Beers on Why He Quit Team Bush, Joined Team Kerry

Lots of people are linking to this article in the Washington Post, according to Daypop: Former aide takes aim at war on terror. Again, I’m seeing a big, powerful criticism of Bush emerging. It’s not just lefties concerned about Bush’s ferocious assault on progressive causes. It’s anyone who’s both concerned about terrorism, and smart enough to see that Bush’s approach to fighting it basically sucks.

2 Responses to “Beers on Why He Quit Team Bush, Joined Team Kerry”

  1. Adam Says:

    This is one of my favorite stories in a long time. Maybe this whole mess will have some positive impact after all.

  2. Sean Says:

    Yea, its nice to read that some people still have morals. Hopefully he is sincere and isnt just being paid off by kerry.

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