griseus: Birds play very important roles in their ecosystems!…

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014


Birds play very important roles in their ecosystems! For example, this endemic Juan Fernandez Firecrown (Sephanoides fernandensis),  found only on Robinson Crusoe Island in Chile, is dusted in pollen and pollinates plants as he flies from flower to flower searching for nectar.

This rare bird is threatened by invasive species present on the island, which destroy the native habitat the firecrown depends on for survival.

Pictured here is a male firecrown

  • Photo: Rory Stansbury

“In” Chile only in the sense of being officially part of Chile; the island is several hundred miles off the coast.

According to Wikipedia, as of the most-recent census in 2002 only 200 individuals (including 60 females) remained.

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