anacondom: abrilliant-idea: Soon there will be people on the…

Sunday, August 17th, 2014



Soon there will be people on the internet that won’t understand this picture. 


An interesting thing about MySpace is that it both came and went really quickly. I was active as a user of and advocate for the web almost from its earliest days (1993-ish, which is not the very beginning, but close enough for the purpose of this discussion). And when MySpace came along I was already too old for it.

My online buddies and I joked about MySpace and looked down on it, because it had really poor visual design and usability. But it became super popular with a group of younger web users, a generation that hadn’t been through the formative years and earned their stripes the way we had, and beneath the flaws that made us scoff at it, it must have had something that that younger generation found compelling because it did quite well for a while.

And then it flamed out and died spectacularly.

So the interesting thing about this post for me is that I didn’t recognize what the image was until I looked it up, and then it made me smile, because yeah, there probably are a lot of people who have been using the web too short a time to know what this is. But there’s another group, including me, who have been using the web too _long_ a time to know what it is.

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