flowersofantimony: Bundling goldenrod galls to…

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016


Bundling goldenrod galls to put in our nature elements section of the shop

#organic #floral #arrangement #nature #inspiredbynature #galls #goldenrod #plantlove #forestdweller #foraging

my kind of bouquet

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scienceisbeauty: The annual Small World Photomicrography…

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015

The eye of a honey bee covered in dandelion pollen.

A freshwater carnivorous plant known as a humped bladderwort.

Planktonic larva of a horseshoe worm.

Young buds of Arabidopsis, a flowering plant.

The spore capsule of a moss.

Fern sorus at varying levels of maturity.

Tentacles of a carnivorous plant.

The anthers of thale cress.

Feeding rotifers.

A starfish imaged using confocal microscopy.


The annual Small World Photomicrography Competition, as awesome as always.

Source & h/t HuffPost Science

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