thebrainscoop: venomouswalrus: YES From Welcome to The Field…

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013




From Welcome to The Field Museum

Michael is so proud of the “Gaudy Chairs ‘n Lamps” because he made up that entire thing in post-production and IT LOOKS SO REAL. 

Also there’s a Blackhawk’s jersey on the baby statue in the shot with SUE that he colored green so it doesn’t stick out as much. 


Michael did a great job. But I’m pretty sure the punctuation mark on ‘n is backwards. It should be an apostrophe, not an opening singlequote. Not that it would matter to anyone but the old-school typographer who took me under his wing back when I was first learning this stuff.

The whole thing is kind of spectacular, though. Going from the leaky basement with sopping cardboard boxes and broken bottles to… this… is amazing. What an adventure.

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