marykatewiles: yulinkuang: I Didn’t Write This is a new…

Monday, May 12th, 2014



I Didn’t Write This is a new literary adaptation series in which I adapt and direct excerpts of poetry and literature written by other people. Basically one long commercial for why we read. My goal is to get parts of poetry and literature stuck in your head like a good song. Or John Mulaney’s standup. 

Sometimes I say things at the end of the videos; you don’t have to watch those parts. New episodes every Friday, until we run out of world enough and time. Subscribe, maybe? 

Also I’m using “yulinisworking” as the official Tumblr tag on this series, because IDWT and “I Didn’t Write This” get a decent amount of outside traffic as it is.

I Didn’t Write This – Ep. 2: As I Walked Out One Evening by W.H. Auden

Directed by Yulin Kuang

Starring Mary Kate Wiles and Sean Persaud

Shot by Zack Wallnau
Styled by Julika Engols
Sound by Justin Lee Dixon

I first discovered W.H. Auden back in high school, when this boy (who I had a giant crush on) put a quote from an Auden poem in his Facebook profile. I never mentioned it to said crush, but I ended up reading a whole bunch of Auden because of him, and that worked out because Auden is a pretty rad poet who doesn’t get enough love, in my opinion. I rediscovered this poem while reading John Green’s Looking for Alaska and so I had Sean record it and here we are.

We filmed this on location in Solstice Canyon in Malibu, California. It’s a really pretty hiking spot that ends up at the ruins of this 1950’s mansion, and then you can scramble up through the backyard onto these different waterfall landings. Highly recommend if you’re in the area.

Reblog and tell me your thoughts about the poem, about your favorite lines, about this adaptation, I would love to hear them!

Full text of “As I Walked Out One Evening”, by W. H. Auden

Much love,

Yulin Kuang

I didn’t promote these at the time because they feature Sean and me and I wanted to save the suspense of seeing us together for the end of our KitR chapter, but now that that’s over, if you haven’t checked these out yet, they’re lovely little visualizations of poems by Yulin, as well as some YA passages as well. This one in particular is my favorite, but head on over to her channel and check them all out.

This one is also my favorite. Sometimes I say that facetiously (“This is my favorite! And this one too! And this one over here! They’re all my favorite!”), but in this case I mean it literally. (Literally literally).

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