s are not of american design, and neither are Ak-47’s. So the next time you decide to go blaming America for this whole fucked up mess we like to call the “Homeland” or The middle east, think of other outside sources other than the media, look at the history books. I think it clearly gives the answer communism in a nutshell. And about the comment about how you could see peoples POV due to their ignorance, well if they don’t know what they talkin about they should just shut the hell up and let the pros do what they paid for. If its nothing I can’t stand more its a Liberal trying to talk military tactics and weaponry, for they have no idea what so ever. Rock on marines, Army, Airforce, and Navy!

  107. Ben Anderson (a.k.a. your future Apache Gunship Pilot) Says:

    Oh just to clarify a fact here, I disdain George W. Bush and John “flipflop” Kerry. I think we should elect Colen Powell and Ross Perot, the true americans. I also think unmanned planes are a waste of time and the army brass can burn for canceling the comanche project. I think all they do is flip coins on ideas.

  108. jack Says:

    Ben, I do hate it when military men try and talk history. If I remember correctly from my history lessons, the only reason Russia first started on Afghnistan was when the government, left in place by the British after the second Afghan conflict, started harbouring Uzbeck militants that were fighting the Russian Tsars, and the whole reason Afghanistan turned to Communist Russia for economic aid was after the mess that the Durand line left behind with regards to the Pushtan crisis (another British marvel). And you do omit the irrefutable point that Saddam Hussein originally came into power after toppling a U.S installed government, not that U.S. involvement ends there. Just look it up in the history books I think it gives the answer Israeli state Zionism in a nutshell, so don’t be naive enough to beleive everything that’s shoved down your throat by the men in ‘The House’. Communism is just an easy label that’s used, far too often, to conceal the real problems in American/Western foreign policy. And two other major points. I went out of my way to avoid pointing the finger at the U.S. I’m British and know full well how heavily involved we’ve been in the whole mess (I mean, as a future gunship pilot I’m sure you’ll recognise most of the grounded Iraqi airforce are British Tornadoes or at least, I hope you will…), and secondly I didn’t exactly say that we ‘create religious fanatics’ I stated that we (and if we are to subscribe to the strict definition of ‘democracy’ that DOES mean you and I by default of electing our governments) created the situations within which religious fanaticism thrives. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the arguments presented to you by the media (i.e. he don’t support our governments stance and actions on, and in the middle east; HE’S A COMMIE TRAITOR) I come from a family with a long RAF tradition, my Grandaddy designed the Lancaster bomber, I fully recognise the sacrifice that the troops out there are making on a daily basis, I just question the motives employed to send them there in the first place. Why have our government asked our children to go die in the sands of Iraq and in reference to the wise words of the formerWOMAN marine, if it’s so damn important to America/Britain why aren’t George and Tony out on the front lines ‘It s better to follow a leader that willing goes first, rather than sending you first’ I agree entirely.

  109. anonymous (aka Ben Henderson imposter) Says:

    Another video guys: http://theomachy.com/misc/CAS-1Fallujah.wmv . I can’t comment on the authencity of the video. Might be a fake, might not be Fallujah, might not even be Iraq, or might be true… Because it’s on the internet, does not mean much.
    Nevertheless it probably reflects my perception of the Iraq insurgencies, and the US response to it: Blow the shit out of them. Maybe I’ll expand my opinion another day, but I think it is a disaster when you are fighting against insurgencies (and you are a foreign nation). I doubt it will have much weight in this debate, even less in the current US military strategy. I am just a European armchair “general”. I’d be quite relieved to be wrong, but that’s not my current assessment.

  110. E-3 Says:

    Whats with all the military bashing?
    My personal opinion is that if you’re American and you got something bad to say about America, get the fuck out

  111. Senior Airman Select Says:

    I’ll start off by saying that fighting a war isn’t about being fair. Do you suppose that Muhammad Atta was pondering ways to give the 3,000+ innocents a fighting chance when that airliner crashed into that building?

    Yall liberals need to stop thinking that this world is such an oh so cushy place and realize that there are people who would love to slash your throat and kill your family — whether or not you are voting Bush or Kerry.

    I’ve been in the United States Air Force for just about 2 years now, and I work on a system called Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN), which, along with infrared video and radar, gives the F-15s and -16s, their capability to designate and track targets for accurate weapons delivery. What, Colleen? Would you rather have “dumb bombs” blow up entire villages and mosques? I think you’re the heartless one here.

    We in the military do our job to the best of our abilities. We stepped up to the plate knowing that it would be tough and knowing that people like you exist to degrade us. We do it anyway. I love this country, and would gladly sacrifice my life for it. Though I don’t personally kill the enemy and destroy buildings, do you think that I’m not aware of what the LANTIRN system does? Do you think I’m happy with those facts? War is an ugly thing, and I wish it doesn’t exist. However, a sad fact about the nature of our existance, for as long as humanity has existed, is that war is very real, and it happens. The only way we can win this war is through means such as you saw in that AC-130 gunship video. We gain the upper hand with technology, not by “leveling the playing field.”

    If the playing field were level, chances are your freedom to bitch and complain would be serverely reduced. The only reason you have such freedoms is because of the wars America has faught, most much bloodier than this one.

  112. Anonymous Says:

    All i can say is that I currently am in the Civil Air Patrol and i am willing to do all i can to defend this country. I dont care how old i am and what grade i am in, but let me say this: if i was the one in that gunship i would have hit him in ONE shot.

    Senior Master Sergeant, Rickman Civil Air Patrol

  113. charles melendez USN NAVSOC E-5 Says:

    To all of you that have made statements for the wars in iraq and afanistan that have been positive i salute you weather your military or not. it just amazes me on how much we as american have forgotten what happend on september 11, 2001. how many more lives must be lost before those of you whom upose this war/wars feel that we must act upond it, 10,000 20,000 lives? more innocent men, women, or better yet children who have done nothing to deserve to die this way.
    the way i see it the extreamist brought this whole thing upond themselfs, not us the United States Of America nor any of our allies REMEMBER THAT THE NEXT TIME YOU SPEAK UP AGAINST OUR ACTIONS!!!!!
    War is ugly and dont let anyone lead you to believe otherwise, i have experianced it first hand and know the horrors of it. Wake up everyone we are at war, either your for or against it, those of you who do remember 9-11-01 may the lord god shed his guiding light upond you, and for those of you who have forgotten may history repeat itself, and may it be you that suffers the consiquences!!

  114. John Callender Says:

    Yeah, but Iraq didn’t attack us on 9/11. Tens of thousands of lives, innocent lives, children’s lives, have been lost since then. But they were lost because our government used 9/11 as a pretext to launch a preemptive war against a nation that posed no threat to us.

    In order for liberty to be preserved we need soldiers willing to go into battle when ordered. I honor the courage and sacrifice that people like yourself have made and are making. But in order for liberty to be preserved we need something else, too: we need an electorate willing to hold the military’s civilian leadership accountable for their actions. When those leaders lie about the reasons for going to war, when they pursue war not as a last resort, but as a cynical means of dominating weaker countries, when they squander soldiers’ lives in a vain attempt to avoid admitting their own mistakes, we citizens need to hold them accountable. Anything less dishonors the sacrifices you are making.

  115. Senior Airman Select Says:

    John, if your reasoning for Bush being a “liar” is that no WMD have been found in Iraq, check out who else lied:

    Tony Blair – His intelligence sources also believed that WMD existed.

    Vald Putin – His intelligence sources also believed that WMD existed.

    Saddam Hussein – For not only not denying their existance, but also believing that they did exist, as his subordinates had told him they did.

    The Baath Party government – For telling Saddam Hussein that weapons programs were in work, even though they weren’t (they wanted to keep Saddam happy, so they lied about it — their fault, not Bush’s).

    British intelligence agents, operatives, and officers – They believed (due to intelligence on Iraqi govenment reports) that WMD existed, and so “lied” up the chain of command until it got to Blair.

    Russian intelligence agents, operatives, and officers – They believed (due to intelligence on Iraqi government reports) that WMD existed, and so “lied” up the chain of command until it got to Putin.

    U.S. intelligence agents, operatives, and officers – They believed (due to intelligence on Iraqi government reports) that WMD existed, and so “lied” up the chain of command until it got to Bush.

    John Kerry, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and several other Democrats – For believeing WMD existed and supporting an invasion of Iraq.

    Bill Clinton – For having an invasion plan for Iraq set up, as his administration also viewed Iraq as a threat.

    U.N. Weapons Inspectors – For believing for 10+ years that WMD existed, but were hidden (why do you think they wanted more time to search? Not because they thought they didn’t exist!)

    I’m sure there are more, too. So I hope you can see that if Bush is a liar, then so are all these other people.

    It’s not Bush’s fault that the Iraqi government lied to their own president, thus causing the U.S., U.K., and Russia to receive intelligence supporing the existence of WMD. Lying is false information or testimony given with the intent to deceive. You are surely an insecure person if you believe that all of those people are against you!

  116. Outsider Says:

    Interesting how some of you “defenders of freedom” adress Coleen asking her to kill herself or directly threatning her. Sounds like Taleban kind of freedom…. Think about it…

  117. Sam Says:

    Comment by Outsider
    Sounds like Taleban kind of freedom…. Think about it…

    Good comment Outsider, Took you only two years to come up with that one? Your an Idiot
    The taliban would just blow her up, or “chop” her head off for speaking. Think about it…

  118. The Beast of War Says:

    Each time I watch the video of the gunship helping these wonderful fanatic Islamic Muslims meet Allah and get their virgins, I get a warm fuzzy feeling all over.

  119. Seeded Hell Says:

    Taste it, Islamist roaches.

    I don’t want remains, I want results.


  120. SpookyLvr Says:

    Colleen is a perfect example of the three biggest mistakes this country ever made:

    1.letting women vote
    2.letting women sit on juries
    3.letting women drive automobiles

    She’s one of the same large group of kneepadders knowm as democrats that wouldn’t know a liar if he inserted a cigar in their alimentary canal whilst she(or they) performed a sexual act on said liar.

    I was so glad to read recently where the dims have now aborted themselves out of voting superiorty-that’s one good thing about on-demand abortion! Eventually that moronic species may even die out and become extinct. We can only hope.

  121. Tix Says:

    To any stupid idiot who takes offence to this video. My cousin is a Captain with the US Air Force. He has his own C130 Gunship and crew to look after. For all I know, this video could have come from his crew. Comments from people like Colleen and such are what make me sick. Perhaps you would understand the need to rid the world of terrorists if we left you with them. How will you feel after they raped and tortured you? Our men and women are over there willing to lay down everything they have. You are not one of them and you sure show your age and maturity. Grow up and face the world we live in.


  122. charles melendez usn Says:

    this messege is to John Callender. Wake the fuck up you blind stupid ignorant bastered, what in thee fuck have you been smoking? Seems your so caught up in your own little sick twisted world that you and all the other dope smoking fucks seem to have forgotten one important thing! Iraq was allowing terrorist training camps to flourish and spread more in the middle east, killing more innocent people. They’re like a cancer if you let it go untreated it spreads to other parts of the body, but in our case its spread throughout the body of mother earth. By attacking Iraq we have surgically removed a good portion of that cancer, GET THE POINT??? Probably not only because your so high you cant see straight… Now do us all a favor and go get yourself an education so the next time you say something it will have some sort of merrit to it! And in the mean time Stop reading rollingstones mag. listening to John the coward Kerry, the voice of hollywood and all your favorite drugged up rock stars who have little knowledge of whats really going on in the world. Then go grab yourself the book The Savage Nation along with the Holy Bible, READ THEM BOTH!!
    Its people like you that make this country weak, grow some balls be a patriot and join the service, do something with your meaningless life.

  123. Giles Robertson Says:

    Interesting…. all the right-wing nutcases and military “hawks” in here don’t mention one thing….


    -DONALD RUMSFELD met as SPECIAL ENVOY of RONALD REAGAN to meet and HANDSHAKE FRIENDLY with Mr. Hussein in the EARLY 1980s.

    -THE U.S. built and SUPPORTED HUSSEIN (like they did with Pinochet and scores of others right-wing dictators throughout Latin America).

    -THE C.I.A. in the 1980s issued an order to FUND AND RECRUIT extremist islamics, and TRAIN THEM to fight the soviets in Afghanistan.

    Nice outcome of the cold war huh?. Osama is a CIA ALUMNI.

  124. JUGGALO17 Says:

    Oops, looks like I overlooked your continuation of stating the facts. Yes, in the 1980s the US trained the mujahadin. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and we were helping them defend themselves. Guess what? THE UNITED STATES SUPPORTS ISRAEL MOTHERFUCKER!! That’s why Osama is pissed, and US military bases in Saudi Arabia intensified that. Guess what? In the 1770s, the United States was enemies with Britain. Now we’re friends! Times change brother, and shit happens.

    You’re just desperately looking for reasons why Bush shouldn’t be president, aren’t you? Guess what? He won the popular vote this time, too, so FUCK OFF!!

  125. Scott from Sacramento Says:

    Go Bush, go America, and God Bless each service man and woman. All of you liberal, bleeding heart piece of shit democrats can lick water buffalo testicles. Yea team. 4 more years!!!

  126. charles melendez usn Says:

    to Mr Giles Robertson go back and read the messege i left for Mr Callender especially the part about getting an education so that when you speak it has some merrit to it! understand?? I along with many others who have written or have just passed through this site have the same views on terrorists and the countries that support them. GET RID OF THEM! They have no place in society, unless you’d like to live in fear the rest of your life wondering where and when these cowards will strike next killing you or me or maybe even colleen. Fuck that im not willing to die like that nor live my life in fear of anyone!!!! Lets all join together and stop this shit once and for all so that we can all live in peace!

  127. Scared Says:

    All you right wing nuts are scaring the bejesus out of me.

  128. Does not matter Says:

    All I can say is Colleen is able believe whatever she wants. It is a sad state to see when all of you as Americans can verbally abuse and attack those who don’t agree with. I do not think we deserve 9/11 but I also KNOW that 21 year old men shooting people do NOT make good ambassadors. There is a point there.

  129. retired navy flyer Says:

    As a former Navy Airmen all I can say is, Damn I wish I gotten the oppertunity to defend America like the Professional Military Officers in the video, American Hero’s one and all. It’s great to see all the ordinance that I only got to practice with actually defending the greatest country in the world and showing some 4th world punks that we can take the fight any place on the planet. I spent 4 yrs. on the U.S.S Kitty Hawk and would gladly donate a few more years of my life to the defence of our great country. to the men in the video I say, Thank you brothers. The calm, professional manner that you show as you do a very tough job is a credit to the United States Military training that I have had the honor of recieving myself. keep up the good fight, Damn the torpedo’s, Full steam ahead!
    Anchors Aweigh
    p.s. to colleen:
    I may not agree with everything you say, but I will defend to the death, your right as an american citizen to say it!

  130. SHHHHHHHH Says:

    I can say for fact that i know what it is like to deal with these fucking terrorists one on one. They all deserve to die after what they did to our brothers and sisters on 9-11. They should thank allah that they died with little to no warning. Hell its not like we chopped their heads off with a dull knife….or swored. The us doesnt belive in treating or enemies the way they treat or us pow’s. So if any of you liberal Kerry/Fonda tree huggin fagots dont see it that way do me and all the other americans a favor and go move to France.

  131. Anonymous Says:


  132. Heath US Army Says:

    Hey Collen
    I think that you are a freaken moron, you have no place to say what you did. Try standing up and fighting for your country like many of us U.S. soldier are doing just so you can turn around and bash us with your worthless comments. You should crawl in a hole and die. Some day when you pull your head out of your ass you will understand what loyality and honor means. But for now you can just shut the hell up, and for your information an AC-130 is a beautiful machine and it is one of the best aircrafts that the US has.

  133. Colleen Says:

    Well…I can tell by all the imcomplete sentences, the misspelled words, and the smell that you people are ignorant. I will have you know I did “fuck” my professor (I do it often, and make A’s). As for the one writing who said they are my dad, they haven’t finished junior high yet. Maybe you will like this…what my prof likes is to treat me like a rough slut and make me throat him…he is quite large but I can do it. He cums down my throat and I don’t even gag. Bet your fat wives can’t do that.


  134. USAFRET Says:


    I will defend you right to be a MORON! What I will not defend is a traitor! War is terrible and people die, that is a fact. We are at war and that is that. We can not get emotional about it. We have to do what has to be done, period! If you think we deserved what happen on 9-11, then I invite you to strap dynamite around your neck and blow up that matter between your ears because you sure cannot think or use logic. Being an old crusty Sergeant, I have seen my share of death on both sides of the fence. Believe me, I rather it be the enemies of this nation. This is a great nation that allows you to sit in front of your computer and type some idiotic statements. Eres una PENDEJA! HUA!

  135. Weasler Says:

    Finally had a chance to look at that video closely. It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  136. Neutral Says:

    I wanna start this post by saying im not taking any sides. Im a european and im against terrorism. But i was appauled to see the absolute ruthless state of mind the american soldiers has in this forum, how can a country that PREACH freedom, christian values and freedom of speech attack people with other opinions besides their own. HOW CAN ANY KILLING BE BEAUTIFUL
    Beside do any of you know how many people has been killed by TERRORISM in america

    People killed in the United States by terrorism in 2000

    People killed on September 11 2001:

    People killed by terrorism in the United States in 2002

    People killed by terrorism in Britain in 2002


    Civilians killed in Afghanistan by US-led attacks

    Civilians killed in Iraq by US-led attacks

    People killed by road traffic accidents each year

    People killed by road traffic accidents in 2002 in Britain alone

    Road casualties for 2002 in Britain alone

    Deaths from cancer each year in Britain alone

    Deaths from HIV/AIDS in 2003

    People suffering from chronic hunger

    1.2 Billion:
    People ‘living’ on $1 a day or less

    Number of people without access to safe drinking water

    how can any death be beautiful ?
    If we used the money spendt on the iraqi war ALONE we could more or less wipe the other treats out………

  137. Shifty Says:

    All i can say Colleen is “Bitch, what the fuck” I’d ask what the hell you where thinking at the time, but obviously you weren’t. I’m so fuckin tired of this anti-war and anti- soldier bullshit from hippies such as yourself. You don’t know a damn thing. Why doen’t you try going over there and getting shot at by those ruthless religion contradicting bastards. You need to say not another fucking word about shit you have no clue about. The only ones who are intitled to saying anything about this are the soldiers. Also this country is filling up with the NRA and Military personel so i suggest that your hippie friends, illegal immigrants and other bleedingheart assholes(who know nothing of this war and just go by the bullshit they see in the media) to get the fuck out of this country if you don’t like and as for you shut the fuck up and go back to guzzling down the professors cum. I feel sorry for my brother, my friends, and the other soldiers because instead of just protecting themselves, their families, and their country they have to protect your dumbass and these other traitors. Just get the fuck out of this country and go to these terrorist’s countries and get raped, tortured, and so on and see how you like it and how you’ll be pleading for your life and for the American Forces to come rescue you fat ass. And also I’d like to say THANK YOU TO ALL THE SOLDIERS, YOU GUYS ARE MY FUCKIN HEROES. FOR IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU WE’D BE LIVING IN A COMMUNIST COUNTRY AND MY ASS WOULDN’T BE HERE, SO THANX AGAIN.


  138. God Says:

    But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

    Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

    Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    So what is all this debating about?

  139. Allasso Says:


    “Just get the fuck out of this country and go to these terrorist’s countries and get raped, tortured, and so on and see how you like it and how you’ll be pleading for your life and for the American Forces to come rescue you fat ass.”

    If she went to one of those countries, she’d get blown up by an American.

  140. Allasso Says:

    “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

    “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

    “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”

    so what is all the debate about?

  141. Shifty Says:

    Hey allasso,

    yeah I would be pleading for the soldiers to come rescue me, but I unlike you respect these brave men and women and thank god that I and the rest of this country is being covered by the blanket of freedom that they are providing. Hey don’t deny it you’d do the same. Why is it that you can bitch bout terrorists getting killed but you won’t bitch bout the fact that our Americans are dying to. Are ya trying to value their lives more than the soldiers, who are protecting us and trying to make a better tomorrow for the peoples in other countries. Also do you know how many civilians that have been captured that the soldiers had gone in and rescued. And instead of bitchin bout these murderers that we’ve killed bitch bout how many people of ours they’ve killed. Right down to the innocent babies. At least we don’t kill children and innocents on purpose. So instead of blessing the terrorists, bless the soldiers and the innocents over there.

  142. cycleman Says:

    Colleen is the end result of the reduced military presence in our society. If the draft was still in effect people with her views would get first hand expoerience at what freedom really means – or the lack of it.
    Since she was in horror at watching the video she should visualize the horror of tons of concrete and steel squashing those people in the buildings of 9/11. Also she should imagine the people on board the planes as they ripped into pieces and ignited the jet fuel as it spread.
    Do you try to talk to roaches to get them to move out of the house or do you kill them?
    Wake up little girl – there are people that are trying to kill you and I, and don’t care how many of us they kill when they do it.
    Best thing for this country is to go back to being the bad ass of the world it once was. Reinstate the draft, bring the military into all public schools at the elementary level and bring respect back into our society. For those that are opposed – Canada is waiting to the north and Mexico is to the south. Leave the flag.

  143. Gordon Says:

    Why were the World Trade Centre buildings targetted by Al Qaeda?

    Why did the USA initiate the first invasion of Iraq?

    Why didn’t the USA take the opportunity to maintain dialogue with Ho Chi Minh, when he wanted to maintain a relationship?

    Too many of the people on this thread or whatever it is sound very like the foaming-at-the-mouth muslim extremists our (heavily skewed) mainstream media are apt to portraying.

    When I read “…My personal opinion is that if you’re American and you got something bad to say about America, get the fuck out …” I begin to understand one of the reasons we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the USA as an empire. When we refuse to look inwards and acknowledge our own faults, we cannot grow / learn / improve. That mindset doesn’t leave much room for thinking. Black and White – your on our side, or you’re the enemy!!

    I am Australian. We are beginning to see the same mindset here – knee-jerk reactions instead of introspection, instead of demonstrated willingness to understand the root cause of the problem. “Get tough on… instead of seeking to understand, then solve the root cause of a problem”.

    Our soldiers have fought side-by-side with US military on MANY occasions, and honourably. Units like the SASR have played critical roles in Afghanistan, Iraq, and back a few years, in Vietnam. Regrettably, in campaigns I don’t believe we should have been involved in. I don’t have a problem with honourable men and women doing a shitty job on my behalf, and I respect those soldiers / sailors / aircrew.

    But I can’t say that the behaviour of the USA regards Abu Grabe(sp?) or Guantanamo impresses me at all. Look up Uighers, and ask yourselves whether their treatment in Guantanamo, and by your judicial system is OK.

    And PLEASE, don’t ever think of trotting out some crap about doing for humanitarian reasons, or WMD, or whatever, because if it was about doing the right thing by the people of the world, you’d have had troops into East Timor alonside us, and a lot earlier than we got involved. The Australian government only went to East Timor because the public shamed them into it, and now we are going to do our best to rip them off over their oil / gas reserves.

    By the way – the USA is one of, if not the biggest, holder of WMD. If you refuse to learn from history, you are damned to repeat the mistakes of others.

  144. Justice Me Says:


    All I can say is I hope no-one on this post finds you, I would help pay to send you to learn how life really works outside of your professor’s world.

  145. MikeMc Says:

    I live in Toronto. Like everywhere else outside the USA these days it’s a national sport blaming the USA for all of it’s short comings. I’ve heard all the complaints over and over again. But nobody ever talks about the alternative.

    I’ve been around for nearly 50 years and have paid attention to what is going on in this world. There are two truths I have come to realize.

    1) all people are the same
    Canada is officially a multicultural country. People are encouraged to come here and set up shop as though they were still back in the home country. The flood gates have been wide open to the world for the past 26 years with no concern for watching the door. We now have everything from soup to nuts living here in substantial numbers. I’ve gotten really use to being immersed in the sea of humanity. And I’ve learned from experience that people are all nothing more then a bunch of multicolored Homo sapiens with the exact same needs, hopes and faults. And that’s all there is to it.

    2) we really need to do away with the tribal system of countries and set up a new global living arrangement. One that allows all people to move about in designated areas, while protecting and conserving key areas of the planet to ensure the future viability of the planet.

    However, this is not going to happen any time soon. So the real question is what country is best suited to lead the planet right now. There is only one choice and that is the USA (with their baby brother Canada along for the ride in backpack). The reason being it is the only major country that represents the ideal global model. The population of the USA is made up of all the worlds races and cultures. People are as free as is possible for the current times. The government is as modern as any currently available, and is making a the best half assed, buggered up effort possible to take care of people’s needs while taking care of the environment.

    The alternative is China. Imagine a world where one corrupt to the core, backwards race and culture sets the policy for everybody else. We might as well call it a Nazi run planet.

    Thank God there is a USA to run the show.

    And by all means feel free to use the C130 gunship to blast out of existence all those tribal pains in a %^& fighting to turn this into a stone age, 1 race 1 religion, 1 culture show! Praise god and pass the ammunition!

  146. reynolds3928 Says:

    to colleen,
    my name is david reynolds,
    my father was a career marine officer, who served two tours in vien-nam.
    he told me once, that while he was there, his actions were obeyed without emotion at the time, even though what he was ordered to do went against every principle he was raised to hold dear. but, when he was “off-duty”,his prayer life grew. you see colleen, killing does come with a a price, even though it is ordered by a “superior” it is ultimately the one who performs the act,that is held accountable by the same God that commands “thou shalt not”. i personally saw this manifested in my father. i can think of so many times, during family activities, that although my father was present, he was not there. yes he was with the families that he risked his life to protect, but he was still “in country” even years later. i can think of times that he vividly described things he had done and was not proud of. it was like he was watching a movie and describing what he was seeing. colleen, i personally saw my father give these”commenteries” with tear filled eyes.
    yes colleen, a grown man, military officer, crying in remorse about doing things to protect the freedom of people like you. i hope you enjoy your liberty. i really hope you appreciate all that you have. men like my father risked it all for ungrateful people like you to complain about.
    war is ugly colleen, but, contrary to your popular belief, the price isnt paid by people like you, or your tax dollars. sometime, when you go to a store and you see a man or woman dressed in military clothing, you might want to approach them and hold out your hand to shake theirs and thank them for what they are doing. see if they refuse. they won’t hold it against you.
    and as you do this, remember the price they are paying is more than you’re worth. colleen, remember that there are only two people that would willingly die for you. Jesus christ, and an american GI.

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