yulinkuang: lies: randomrazl: crrocs: What if everyone’s parents start getting tumblr like they…

Friday, March 14th, 2014





What if everyone’s parents start getting tumblr like they did with Facebook


My poor children are living this nightmare as we speak.

Hahaha lies, do your kids have tumblrs and if so are you active in any of the same fandoms? Things I sometimes wonder.

Both my children have tumblrs. There’s some fandom overlap, especially in the case of my daughter; I’ve occasionally reblogged her, and vice-versa. My son I suspect sees tumblr more as a way to stay in touch with his friends without having parents around. He covets the ‘lies’ tumblr URL, though, so at least we have that in common.

I’m a huge fan of both of them. But as with any small, intense fandom, there’s sometimes drama, and the power imbalance between creator and fan can make things complicated.

Each of them, on separate occasions, has changed tumblr URL without linking the new one to the old, and without telling me what the new one is. I‘m trying to take the hint.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1e1HXBv.