“You can go on your date and be awesome. If it feels OK? Tell him about stuff you love—what you get…”

Friday, August 15th, 2014

“You can go on your date and be awesome. If it feels OK? Tell him about stuff you love—what you get excited about. Even if it’s not the stuff he gets excited about—your enthusiasm and joy will either win him over or at least charm him. If he’s like, “No, she likes all the stuff I don’t understand. And I can’t learn about it now.” Well he wasn’t a keeper anyway. Basically go in ready to have fun, have interesting conversations. Go in hoping to make a friend.”

imaginarycircus (via leslielikesthings)

Bringing this back for rosieramblings

(via leslielikesthings)

It worked for us!

(via wandering-not-so-lost)

Apparently I gave Leslie advice before a date last year and she shared it again yesterday. And I stuck it in my drafts folder and forgot about it. IDK. I’m posting it, but it’s

You know, I talk about David a lot, but what I don’t talk about that much these days are the 800 terrible boyfriends who came before him. I dated some real jerks. I almost married one of them. And for all I got super lucky with David—because he truly is the best thing to ever happen to me—it’s still hard work. We work at keeping our relationship happy and communicating effectively.

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(via imaginarycircus)

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1t8EtmL.