redshoesnblueskies: doctaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: Mad Max: Fury…

Friday, July 3rd, 2015



Mad Max: Fury Road behind the scenes,  or, “CGI? What CGI?”

It’s not that there’s no CGI in this movie – it’s just that he did it back-to-front

Just as he stood all story telling and character tropes on their heads, George Miller inverted conventional wisdom on practical vs. CGI.   Dangerous, explody, actors-flying-through-the-air, fire, apocalypticonvoy racing at 60kph across the landscape, dirt and fighting – all real.  Skyscapes, rock walled canyons and starry nights – all CGI/enhanced.

Explode things individually with extreme safety, composite them together in post, set against background of cgi enhanced landscape.  Color time for surreality, rotoscope for emotional devastation, bake at 350 for approximately 15 years – done!

redshoesnblueskies‘ last tag in particular:

#George Miller#post production#mad max#fury road#Fury Road: No Accidents

…is doubly perfect, in that 1) all the significant creative choices in the film come off as internally consistent and intentional, and 2) former-ER-physician Miller has said more than once how proud he is that despite a months-long shoot with big stunts nearly every day there were no serious injuries or broken bones on-set.

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