Comparing Bush to Hitler reader immy2g forwarded this link, from Jimmy Breslin, as printed in Newsday: Familiar, haunting words. It’s a transcript, mostly, of the speech Hitler gave the Reichstag on September 1, 1939, justifying the invasion of Poland that ushered in World War II. Paul Craig Roberts has a column running in the Washington Times that makes much the same case: That Bush, in using lies to present an aggressive invasion of another country as self-defense, is very much following in Hitler’s footsteps. By the rules of Internet debate, of course, the side that first plays the Hitler card automatically loses. But in this case, I can’t see any way to ignore the parallels. Yes, Bush has not yet gone as far as Hitler. But the people pulling his strings have a long list, and Iraq is just the beginning of it. The neocon chickenhawks who are currently running this country think war is a great thing (at least for the victors), and that even the rest of the world united against us can’t stand in the face of our supremely powerful industrial war machine. Where have we heard that before? As I write this, CNN is showing Baghdad under heavy bombardment, and running the celebratory infographic, “Shock & Awe Under Way.” God, this is awful. Bush is Hitler.

2 Responses to “Comparing Bush to Hitler”

  1. George Allen Says:

    Bush isusing HITLER TYPE OF methods

  2. June A Nelson Says:

    Keep up the good work David Corn. Thank for your intellectual courage

    I am 77 and tired of seeing our young men go off to war getting killled in good faith.

    How many generations, my father ww2 and husband.

    my sons and now their sons.

    how in God’s name did one man get the power to take the world to war? I do write and call our congressmen. Why won’t they quit giving Bush the ways and means, blank check resolutions and money?

    why can’t the reasonable politicans on both sides scream out loud, long and strong. Do you writers and the Nation have any clues why?

    anyway thanks to all of you for trying to get the word out. The tv. is next to useless.

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