British Government: Trailers Not Bioweapons Labs

Keeping the Bush administration’s track record perfect, a British government investigation has concluded that the two trailers in northern Iraq (the ones pointed to by Bush on the Polish stop of his recent European trip as the smoking gun in the Iraqi WMD hunt — “we’ve found ’em”) were in fact for producing hyrdogen gas for weather balloons: Iraqi mobile labs nothing to do with germ warfare, report finds.

Bush supporters seeking to reduce their cognitive dissonance are encouraged to focus on the source of this story (those left-leaning Brit journalists), or on the notion that the trailers were designed to be instantly convertible to bioweapons production at some hypothetical future date. But the pattern repeats, yet again: Big headline: POSSIBLE WMD DISCOVERY!!! Followup, weeks later: Oh, well, I guess not. But we’ll keep looking.

Yeah. You do that.

2 Responses to “British Government: Trailers Not Bioweapons Labs”

  1. Sean Says:

    I wonder who would believe them even if they did find something now. Who am I kidding, it doesnt matter anyway.

  2. Chuck Felts Says:

    I’m sure the Bush administration has a war plan to plant WMD “evidence” if it is really needed at election time. Bush doesn’t care about international opinion. American apathy being what it is, why bother to plant & reveal “evidence” now, taking the risk of being found out and having to mount a coverup operation this far ahead of the election? Save it for later. Richard Nixon was re-elected by a landslide after the Watergate break-in became public. Bush can count on doing the same thing.

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