echojardini replied to your photo “Guess where I am. :-)”you’re at the getty! cool! say hi to…

Sunday, May 24th, 2015


replied to your photo

“Guess where I am. :-)”

you’re at the getty! cool! say hi to turner for me!

anonsally replied to your photo

“Guess where I am. :-)”

ooh, did you make it to the Getty like you said you might? I hope you’ll post a report! :)

It was awesome! I went with Linda and William, and we got there at 9:45 for the 10:00 opening, so we were basically in the first group through the doors at rope drop, if they had rope drop at museums.

We followed the herd up the stairs to the Turner exhibition, but the tide of humanity was too strong for my taste, so we bailed and went to find Manet’s “Spring”, which as you saw we succeeded at.

It was great being able to check out the Manet, and the Monets, and the Sargent that started me down the path of that particular obsession (go Thérèse, Countess Clary Aldringen!), with no one else around. I’ll make some posts later about some of the works I enjoyed most.

Later we visited a photography exhibition (Light, Paper, Process: Reinventing Photography), which William really liked. After lunch we went back to the Turner exhibition, which was crowded, it being its last day, but the crowds were moving more slowly now, and it worked better for me. There were so many beautiful paintings! It just went on, for room after room. I especially loved standing in front of Snow Storm – Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth. What a fabulous painting.


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